The Rules of Pumpkin Patch Nomic

INITIAL SET of rules for Pumpkin Patch NOMIC

Immutable Rules


All players must always abide by the rules then in effect, in the
form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the Initial Set
The rules in the Initial Set are in effect at the beginning of
the game. The Initial consists of rules I-101 thru I-117
(immutable) and M-201 thru M-220 (mutable).


Initially, rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the
200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted (that
is, changed from immutable to mutable, or vice versa) regardless of
their numbers. 'I-' and 'M-' preceding a rule number indicates
immutability or mutability, respectively.


(a) At any time, each player shall be either a Voter or the Pumpkin;
no player may simultaneously be a Voter and a Pumpkin at the same
time. At any time there shall be exactly one Pumpkin.

(b) The term 'player' in the game shall include both the Voters and the Pumpkin.


The Pumpkin for the first game shall be John Coffman.


A rule change shall be any of the following:

(a) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; or

(b) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.


All the rule changes proposed in the proper and legal way shall
submitted for a vote by the Pumpkin. They will be adopted if and
only if they receive the required number of votes and quorum is


Any proposed rule change must be communicated to the players in proper
written form (electronic or print media) before it is voted on.
If adopted, it must guide play in the form in which it was voted on.


No rule change may take effect earlier than the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording explicitly states otherwise. No rule may have retroactive application.


(a) The Pumpkin shall give each proposed rule change a number for reference. The
numbers shall begin with M-301, and each rule change proposed in the proper
way shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not the proposal is

(b) If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the proposal
to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it receives the number of
the proposal to amend or transmute it.


Rule changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules may be adopted
if and only if the vote is unanimous among votes legally cast. Transmutation
shall not be implied, but must be stated explicitly in a proposal to take


In a conflict between a mutable rule and an immutable rule, the immutable
rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be entirely void. For
purposes of this rule, a proposal to transmute an immutable rule does not
"conflict" with that immutable rule.


[Intentionally left blank.]


A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to
play or incur a penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgment of
the player to incur it, may be imposed.


There must always be at least one mutable rule.


The adoption of rule changes may never become completely impermissible.


Rule changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply rule changes are as
permissible as other rule changes. Even rule changes that amend or repeal
their own authority are permissible. No rule change or type of move is
impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of
a rule.


Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is legally permitted and
unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules, which is
permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly permits

[Originally I-118] Transmuted into a mutable rule by M-375, Amended by M-403, M-458

The rights of any players to establish, maintain, or in any other manner conduct letter product or language economies, including the right to freely trade letter products, shall not be infringed.

Mutable Rules


The state of affairs that constitutes winning may not be altered from
achieving 'n' points to any other state of affairs. The magnitude of 'n' and
the means of earning points may be changed, and rules that establish a winner
when play cannot continue may be enacted and (while they are mutable) be
amended or repealed.


Quorum for a proposed rule change is defined to be 30% of Voters at the
beginning of the prescribed voting period for that proposal.


All players begin with 0 points. Points may not be gained, lost, or traded
except as explicitly stated in the rules.

[Originally M-203] Amended by M-454, M-460

(a) The winner is the first Voter to achieve 100 (positive) points. If more than
one Voter achieves this condition simultaneously, all such Voters win.

(b) When a game ends in this manner (at least one Voter has at least 100 points),

(1) If there is only one winner, that Voter becomes the Pumpkin,
and the old Pumpkin becomes a Voter;

(2) If there is more than one winner, the Pumpkin randomly selects
one of the winners to become the new Pumpkin, and the old
Pumpkin becomes a Voter;

(3) All players' scores are reset to 0 points;

(4) A new game is begun. All rules and porposed rule changes
retain the status they had at the end of the old game.

[Originally M-204] Amended by M-369

(a) A proposal shall be made by submitting it to the Pumpkin in written form
(electronic or print media).

(b) Only Voters may make proposals.

(c) No Voter may propose to change more than three rules or subsections of a rule
within a one week period.

(d) After reciept of a proposal, the Pumpkin shall assign the proposal a number
and distribute the proposal to all players, along with its assigned number and
announcement of the proper voting deadline.


"The prescribed voting period for any proposal shall be at least four days
long, but shorter than twelve days, beginning from the time that Pumpkin
distributes that proposal. The Pumpkin shall establish a regular day of
the week as Election Day, which shall serve as the voting deadline for
any proposal distributed at least four days prior to that particular
Election Day."

[NOTE: For the first game, each Sunday shall be Election Day, with a time of day deadline of 6:00 p.m. CST each Sunday]

[Originally M-206] Amended by M-413

Each Voter has exactly one vote per proposal. The Pumpkin may not vote.


Voters may vote either for or against any proposal within its prescribed
voting period. In order to be legally cast, the vote must be recieved by the
Pumpkin by the end of the prescribed voting period. The Pumpkin may not
reveal any votes until the end of prescribed voting period. Any voter who
does not legally vote within the prescribed period shall be deemed to have


At the end of the prescribed voting period on a proposal, the Pumpkin shall
reveal all votes legally cast on that proposal. If the Pumpkin's consent may
be required for a proposal to be adopted, then the Pumpkin should indicate at
that time whether or not the Pumpkin gives consent.


The required votes for a proposal to be adopted is as follows:
(a) For a proposal which would directly alter the actions which are required of
and/or forbidden to the Pumpkin:
(1) a simple majority of all votes legally cast, if the Pumpkin
consents; or
(2) a 2/3 majority of all votes legally cast, if the Pumpkin does not

(b) For all other proposals, a simple majority of votes legally cast.

(c) This rule defers to rules which set the required number of votes for
proposals which propose to transmute a rule.


An adopted rule change takes full effect at the moment of the completion of
the vote that adopted it.

[Originally M-211] Amended by M-326

(a) Voters who voted against proposals which are adopted recieve 5 points apiece.

(b) Players whose proposals are adopted shall receive a random number of points
in the range of 1-10 points inclusive.

(c) Players whose proposals are not adopted shall lose 10 points.


(a) If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more
immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest
ordinal number takes precedence.

(b) If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it
defers to another rule (or type of rule), or takes precedence over another
rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supercede the numerical
method for determining precedence.

(c) If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another or defer to
one another, then the numerical method again governs.

[Originally M-213] Amended by M-457

(a) If players disagree about the legality of a move or the interpretation or
application of a rule, then a player may invoke judgment by submitting a
statement (Call For Judgment, or CFJ) to the Pumpkin. Disagreement, for the
purpose of this rule, may be created by the insistence of any player. When
judgment is invoked, the Pumpkin must, as soon as possible, select a Judge by
the method prescribed in the rules. The Pumpkin must then distribute the
statement to be judged, along with the identity of the Judge, to all players.

(b) All CFJ statements must be grammatically phrased as a question that could be logically answered TRUE or FALSE, or else the CFJ statement is improper.

(c) The Pumpkin shall not distribute a CFJ statement that is improper.

[Originally M-214] Amended by M-465

(a) The first Judge selected to judge a CFJ statement shall be a random player who did not invoke judgment on that particular statement.

(b) If the Call For Judgment (CFJ) involves a disagreement about whether a move
made by the current Pumpkin was forbidden, then the Pumpkin must select a random Voter as Judge for that particular statement.

(c) In all cases, if a Judge beyond the first must be selected to judge a
CFJ statement, the selected Judge shall be a randomly selected Voter, provided that the selected Judge must not be the player most recently selected as Judge for that
statement, nor may e be the player who invoked judgment.

[Originally M-215] Amended by M-325

(a) After the Pumpkin has distributed the statement to be judged along with the
identity of the Judge, the Judge has a one week deadline in which to deliver a legal

(b) A legal judgment must be delayed at least three days from the date
that the Pumpkin distributed the statement to be judged.

(c) If the Judge fails to deliver a judgment within the legally prescribed time
frame, the Judge is penalized 10 points and a subsequent Judge must be selected as prescribed in the rules.


(a) A legal judgment must be either TRUE, FALSE, or UNDECIDED.

(b) If a judgment is ruled UNDECIDED, a subsequent Judge shall be selected as
prescribed in the rules.


The judgment may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but such reasons and
arguments form no part of the judgment itself. If a judgment is accompanied
by reasons and arguments, the Pumpkin must distribute them along with the


All judgments must be in accordance with the rules; however, if the rules are
silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement to be judged, then the
Judge shall consider game custom, legislative history, and the spirit of the
game before applying other standards.


In addition to duties that may be listed elsewhere in the rules, the Pumpkin
shall have the following duties:
(a) register new players;
(b) maintain a list of all players, their current status, their
current scores, and make the list available to all players;
(c) maintain a complete list of the current rules, and make such a
list available to all players; and
(d) make a random determination whenever such determination is
required by the rules.


If a player believes that the rules are such that further play is impossible,
or that the legality of a move cannot be determined with finality, or that a
move appears equally legal and illegal, then the player may invoke judgment
on a CFJ statement to that effect. If the statement is judged TRUE, then the
player who invoked judgment shall be declared the winner of the game, and
the game shall end, with no provision for starting another game. This rule
takes precedence over every other rule determining the winner of the game.

End of Initial Set

[Originally M-304] Amended by M-315, M-335, M-341, M-350, M-357.
Repealed by M-371 and M-381

The four classes of commodities defined in the following subsections
(i.e., letter products, labor points, letter farms, and word machines)
may be owned by players, exchanged between players, given by one player
to another, or exchanged for any other commodity or value which may pass
from the hands of one player to another according to the rules. The
possession of any or all of these four classes of commodities may be
related to the victory conditions.

At the time this rule is enacted, all current players who wish to may
choose a letter of the alphabet and receive a letter farm of that flavor
and five letter-products of that flavor by sending a message containing
their choice of letter to the secretary of the economy. At any time a
player who has not yet received such a grant of a letter farm and
letter-products may choose a letter and receive a letter farm of that
flavor and five letter-products of that flavor.

Wherever the following subsections refer to a "turn," the word "turn"
refers to the period from Monday to the end of the voting period on Sunday.

(a) Letter-products:

Letter-products come in twenty-six flavors which correspond to the
letters of the alphabet. Any player may accumulate letter-products
throughout the course of the game in his or her "stock" of
letter-products, and any player may own any number of letter-products of
any number of different flavors. The ownership of one or more
letter-products of a given flavor does not prohibit other players from
owning letter-products of that same flavor. If at any time a player eats
letter-products, transfers letter-products to the stock of another
player, or makes any of his or her letter-products part of a
word-machine, he or she must subtract those letter-products from his or
her letter-stock. All players retain their stock of letter products from
one game to another.

For example, at a given point in the game player 1 might own ten A's,
twelve B's, and fifteen C's. This would not prohibit any other player
from owning A's, B's, or C's. If player 1 wanted to give some other
player some of my A's, she would substract them from her stock of A's and
the other player would add them to hers.

By "eating" any 4 of his or her letter-products (i.e., by subtracting
four letter-products from his or her stock without transfering them to
anotherplayer or making them a part of a word machine), a player may gain
1 labor point. By eating a "varied diet" of 4 letter products of 4
*different* flavors (for example, an A, a B, a C, and a D) a player may
gain 2 labor points. A player may never gain more than 2 labor points per
turn by eating letter-products.

The state of a player's stock of letter products may never limit his or
her ability to propose Nomic rules or his or her ability to use language
to communicate with the other players. It may, however, limit his or her
ability to assemble word machines or other linguistic commodities which
can be traded, bought, sold, exchanged, or given.

(b) Labor Points:

Labor points represent the ability to perform certain actions. The
following actions require the expenditure of 1 labor point on the part of
the player who performs them:

--working a letter farm (see below).
--adding or subtracting any number of letter-products to or from a single
word machine during a single turn.
--changing the flavor of a single letter product (e.g., changing an S
into an E).
--destroying one letter product belonging to one other player.

The following actions require the expenditure of 4 labor points:

--creating a new letter farm (the flavor to be determined by the player
spending the labor points to create the farm)
--destroying a letter farm belonging either to oneself or another player.
--destroying a word machine belonging either to onself or another player
(that is, eliminating from the game all of the letter-products which
compose the machine).

Labor points may be traded, bought, sold, exchanged or given, but they
may not be accumulated from turn to turn. All labor points cease to exist
at the conclusion of each turn's voting period. A player may only spend
labor points in his or her own stock of labor points--i.e., labor points
produced through his or her own consumption of letter products, or labor
points transferred to his or her stock of labor points by another player.

Actions which DO NOT require the expenditure of labor points include (but
are not limited to): proposing NOMIC rules; buying, selling, trading,
exchanging, or giving letter products, labor points, letter farms, word
machines, or any other commodity.

(c) Letter Farms:

Letter farms produce letter-products. Like letter-products, farms come in
twenty-six flavors corresponding to the letters of the alphabet. Any
given farm produces only letter-products of the same flavor as the farm,
and a farm's flavor never changes. Each letter farm can produce a maximum
of five letter products of its flavor every turn. In order to produce
letter-products from one of his or her farms, a player must spend 1 labor
point to "work the farm." A farm produces no letter products during any
turn in which its owner does not spend a labor point to work a farm, and
it produces 5 letter products during each turn in which its owner does
work the farm. Thus an A farm would produce five A letter products every
turn its owner spent a labor point on working the farm. Letter-products
produced by a farm are added to the letter-product stock of the player
who owns the farm. All players retain their letter farms from one game to

A player may start a new letter farm of any flavor by spending 4 labor
points from his stock.

(d) Word Machines:

A word machine consists of a list of words. Each word in the list must
differ from the words preceding it and following it by only a single
letter. That is, every word in the machine (except the first word, which
can be anything) must consist of the same letters, in the same order, as
the previous word in the list, with the exception of either one letter
which has been added to the previous word or one letter which has been
changed. For example,
would be a valid word machine.

By spending 1 labor point a player may build, add to, and/or subtract
from a single word machine during a single turn using any of the
letter-products in his stock. Building a word machine consists of
subtracting from one's stock of letter-products letter-products equal in
number and flavor to all of the letters in a valid word machine and then
adding that machine to one's stock of machines. Adding to a word machine
consists of adding letters to a word machine in one's stock of word
machines in such a way that the machine is still a valid machine when all
additions and subtractions for the turn have been completed, and then
subtracting from one's letter stock letter-products equal in number and
flavor to the letters added to that machine. Subtracting from a word
machine consists of removing letters from a word machine in one's stock
of word machines in such a way that the machine is still a valid machine
when all additions and subtractions for the turn have been completed, and
then adding to one's letter stock letter-products equal in number and
flavor to the letters added to that machine.

By spending 1 labor point and subtracting from his or her letter stock
letter-products equal in number and flavor to all of the letters in the
first line of the word machine, a player may add to his or her
letterstock letter products equal in number and flavor to the letters on
the last line of the machine. So, for example, if a player had the above
"a at bat bar" word machine, he or she could spend 1 labor point, feed
one of his or her A's into the machine, and get a B, an A, and an R out
of the machine that he or she would then add to his or her stock of
letter-products. A word machine may be used any number of times.

Each line in the word machine must be a word in the Oxford English
Dictionary. Players may add new lines onto their word machines, as long
as the new lines are valid words. Word machines can be used in the same
turn in which they are built or altered.

(e) Any of the actions described above may be taken by a player in any
order during a turn, provided that the order of actions does not violate
any of the above rules (a player may not, for example, expend labor
points before he or she eats letter-products to create them or has labor
points transferred to his or her stock by another player).

By the end of the voting period for every turn, every player who has
performed economic activity in the course of the turn must submit a
report of economic activity to the secretary of the economy. The report
must list the following items in the following order:

(1) A complete description of the player's letter-product stock, word
machine stock (with all word machines spelled out completely), and letter
farm stock as they stood at the beginning of the turn.
(2) A complete list of every economic action taken by the player during
the turn together with the time at which each action was taken.
(3) A complete description of the player's letter-product stock, word
machine stock (with all word machines spelled out completely), and letter
farm stock as they stand at the beginning of the turn.

If a player performs economic actions but fails to submit a report, it
shall be as if the actions were never performed.

[An example report of economic activity:

Beginning of turn:
6 A's, 1 T
1 A farm
No machines

Economic actions:
Monday, 6 pm: traded 1 A for 1 X with Tony.
Tuesday, 4 pm: traded 1 A for 1 B with Alix.
Wednesday, 2 am: traded 1 A for 1C with Brandon.
Thursday, 8pm: ate 1 A, 1 X, 1 B, 1 C for 2 labor points
Thursday, 8pm: Spent 1 labor point to assemble the following word
Thursday, 8pm: Spent 1 labor point to work the A farm.

End of turn:
5 A's
1 A farm
1 machine:

By midnight on Sunday the secretary of the economy shall mail to all
players a composite report of economic activity containing all of the
information in all of the individual reports.

(f) Until the manner of choosing the secretary of the economy is
specified further by the rules, the secretary of the economy shall be
David Westbrook.

(g) Until the relation between economic activity and victory conditions
is specified further by the rules, at the end of each turn every player
will receive a number of points equal to the number of letter-products in
his or her stock of letter-products.

[Originally M-305] Amended by M-351

Any pumpkin who violates the provisions of M-207 by revealing
votes legally cast before the end of the prescribed voting period shall
automatically forfeit the office of the pumpkin. Upon such forfeiture,
Kurtis shall, at random, appoint a new pumpkin. The player so appointed
new pumpkin shall thereupon assume the duties and powers of the pumpkin
and the player who forfeited the office shall become a voting player.
The consent of the pumpkin shall not be necessary for passage of this rule.


The device for an armorial achievement for pumpkin patch nomic
is as follows: Pumpkins, parted per orange, on the dexter side; gules,
two rabbits nibbling on carrots, pussant guardant, proper on a chief
engrailed; azure, a crescent argent; on the sinister side, argent, a
picture of an exposed brain, the whole within a
band inscribed with the words "Pumpkinis Pur Cause de Vicinage" (meaning
"Pumpkins because of our neighborhood"). For the
crest, over a jack-o-lantern full-faced, grated with seven stars; or, on
a cloud proper, from which ascends a star argent, and above it a
constellation of no more than nine stars, argent, on an azure field,
surrounded by a cloud proper. Supporters on each side, the vines of
pumpkins growing, with a scroll, inscribed with the motto "Ex Legibus"
(meaning "according to rules"), and under the scrolls the numericals
"1996". The great seal of pumpkin nomic shall be engraved as to present
by its impression the device of the armorial achievement aforesaid,
surrounded by a scroll inscribed with the words, "THE GREAT SEAL OF
PUMPKIN NOMIC" in roman capitals, which seal shall be in circular form
and protected by the pumpkin.


No rule shall be passed subsequent to this rule, whether immutable or
mutable, which shall contain more than 500 words. For the purposes of
this rule a "word" shall be interpreted to include numerals. All rules
existing at the time this rule is enacted shall be unaffected by this rule.


The Pumpkin may conduct a sweepstakes or lottery in the pumpkin patch.
The sweepstakes or lottery must be based, at least in part, on random
determination or determinations. All players are eligible to play. No
player is required to participate nor shall any player be penalized for
not participating. The prize or prizes may consist of points, or of some
other reward, bonus, or benefit, or of some combination of points and
some other reward, bonus, or benefit.


All players are initially located in the Pumpkin Patch. Any player may, at
any time, move to any other existing location by notifying the Speaker.
Players may only be in one location at a time. New locations may be created
only explicitly as part of a new rule or rule change. New locations must be
distinguished by some unique attribute.

[Originally M-313] Amended by M-359

Dave Westbrook is and shall always be Secretary of the Economy and thus
shall be bound by the responsibilties and duties of the Secretary of the

[Originally M-315] (Amends M-304) Amended by M-341

The sentence "If a player performs economic actions but fails to submit a
report, it shall be as if the actions were never performed" from section
e of rule M-304 shall be amended to read:

"a) Economic actions which fail to appear on any economic report will be
considered not to have occurred. If one party to a transaction notes the
transaction on his or her report, that transaction will be considered to
have occured unless other parties to the transaction notify the Secretary
of the Economy within two days after the deadline for submitting economic
reports that the transaction did not occur.

b) If parties to a transaction disagree over whether or not a transaction
occurred, the Secretary of the Economy must decide within four days after
the deadline for submitting economic reports whether or not the
transaction occurred. In the case of such a dispute, all parties to the
transaction must be notified of the dispute and given the opportunity to
present evidence to the Secretary of the Economy."

[Originally M-321] Amended by M-389

(a) A new player registers with the Pumpkin by formally requesting, in
written form (electronic or print media), to begin playing the game.

(b) Each new player must be introduced, in written form (electronic or
print media), by the Pumpkin within two days of the new player's

(c) A new player shall be considered a "new player" until after seven days
have passed since being introduced by the Pumpkin to all other players.

(d) A new player has all rights as a player with the following exceptions:
(1) New players are not voters.
(2) New players may not be Judges
(3) New players may not be Pumpkin

(e) This rule takes precedence over I-103

[Originally M-322] Amended by M-330, M-341

One player shall be employed as the Patch's CFJ Archivist so that CFJ
Judges may consult previous discussion and history in accordance with rule
-CFJ Archivist will store legal briefs and discussion
regarding each CFJ topic and provide these materials upon request of CFJ

-CFJ Archivist will receive 1 point per CFJ in payment for
his or her services to the Patch in this position. This payment remains
fixed without respect to theamount of discussion generated by a CFJ.

- An individual CFJ Archivist will hold this position for
the duration of the point game, i.e. until the victory conditions have
been satisfied so that scores are cleared and the next round of point
accumulation begins.

-At such time as the victory conditions are met the position
of CFJ Archivist may remain in office if he or she is so willing, and if
there is no other player ready to assume archivial duties.

-Should conflict arise between two or more players wanting
to fill this position the interested parties will submit to a random
determination decision by Kurtis Altis in order to choose the Archivist.

[Originally M-324] Amended by M-356

1. Pursuant to M-311, a new location is hereby created, to be known as
"The Pokey". Any player may be banished from the patch to the pokey for
a determinate time by a majority polling of all other players or upon the
signing of a petition by a majority of all other players. After the term
of such incarceration, the incarcerated player shall return to the patch.
2. No rights of citizenship in the patch shall be affected by a
player's incarceration in the pokey, however, the player banished to the
pokey shall be the subject of general ridicule and mockery for the
duration of such incarceration.
3. The Pumpkin shall have the power to pardon any player banished to the
pokey and the power to commute the duration of any sentence of any player
banished to the pokey.

M-325 (amends M-215)

Section (c) of M-215 shall be replaced by the following:

"(c) If the Judge fails to deliver a judgment within the legally
prescribed time frame, or fails to delay judgment at least three days
from the date that the Pumpkin distributed the statement to be judged,
the Judge is penalized 10 points and a subsequent Judge must be selected
as prescribed in the rules."

M-326 (amends M-211)

Section (c) of M-211 shall be amended to read

"(c) Players whose proposals are not adopted shall lose a random number of
points in the range of 1-10 points inclusive."


After a proposal has been accepted, the Pumpkin shall name the new rule. In
order to help Voters remember and discuss rules, the new name should reflect
the nature of the rule.

[Originally M-330] (Amends M-322) Amended by M-341

The third paragraph of M-322, better known as the CFJ Archivist proposal,
shall be amended to read as follows.

-CFJ Archivist will receive 2 points per turn in payment for
their services to the Patch in this position. This payment remains
fixed without respect to the amount of discussion generated by a CFJ.


The Patch Bastard Rule----------

At any time in the patch there will be exactly one "Patch Bastard", who
may, either at the bequest of another or for any other reason, air a
grievance with reckless disregard for the feelings of others. This "Bastard"
will be appointed by the patch by a majority vote, and cannot refuse the
title. The title will remain with the appointed "Bastard" until the patch
decides by majority vote, that it needs a new "Bastard".
The "Bastard" is neither obligated in any way to do any work, nor
recieves any point compensation for duties fulfilled. All correspondence
with the "Bastard" will begin with the phrase "Hey You Bastard".

[Originally M-335] "The Points-for-Products Rule" (Amends the rule originally numbered M-304) Amended by M-341

Section (g) of M-315, better known as the Letterfarm Omnibus, shall be
amended to read:

(g) Players may exchange letter-products for points. Players who wish to
exchange letter-products for points will subtract from their stock
letter-products equal in number to the amount of points they wish to
receive and include this exchange in their economic report. The
Secretary of the Economy will notify the Pumpkin of the exchange in the
Composite Report of Economic Activity and the Pumpkin will award that
player a number of points equal to the number of letter-products given in
exchange. Letter-products so exchanged will cease to exist.

[Originally M-338] Amended by M-342

This Game Shall be called Pumkin Patch Nomic.

M-341 "Vine Cabinet Bill" (Amends M-304, M-315, the rule originally numbered M-322, M-330, M-335)

(a) The following offices shall exist:

(1) The Gourd shall maintain a current list of registered players and
their e-mail addresses. The Gourd shall send an informational welcome
message to all new players.

(2) The Calabash shall receive proposals submitted by voters and
distribute them for voting. The duties and responsibilities of the
Pumpkin in I-109, M-204, and M-205 shall be understood to be delegated to
the Calabash.

(3) The Squash shall maintain a record of point tallies. After the
Pumpkin posts election results, the Squash shall be responsible for the
assignment of points gained and lost as a result of the election. The
Squash shall post a weekly point tally as soon as possible after the
election results are posted. The Squash, when at all possible, shall
maintain the current method of random determination. The current Squash
is John Coffman.

(4) The Jack O'Lantern, wearing a frown, shall tally signatures on a
petition for a player to go to the Pokey and announce whenever a player
has been sent to the Pokey. The Jack O'Lantern shall maintain a record of
all Pokey petitions. For each five terms in the Pokey a player shall be
penalized 5 points. The Jack O'Lantern, wearing a smile, shall also tally
signatures on a petition for a player to be applauded, such player to be
referred to as a Slick Seed, and shall maintain a record of all Slick
Seed petitions. Whenever a majority of players has signed the petition,
the Jack O'Lantern shall announce that a player has been designated a
Slick Seed. For each five times that a player has been designated a Slick
Seed, that player shall receive 5 points.

(5) The Melonhead shall maintain the current and updated rules of
Pumpkin Patch Nomic on the world-wide web. The current Melonhead is Tony

(6) The phrase "CFJ Archivist" shall be replaced in all existing
rules with the word "Honeydew." The current Honeydew is Michele Keele.

(7) The phrase "Secretary (or "secretary") of the Economy (or
"economy")" shall be replaced in all existing rules with the word "Spud."
The current Spud is David Westbrook.

(8) The Zuke Suit shall administer sweepstakes and lotteries under
the powers granted to the Pumpkin in M-309. The Zuke Suit is prohibited
from entering any game under eir direction.

(b) All players willing to hold a vacant office shall notify the Pumpkin
within four days of the announcement of such vacancy. After the four day
period the Pumpkin shall conduct a special election to fill the vacancy.
The prescribed voting period shall be at least five days long, but
shorter than eight days. After the election results are posted the
candidate with the most votes shall take office immediately. A player may
resign from an office at any time. While an office is vacant, the Pumpkin
shall fulfill the duties of that office. The Pumpkin may not appoint a
player to an office. This rule takes precedence over any conflicting rule.

M-342 (Amends M-338)

The official name of the game shall be "Pumpkin Patch Nomic". This shall
amend M-338.


a) Players may create a corporation by notifying all players of the
corporation's name and listing the players who compose the corporation.
No corporation may assume a name identical to the name of an existing
corporation or player. Every player listed as a member of the corporation
must agree to be so listed in order for the corporation to be formed.

b) A corporation shall be considered to be a player solely with respect
to its ability to own property, its ability to participate in economic
transactions, its ability to spend labor points, and its ability. No
corporation shall have the ability to eat letter products, the ability to
create labor points, the right to vote, the right to an initial grant of
a letter farm and five letter products, or any other ability, right, or
benefit accorded to players except for the ability to own, transfer,
receive, and use property and the ability to make decisions with regard
to the management of its own internal affairs.

c) A corporation may at any time enact a charter if a majority of its
members agree on the text of the charter. All members of a corporation
are legally bound by the text of its charter. If the charter conflicts
with the rules, the rules always take precedence. Unless the charter
specifies otherwise, a charter may be amended if a majority of the
corporation's members agree on the text of the amendment. The current
text of a corporation's charter must be made available to all players if
any player requests that the charter be made public.

d) Unless the corporation's charter specifies otherwise, a corporation
performs any legally permissible action to which a majority of its
members actively consent.

e) A player may be made a member of a corporation at any time if both the
corporation and the player joining the corporation consent. Provided that
both the corporation and the player consent, a player becomes a member of
the corporation as soon as the player notifies all players that he or she
is joining the corporation. If the corporation has a charter, the joining
player is legally bound by the terms of the charter as soon as he or she
announces his or her membership. A corporation may not join itself.

f) A player is severed from a corporation as soon as either the
corporation or the player notifies all players of the player's severance.
The player ceases to be legally bound by the terms of the charter as soon
as his or her severance is announced. Any player may at any time leave a
corporation. No player may be forced to join a corporation or to remain a
member of a corporation.

g) A corporation must submit an economic report in the same manner as any
player. A corporation may also submit a report on behalf of any member
who agrees to have his or her report submitted by the corporation.


(a) A singular entity exists that is called the Hot Tamale. As soon as this
rule becomes effective, a randomly assigned player shall be "handed" the
Hot Tamale. The only methods of lawfully ridding oneself of the Hot Tamale
are described in this rule.

(b) The Hot Tamale may be "handed off" to a willing recipient player.
This action may be part of a trade or a gift. A player who "hands
off" the Hot Tamale shall be awarded two points, but shall not receive
more than two points in this fashion during any one turn.

(c) The Hot Tamale may be "tossed" at an unwilling player by expending 10
points. This action may only be performed once per turn. The unwillimg
player must accept a "tossed" Hot Tamale.

(d) If the player who leads the game in points possesses the Hot Tamale
immediately after an Election Day, this player is penalized 7 points. If any
other player possesses the Hot Tamale immediately after Election Day,
that player is penalized 3 points.

M-346 "Public Salaries Rule." Repealed by M-373 and M-382. Reenacted and amended by M-436.

The players holding the following official positions shall receive 2 points,
and no more than 2 points, at the very end of each turn, in compensation for
holding the office and performing the duties required of the office
during that turn under the rules:

(a) The Pumpkin

(b) The Guord

(c) The Squash

(d) The Calabash

(e) The Jack 'O Lantern

(f) The Honeydew

(g) The Melonhead,

(h) The Spud, and

(i) any other office hereinafter created by rule which is designated as a
member of the Vine Cabinet.

M-350 (Amends the rule originally numbered M-304)

(a) The line "--destroying a word machine belonging either to oneself or
another player (that is, eliminating from the game all of the
letter-products which compose the machine)" will be removed from the
following passage in section (b) of that rule originally numbered M-304
(i.e., the Omnibus Letter-Farm Rule):

"The following actions require the expenditure of 4 labor points:
--creating a new letter farm (the flavor to be determined by the player
spending the labor points to create the farm)
--destroying a letter farm belonging either to oneself or another player.
--destroying a word machine belonging either to onself or another player
(that is, eliminating from the game all of the letter-products which
compose the machine)."

(b) A new line shall be inserted into that rule originally numbered M-304
(i.e., the Omnibus Letter-Farm Rule), immediately after the above quoted
passage, that will read:

"In order to destroy a word machine belonging either to oneself or
another player (that is, in order to eliminate from the game all of the
letter-products which compose the machine) a player must expend a number
of labor points equal to the number of lines in the word machine plus two."

M-351 (Amends M-305)

M-305 shall be amended to read:
"Any pumpkin who is found to have violated the provisions of M-207 by
revealing votes legally cast before the end of the prescribed voting
period will be penalized two letter products. This penalty will be
exacted by the Jack O'Lantern, in cooperation with the Spud. Two letter
products of the Jack O'Lantern's choosing will be erased from the
Pumpkin's letter stock and removed from the game. If the Pumpkin has no
letter products in her or his letter stock, then the penalty will be
exacted as soon as she or he possesses two letter products."

[Originally M-353] Amended by M-364, M-367

(a) The Critter Zone shall be a new location separate and distinct from
the Pumpkin Patch. The Critter Zone initially contains a FLY.

(b) A player can expend a labor point to assemble a critter out of eir
letter product stock and place said critter into the Critter Zone.

(c) If a critter placed in the Critter Zone has a longer name than a
critter already in the Critter Zone then the critter with the longer name
may consume the critter with the shorter name. For example, if a player
assembles a MOUSE and sends it into the Critter Zone, and a CAT is
already in the Critter Zone, then the MOUSE can eat the CAT. After
consuming another critter, a critter must remain in the Critter Zone for
four full days. After four full days, a player may remove eir critter,
and any critters it may have consumed, from the Critter Zone.

(c) If the Critter Zone contains no critters for four full days, then a
FLY shall appear in the Critter Zone.

(d) If a critter placed in the Critter Zone has exactly the same length
of a name as a critter already in the Critter Zone, then the two critters
will mate and produce a third critter. The third critter must contain one
letter from each parent critter and have the same length of name. The
player owning the first of the two mating critters to enter the Critter
Zone may decide what the third critter will be. For example, a MOUSE and
a TIGER can mate and produce a GOOSE. The third critter belongs to the
players owning the two parent critters who must come to an agreement
concerning ownership. A FLY cannot mate.

(e) If three critters placed in the Critter Zone have exactly the same
length name and all three critters have one letter in common, then the
critters will mate and produce a fourth critter. The fourth critter may
have a name that is 2 letters longer than its parents' names. For
example, a DOG and a PIG and a HOG can create a WHALE. The fourth critter
belongs to no player but remains in the Critter Zone until eaten.

(f) A critter's name must be in the OED and must be a member of the
animal kingdom. A critter may not be placed into or removed from the
Critter Zone without a notice to all players. Once a critter has entered
the Critter Zone it must remain in the Critter Zone for four full days.

[Originally M-356] (Amends M-324) Amended by M-386

Rule M-324 (M-3241 according to the [original] web page listing of the rules) shall
be amended to include the addition of the following paragraphs:

In the event that no determinate time is set, when polling all other
players, or included, in a petition signed by a majority of all other
players, to banish a player to the Poky, then the time, or sentence
duration, that a banished player shall be banished to the Poky shall be at
least one complete turn but, not more than two complete turns. For the
purpose of determining this sentence duration, a complete turn shall be
considered to run from election deadline to the next subsequent election

Any player banished to the Poky shall pay a "processing fee" to a random
player, who may not at the time of payment of the fee be banished, also,
to the Poky. The time of payment shall be the final election deadline, of
the banished player's sentence, for that particular banishment. In the
event that the banished player is pardoned or, the banished player's
sentence duration is commuted, then the time of payment of the "processing
fee" shall be the election deadline which would have been the final
election deadline of the banished player's sentence had that player not
been pardoned or, their sentence duration commuted. The "processing fee"
can not be paid to oneself.

The "processing fee" shall be 1 labor point. The Jack O'Lantern shall:
instruct the banished player to earmark 1 labor point for the fee; and,
instruct the Spud to oversee the transfer of the one labor point fee to
the randomly chosen receiving player's stock of labor points for the next
turn. For the purpose of this fee, this rule supersedes M-350, commonly
called the Ominous Farm Rule, and allows this fee labor point to be
"accumulated" from this one turn to the next turn. Labor points may be
"accumulated" in this manner for only one turn.

If the randomly chosen receiving player has no economic activity reported
on the previous week's CREA, then that player may let the labor point go
without being used, and upon the unused labor points removal from the
game, be awarded a random 1 to 10 points.

M-357 (Amends the rule originally numbered M-304)

The last paragraph of section (e) of the Ominus Farm Rule M-350 [originally numbered M-304] shall beamended to read:

The Spud shall have a 24 hour grace period following the end of the
prescribed voting period for every turn during which time the Spud shall
mail to all players a composite report of economic activity, or CREA,
containing all of the information in all of the individual reports.

Should the Spud not mail the CREA by the end of the 24 hour grace period,
a penalty of one letter product of the Jack O'Lantern's Choosing will be
erased from the Spud's letter stock and removed from the game. If the
Spud has no letter products in her or his letter stock, then the penalty
will be exacted as soon as she or he possesses two letter products.

M-359 (Amends M-313)

Amendment to M-313

The words "and shall always be" shall be removed from this rule.


(a) New Art City shall be a new location separate and distinct from the
Pumpkin Patch. A player entering New Art City must notify all players of
eir location.

(b) Any player who enters New Art City must build or find a residence and
describe this residence for all players.

(c) No letterfarming activity (such as farming or trading) may be
performed in New Art City. Letterfarm objects (such as letter-products,
farms, machines) may exist in New Art City.

(d) No player may stay in New Art City without creating an art object.
Art objects may exist in the Pumpkin Patch or any other location in which
the letterfarm economy operates, but can not participate in letterfarm
activities. Art objects may be owned by players or exchanged between
players. The possession of art objects may be related to victory conditions.

M-363 Amended by M-443

(a) There shall be a player entity named the patch savant at all times.
This entity shall receive, automatically, four points per turn. This
shall be considered to be a patch entitlement and shall not be infringed
upon or subject to any assignments, anticipations, attachments or
garnishments. The savant shall not be entitled to vote on any proposed
legislation during the period of holding the title. The savant may
purchase lottery tickets. The savant may propose legislation. The savant
may pontificate upon any matter at length. All questions of a
philosophical nature confronting the patch shall be publicly addressed by
the savant within two weeks of such question being publicly put to the

(b) The savant shall be elected by a majority of patch votes; however,
until a savant is elected in this manner the patch savant shall be
the player entity named Lingo.

M-364 (Amends M-364)

The phrase "expend a labor point to" shall be deleted from M-353(b) and
thus M-353(b) shall be amended to read as follows:

(b) A player can assemble a critter out of eir letter product stock and
place said critter into the Critter Zone.

M-367 (Amends the rule originally numbered M-353)

M-364 [originally numbered M-353] (Critter Zone) shall be amended to read as follows:

(a) The Critter Zone is a location separate and distinct from the Pumpkin
Patch. The Critter Zone contains two different areas: the Critter Arena and
the Breeding Pen. The Critter Arnea initially contains a FLY.

(b) A player can assemble a critter out of eir letter product stock and place
said critter into either of the two areas in the Critter Zone.

(c) A critter placed in the Critter Arena may combat a critter already in the
Critter Arena. No less than 48 hours after a second combative critter appears
in the arena, combat will be resolved. A number of six sided dice equal to
the number of letters in the name of each animal will be rolled by the
Pumpkin Patch Randomizer (Kurtis). The critter which receives the higher
total die rolls will consume the critter which receives the lower total. The
Squash will be responsible for reporting the results of combat to the patch.
For example, if one player assembles a ROBIN and sends it into the
Critter Arena, and a TICK is already in the Critter Zone, then, no less than
48 hours after the ROBIN enters the Zone, Kurtis will roll five dice for the
ROBIN and four dice for the TICK. If the TICK receives a higher total die
roll, the TICK will consume the ROBIN.

If the initial FLY wins combat, the consumed critter will cease to exist.

Critters engaged in combat may not be removed from the Critter Zone until
combat is resolved. A critter engaged in combat may not be attacked by
another critter. After consuming another critter, a critter must remain in
the Critter Zone for four full days. If, after four full days a critter
remains unchallenged, a player may remove their critter, and any critters it
may have consumed, and any critters that the consumed critter may have
consumed, from the Critter Zone. Using the above example, if the ROBIN had
previously consumed a FLY, the owner of the victorious TICK may, after four
full days, remove their TICK, the consumed ROBIN and the FLY which the ROBIN
had consumed.

If the Critter Arena contains no critters for four full days, then a
FLY shall appear in the Critter Arena.

(d) If a critter placed in the Breeding Pen has exactly the same length of
a name as a critter already in the Breeding Pen, then the two critters
will mate and produce a third critter. The third critter must contain one
letter from each parent critter and have the same length of name. The
player owning the first of the two mating critters to enter the Breeding
Pen may decide what the third critter will be. For example, a MOUSE and a
TIGER can mate and produce a GOOSE. The third critter belongs to the
players owning the two parent critters who must come to an agreement
concerning ownership.

(e) If three critters placed in the Breeding Pen have exactly the same
length name and all three critters have one letter in common, then the
critters will mate and produce a fourth critter. The fourth critter may
have a name that is 2 letters longer than its parents' names. For example,
a DOG and a PIG and a HOG can create a WHALE. The fourth critter belongs
to no player but is immediately transferred to the Critter Arena for
sport. If the newly transferred critter encounters a lonely FLY in the
Critter Arena, the new critter surprises and immediately consumes the FLY
without combat.

(f) A critter's name must be in the OED and must be a member of the animal
kingdom. A critter may not be placed into or removed from the Critter Zone
without a notice to all players. Once a critter has entered the Critter Zone
it must remain in the Critter Zone for four full days.

M-369 (Amends M-204)

Rule subsection M-204(c) is hereby repealed.

M-371 (repeals the rule originally numbered M-304)

The Omnibus Farm Bill shall be repealed.

[Originally M-372]
Repealed by M-393

All letter products shall cease to exist.
All letter farms shall be nuked.
All word machines shall rust and crumble.

Repealed by M-436.

The Public Salaries Rule shall be repealed.

M-375 (transmutes rule I-118)

Rule I-118 shall be transmuted into a mutable rule.

[Originally M-381] (repeals the rule originally numbered M-304)
Repealed by M-393

The Omnibus Farm Bill shall be repealed.
All letter products shall cease to exist.
All letter farms shall be nuked.
All word machines shall rust and crumble.

M-382 (repeals M-346) Repealed by M-436.

The Public Salaries Rule shall be repealed.

Amended by M-384

M-386 (Amends M-356)

The last two paragraphs of M-356 shall be replaced with the following:

The "processing fee" shall be one public apology (whether sincere or not)
to those players who were responsible for the banished player's


Hugh immediately preceded David as Pumpkin. David became
Pumpkin on Aug. 18, 1996. All elections held by Hugh are valid.

M-389 "The Seedling Rule" (Amends M-321)

M-321 shall be amended to read:

a) All players must have exactly one real life identity and each real life
identity may only be one player. Each real life identity may only play for
their own identity's player except as otherwise explicitly stated in the
rules. ie: someone can not register their child or sibling as a player and
then play for them. This does not limit the number of fictional characters
each player may portray.

(b) Non player real life identities who are on the ppnomic mail list shall
be referred to as seeds

(c) Seeds, and other non players may become seedlings by registering with
the Pumpkin. Registering is formally requesting, in written form
(electronic, or print media) to begin playing the game. NOTE: those
wishing to become seedlings may wish to cc their request to the whole
ppnomic mail list

(d) Each new seedling must be introduced, in written form, by the Pumpkin
within 48 hours of the of the seedling's registration.

(e) Seedlings become players 48 hours after being introduced by the
Pumpkin. In the event the Pumpkin fails to introduce the seedling within
the 48 hours allowed by section (d), the seedling shall become a player 96
hours after registering.

M-390 "The Wellspring Rule"

(a) At the very beginning of each turn, every player shall be awarded three
alphabetic letter products.

(b) The particular 'flavor' of each letter product so awarded shall be
determined randomly weekly by the Royal Randomizer, or if necessary, by
the Pumpkin or by a delegatee of the Pumpkin's choosing. The method of
randomness employed must be explicitly permitted by this rule.

(c) The results of each week's letter product awards, shall be publicly
posted as soon as possible by the Spud.

(d) The methhod of randomness that controls will be selected and announced
publicly at the beginning of each new turn and whenever a new player is
chosen to hold the office of Spud. The method of randomness shall be one
of the following methods to be chosen by the Spud, or if the office of
Spud is vacant, by the Pumpkin:

(Method 1) The flavor of each letter product awarded shall be randomly
chosen from all 26 letters of the English alphabet;

(Method 2) A pool of 26 letter products representing each of the 26
letters of the alphabet shall be set aside. Each letter product
awarded shall be randomly selected and then taken from the pool until the
pool is depleted of letter products. As soon as the pool is depleted, a new
pool is established. No flavor of letter product will be awarded more
than once until a new pool is drawn.

(Method 3) The entire set of tiles from the classic game of
Scrabble shall be scrammbled, turned upside-down and set aside as the pool
for random flavor selection. Each letter product award shall be chosen by
turning over a tile, which is then discarded. As soon as all tiles have
been turned over and discarded, a new pool shall be set aside. If a blank
tile is drawn, then it shall be designated as such in the letterstock of
the awardee. Once played outside of a player's letterstock, the player
must designate a blank letter product's flavor as one of the 26 alphabetic
letters. This designation may only be changed again by the player that
owns the blank letter product and only after it is has been legally placed
in a player's letterstock, and thus returned to its true blank flavor.

(e) No more than once within a seven day period, the Spud also has the
freedom to change the randomness method by publicly posting the change
publicly. The Pumpkin does not have this freedom. This type of change
shall be called an Unapproved Method Change (UMC). Within three days
after any UMC is posted, any voter may call for a "Vote of No-Confidence
in the Office of the Spud." The Pumpkin shall announce the appropriate
voting deadline for any such election so called. The appropriate voting
deadline will be three days from the moment the message calling for such
an election was posted. Votes shall be submitted to the Pumpkin in the
following way: "keep the Spud" or "boot the Spud." If a majority of votes
legally cast favor booting the Spud, then the office of Spud shall become
vacant. If the Spud is booted, then all letter products awarded for the
past week and still in a player's possession shall self-destruct.

(f) The Spud may regularly post a tally of all letter product holdings, if e
feels like it.

M-391 "The GRAPE Rule"

Establish the Office with the title "Generically Replaceable Ambassador
Plenipotentiary Extrordinaire". hereafter referred to as "GRAPE".

GRAPE is an Office with exactly one Seat. If there is exactly one Player
volunteering to fill the Seat, confirmation by the Pumpkin is all that
is required to fill the Seat. If more than one Player volunteers, a
ballot will decide who fills the seat. Voters who wish to vote on the
ballot shall send votes to the Pumpkin specifying which single Player the
vote is cast for. The Pumpkin may determine the duration of the ballot,
unless other rules specify otherwise. A Quorum for the ballot for GRAPE
is the total number of Voters casting votes on the ballot. If there are
no volunteers to fill the Seat, GRAPE shall be filled by the Pumpkin
until such time as a volunteer comes forward.

The Duties of GRAPE shall be:

To represent the Pumpkin Patch in official dealings with any other
Nomics, including but not limited to: Internomic, Thring, Agora,
Ackanomic, and Tabula. GRAPE has sole discretion in all dealings with
other Nomics, except concerning legislative action that directly affects
the Patch. However, GRAPE must attempt to represent the best interests
of the Patch at all times when acting as GRAPE.
To make public any actions performed by GRAPE concerning Internomic, and
all actions with other Nomics that affect play in the Patch, or reflect
on the current status or character of the Patch.
To forward any posts directed to the Patch or any of the Patch's denizens
by members of other Nomics. Private correspondence between GRAPE and
other Nomics need not be forwarded to the public forum.

All ballots required of GRAPE on behalf of the Patch will be submitted to
the Pumpkin for public distribution prior to any action by GRAPE on the
ballot. GRAPE shall always abide by the outcome of such ballots. Other
rules may specify special procedures for voting on Ambassadorial ballots.

If any Patchkin believes GRAPE has failed to represent the Patch in the
best manner, or feels GRAPE has violated any provisions of Pumpkin Patch
Rules in connection with performance of GRAPE Duties, a Vote of No
Confidence may be called, if such a procedure is specified in other
rules. Voters vote by sending a message to the Pumpkin (or other valid
authority) stating either "The Ambassador's a Weed." or "The Ambassador
cultivates a fine crop." Results of the ballots will be determined by
rules governing a Vote of No Confidence.

[Originally M-392] The Armageddon Insurance Rule. Amended by M-410

(a) All CFJs submitted pursuant the Armageddon Rule (currently M-220)
shall be judged by a 3 judge panel. All references in the rules to a
judge shall equate to three judges with regard to M-220 CFJs. The
judges may select one of the three judges to be the Chief Judge to
make actions on behalf of all three judges. Only a unanimous ruling by
all three judges shall be considered a TRUE ruling. All other
combinations of rulings shall be considered FALSE rulings.

(b) No player may submit more than 3 CFJs pursuant to the Armageddon
Rule (currently M-220) within any one year time period.

M-393 The Resurrection of Letter Products

Rules M-372 and M-381 shall be hereby repealed. All previously destroyed
letter products stay dead, but new ones may be awarded from November 3, 1996

M-394 Vote of No Confidence

Under conditions specified in Rules, any Player may call for a Vote of
No Confidence (referred to in this Rule as the Vote). The only uses of
the Vote are to impeach an Officer (other than the Pumpkin) and so remove
that Officer from office, and to impose such penalties upon an Officer
(other than the Pumpkin) as Rules allow. If the Rules allow for either
impeachment or sanction upon a Vote of No Confidence, the Player calling
for the Vote must specify which penalty is to be incurred by the Officer
in question.

Once a Vote of No Confidence has been called for, the Pumkin shall
publicly anounce the Player calling for the Vote and the reasoning for
the Vote being called. A Quorum for the purposes of a Vote of No
Confidence shall be the sum total of Voters casting votes. The Pumpkin
may call for the Vote, but may not vote in the ballot.

Rules governing the Office that is the subject of the Vote shall describe
the exact form of voting allowed. If no such instructions are contained
in the Rules governing the Office, then standard "Proposal" voting
procedures shall be used.

In cases of impeachment, more than forty (40) percent of the votes cast
must be in favor of impeachment for the Vote to be successful. In cases
of sanction not including impeachment more than thirty (30) percent of
the votes cast must be in favor of the sanction for the Vote to be
successful. If the Vote is succesful, the appropriate Officer is
immediately impeached or the sanctioning action is immediately executed.
The offending Officer transfers one (1) point to each of the Voters who
voted in favor of the Vote as an act of atonement. If the Vote was
called for by the Pumpkin, no points are awarded by the Officer. If the
Vote was unsuccessful, the Player calling for the Vote shall transfer
not less than one (1) and not more than five (5) points (as determined by
random selection) to the appropriate Officer for damaging the Officer's
reputation and wasting bandwidth. If the Vote was called for by the
Pumpkin, the amount of points transferred to the appropriate Officer
shall be doubled. The Officer that was the subject of the Vote shall
post a public message thanking all denizens of the Patch for the outcome
of the Vote and the restoration of the Officer's reputation. Failure to
post this message shall result in the Officer forfeiting all awards of

M-395 Internomic Recognition

(a) As of November 17, 1996, Pumpkin Patch Nomic hereby officially
recognizes the existence of the meta-game INTERNOMIC, and respectfully
requests that Pumpkin Patch Nomic be granted the privilege of playing
this game with the status of "voting member nomic."

(b) Pumpkin Patch Nomic's liaison to INTERNOMIC shall be the current
Ambassador d/b/a GRAPE, unless the office of GRAPE is vacant or the
current GRAPE is prohibited by rule from serving as liaison. If the
office of GRAPE is vacant or the current GRAPE is prohibited by rule from
serving as liaison, the Pumpkin may designate any player (including
emself) as the INTERNOMIC liaison.

M-397 Prudent Preparatory Precautions

No player of Pumpkin Patch Nomic may vote on a ballot concerning an
Internomic proposal if that player has the ability to vote on the same
Internomic proposal in an Internomic member game other than Pumpkin Patch
Nomic, unless dispensation is granted by the Pumpkin.

Such dispensation may be granted provided that the player in question
forgoes the right to vote on the Internomic proposal in all Internomic
member games other than Pumpkin Patch Nomic.

M-401 Rules of Construction. Amended by M-435 and M-441

1. When a rule repealing a former rule, clause, or provision is itself
repealed, it does not revive the former rule, clause, or provision,
unless it is otherwise expressly provided; nor shall any rule repealing
any former rule, clause or provision abate, annul or in any other manner
affect any CFJ proceedings had or commenced under or by virtue of the
rule so repealed previous to the time of such repeal, but the rule is
effectual for the purposes of the CFJ, and the CFJ shall be proceeded
on to final judgment as if the repealing rule had not passed, unless
it is otherwise expressly provided.
2. The provisions of every rule are severable. If any provision of any
rule is found by CFJ to be void, the remaining provisions of such rule
are valid unless the CFJ finds the valid provisions are so essentially
and inseparably connected with, and so dependent upon, the void provision
that it cannot be presumed that the patch would have enacted the valid
provisions without the void one.
3. The provisions of any rule which is re-enacted, amended, or revised,
so far as they are the same as those of a prior rule, shall be construed
as a continuation of such rule and not as a new enactment.
4. Whenever in the rules any subject matter, party or person is
described or referred to by words importing the masculine gender, females
as well as bodies corporate are included, unless otherwise expressly
provided. The use of pronouns in the rules which do not exist in the
English language is strictly prohibited.
5. No rule retrospective in operation may be enacted.

[Originally M-402] Revisor Rule. Amended by M-423

1. There is hereby created in the patch the office of Perpetual
Effective Adjunct Revisor (PEAR). The Pear shall also be known
as "The Revisor". The Pear shall have the power and authority to:
a. Correct all words misspelled in rules;
b. Correct all manifest clerical errors, including punctuation, but
no correction shall constitute an alteration of or departure from the
substance of the rule as enacted;
c. Transfer rules or divide or combine rules so as to give to
distinct subject matters a Revisor Rule Subject Number;
d. Supply any obvious omission or inaccuracy, which shall be
identified in the text. In any such case the Revisor shall add a
footnote calling attention to such omission or correction and explaining
the reason therefor.
2. If any rule is amended or re-enacted by more than one rule, the
Revisor may incorporate the single rule as amended or re-enacted, and
changes or alterations may be incorporated in the rule in such a manner
as to make the rule intelligible. In any such case the Revisor shall
insert a note at the end of the section explaining the insertions or
omissions accomplished by the various rules. If the section cannot be
made intelligible by incorporation of the amendments of the rule as
enacted, the Revisor shall publish all such rules in full.
3. The Revisor may prefix the rules with a table of contents and may
prepare suitable headnotes or catch words to indicate briefly the subject
matter of the several rules. Notes may be inserted to indicate the
source of the rules. The Revisor may classify and arrange the entire
body of rules in a logical order throughout, the arrangment to be such as
will enable subjects of a kindred nature to be placed under one general
head with necessary cross-references. Notes of CFJs may be arranged in
such manner as the Revisor finds will promote the usefulness thereof.
4. The player entity known as Dr.West is hereby recognized for his
outstanding effort in posting the rules on the Web. He is hereby
appointed to the office of Revisor. The Squash shall award Dr.West 2.5
points per week as compensation for his duties as Revisor.

M-403 (Amends the rule originally numbered I-118)

Rule M-375 (the right to bear letters rule) shall be amended to read as
1. Letter products can not exist unless the Patch has enacted a rule
which provides for their existence.
2. The rule must provide for their creation and govern the method by
which they can be acquired.
3. The rights of any players to establish, maintain, or in any other
manner conduct letter product or language economies, including the right
to freely trade leter products, shall not be infringed.
4. Points may be acquired for letter products only in a manner which is
specifically authorised by the rules including a reference to the rule
number which authorises the creation of the letter products.

M-404 The Law of the Patch

the following shall be known as the law of the patch and all good cubs
shall learn them or risk cuffs from their elders
1. never stop running
2. never do anything so bad that they'll never stop chasing you
3. if you get caught admit nothing
4. if your romantic partner is unhappy with you, by definition, you
will be unhappy

M-405 Letter Product Transactions Rule

(a) Only official letter products that originate from a letter product
source that is explicitly authorized in an official Pumpkin Patch rule
(including, but not necessarily limited to, M- 390 (The Wellspring Rule)
and M-367 (The Critter Zone Rule) may be exchanged or traded pursuant to
this rule.

(b) All trades authorized by this rule become effective three days after
one of the trading players posts a public notice of the transaction, an
identification of
the players involved and an identification of the letter products
traded, unless another player involved in the purported trade posts a
message to the Pumpkin Patch mailing list denying that such a trade was
intended. Notices of trades and Denials of trades shall be publicly posted
to the official Pumpkin
Patch mailing list. If at any time, players who wish to trade
believe that a public posting would be technologically impracticable,
those players should ask the Spud (or the Pumpkin, in the event that the
office of the Spud is vacant) to post the notice or denial of the trade for
them. In any event, no trade is effective without a proper public posting.

(c) A player may trade any number and flavor of letter products for any
number and flavor of letter products owned by another player. There is
no limit to the number of trades that may be made during any turn.

(d) Players may exchange letter products for points. Players who wish to
exchange letter products for points must publicly post a notice that
announces exactly which letter products are being exchanged. Such
exchanges shall only be valid if the notice is posted on a Friday or a
Saturday. Upon
a posting of such a notice, the announced letter products will cease to
exist and the Squash will award 1 point to the exchanging player for each
letter product so exchanged.

[Originally M-406] Amended by M-426 and M-442

A player may transfer points directly to another player's score by
posting notice of the transfer, the number of points transfered, and the
name of the recipient to the Pumpkin Patch mailing list
( A player may
only transfer up to the number of positive points in their own score.
Immediately upon transfer, the transferer's score is reduced by the
number of points transfered and the recipient's score is increased by
the number of points transfered.

[Originally numbered M-410] "Unanimity is Harmony" (Amends M-392) Amended by M-464

The sentence in M-392 that reads "Only a unanimous ruling by
all three judges shall be considered a TRUE ruling" shall be amended to
read "Only a unanimous ruling of TRUE by all three judges shall be
considered a TRUE ruling."

"Lucky 13" (Amends M-206)

m-206 is amended as follows:

each voter has exactly one vote per proposal, except that any voter who
votes on the 13th of the month shall have their vote counted twice. the
pumpkin may not vote. players who vote on the 13th of the month shall
not recieve extra points either positive or negative regardless of the
outcome of the election.

M-415 "Supreme Court" Amended by M-447

1. there shall be established a supreme court in the patch.
2. the supreme court shall consist of three judges.
3. the pumpkin shall appoint these judges subject to a confirmation
vote by the patch. the judges will be confirmed by a majority of the
votes cast.
4. no more often than once a month at the insistence of any player
there shall be a retention vote on any or all judges.
5. any player may request that the supreme court issue its opinion
regarding a call for judgment
6. the judges opinion shall be final and binding on all players except
that future supreme court judges may overturn the decision.
7. the judges shall either refuse to issue an opinion, affirm the
decision or reverse the decision. the judges actions shall be by
majority vote.
8. the judges shall have the power to direct the pumpkin to delete
rules when rules are in conflict, invalid, or otherwise required by the
9. the judges shall have the power to impeach the pumpkin by unanimous
vote if, and only if, the pumpkin has acted in a manner unbecoming to a
pumpkin, and then only if a majority of the voters vote in favor of the
impeachment in a special election called by the court.
10. should the pumpkin be impeached, an election will be held and the
court shall confer upon the winner of the election the requisite number
of points for the winner to become the pumpkin

"Adam in Eden"

All Proposed Rule changes shall be submitted with a Title. The Title of
a Rule change must be at least 5 characters long, and no longer than
thirty characters, excluding whitespace character.

Any Proposed Rule Change recieved by the Pumpkin without a Title shall
have a Titled assigned by the Pumpkin.

If the Rule Change creates a new Rule, upon passage of the Proposal,
the new Rule shall recieve the Title of the Proposal, and shall retain
that Title until such time as the Rule is repealed or a Rule Change
legally changes that Title.

In any official Patch correspondance, referral to a Rule by its Title
shall have the same effect as if the Rule was referred to by its Rule

"Common Sense"

If a rule makes a reference to a rule by name or number and, the rule
referred to is amended or transmuted, then the reference shall equate to
the amended or transmuted rule.

, "Crock Pot"

(a) A singular entity shall be created in the Patch called the
"Crock Pot." Entities may be placed into the Crock Pot, at which
time, the entity belongs to no player. The Crock Pot may contain any
number of letter products, points, or other entities described in the
Rules. Unless a Rule states otherwise, any entity created by the
Rules may be placed into the Crock Pot.

(b) If a Rule states that a new entity is to be placed into the game
by the means of a public auction, the winner of the auctioned entity
shall pay the price to the Crock Pot.

(c) If a Rule calls for a penalty of points or letter products to be
paid but is not specific about where it is to be paid, it is to be
paid into the Crock Pot.

(d) The Pumpkin has the authority to establish a lottery for the
contents of the Crock Pot.

"TITO's Birthday"

(A) January 22 of each year shall be an offical and joyous holiday in
the Pumpkin Patch and it shall be called "TITO's Birthday" and shall be
set aside for the remembrance and celebration of the creation of the
Patch's first letter creature.

(B) On each TITO's Birthday, a random player shall be selected and given
the option of creating a letter creature through the 'animation' of any four
of es letter products regardless of whether the letters spell anything
in the English language. This letter creature shall have the following powers:

(1) If this creature is ever placed in the Critter Arena, it
shall be allow an additonal 10-sided die roll for combat.

(2) Every 4 weeks, this letter creature shall be able to
'replicate' itself, adding 4 identical letter products to its owner's
letter stock.

(3) If so granted by its current owner, this letter creature may be
granted its freedom, and thus will be owned by no Patchkin, and will be
free to roam the Pumpkin Patch unhindered.

(c) On each TITO's birthday, each player shall also receive 20 points.

"PEAR Revision" (Amends M-402)

M-402 Revisor Rule shall be amended to read:

1. There is hereby created in the patch the office of Perpetual Effective
Adjunct Revisor (PEAR). The Pear shall also be known as "The Revisor".
The Pear shall have the power and authority to:

a)The Revisor may prefix the rules with a table of contents and may
prepare suitable headnotes or catch words to indicate briefly the subject matter
of the several rules.

b)Notes may be inserted to indicate the source of the rules.

c)The Revisor may classify and arrange the entire body of rules in a
logical order throughout, the arrangement to be such as will enable
subjects of a kindred nature to be placed under one general head with
necessary cross-references.

d)Notes of CFJs may be composed and arranged in such manner as the
Revisor finds will promote the usefulness thereof.

2. The player entity known as Dr.West is hereby recognized for his
outstanding effort in posting the rules on the Web. He is hereby appointed
to the office of Revisor. The Squash shall award Dr.West 1.5 points per
week as compensation for his duties as Revisor.

M-426 (Amends M-406)

M-406 shall be amended to read:

A player may transfer positive points directly to another player's score
by posting notice of the transfer, the number of points transfered, and
the name of the recipient to the Pumpkin Patch mailing list
( A player may only transfer up to the number of
positive points in their own score. Immediately upon transfer, the
transferrer's score is reduced by the number of points transfered and
the recipient's score is increased by the number of points transfered.

"Reality Check" (Rendered VOID by CFJ 17)

The ulis do not mean what they say.

vaguely frowned upon (Amends M-401)

rule m-401 shall be amended as follows:
the words "strictly prohibited" in subsection 4 shall be replaced with
the words "vaguely frowned upon".

Public Salaries Again (Repeals M-373 and M-382, amends M-346)

M-373 and M-382 shall be repealed and M-346 shall be revived and
re-enacted with the following revision: section (a) which reads "The
Pumpkin" shall be amended to read "The Zuke Suit".

Score Inversion

At the end of each turn, a randomly selected player's score will be
altered by switching the numerals in the score. For example, a score of
82 would become 28, or a score of 5 would become 50.


Any voter who has 5 or more proposals on an election ballot may add 5
points to the score of any one player. These points are created out of
orange ether and are not deemed to be a transfer of points. No player can
refuse to accept these points.

Tequila Sunrise

Any player who can hide the word "grenadine" in any message to ppnomic,
without being detected by another player for 48 hours after the datestamp
on the post, will receive an extra vote which can be used at any time.
"Grenadine" may be spelled forwards or backwards, or with spaces and/or
punctuation between any of the letters.

Alix's Art Touched up (Amends M-384)

M-384 is amended to appear as follows:

You Pulp Wonks (Amends M-401)

Rule M-401 shall be amended as follows: section 4 shall be deleted. It
shall then be spit at, stomped upon, and dispatched to the West Labs for
gruesome experiments.

"What Point Transfer" (Amends M-406)

The following sentences shall be added to the end of M-406:

"Point transfers are effective only if both parties to the transfer agree
to the transfer. If both parties to a transfer post notice of the
transfer, then the transfer will be considered to have taken place as soon
as both notices have been posted. If one party to a transfer posts notice
of the transfer and three days pass without the other party posting a
denial that the transfer took place, then the transfer will be considered
to have taken place."

Savant Un-Disenfranchisement (Amends M-363)

The sentence "The savant shall not be entitled to vote on any proposed
legislation during the period of holding the title." shall be deleted from

The Zombie Uli

A Zombie is a subcategory of Voter. Any Voter who, if selected as a judge
for a CFJ, does not render a judgment, or who does not vote in 3
consecutive elections, will cease to be an active Voter and become a
Zombie. A Zombie may also be termed a Slug or a Deadwalker. Once a Voter
has become a Zombie, he or she will be sold in a Public Auction to be
conducted by the Pumpkin which must commence within 3 days. The Pumpkin
may at his or her discretion delegate the role of Auctioneer. Players may
buy a Zombie with points, letters, or other negotiable electronic
commodities, and the Pumpkin will place the purchase price in the Crock
Pot or any other repository approved by the Supreme Court. A Zombie's
votes become the property of their owner, therefore a Voter owning a
Zombie may vote twice in any election. However, the Zombie's owner may not
receive any points that the Zombie would have received through casting the
vote. A Zombie may not serve as a judge. Zombies may revert to active
Voter status by humbly and publicly petitioning the Pumpkin for
emancipation and receiving the Pumpkin's pardon for their willful
hibernation. Should the Pumpkin refuse to award a pardon within 5 days,
any three Voters may band together and set the Zombie free. This rule
takes precedence over any conflicting rule.

Hugh uli of Who ulis

Since Hugh was the Third Pumpkin and is the Sixth Pumpkin, establishing a
historical pattern of Pumpkincy by 3's, the Eighth Pumpkin may at any one
time increase Hugh's score by 33, 66, or 99 points to assist him in
regaining the throne to be the Ninth Pumpkin and thus maintaining his
strategy of divide (by 3) and conquer.

Last Minute Revisions

if a sponsor of a proposed rule feels that it was poorly drafted or
improvidently proposed, the sponsor may amend or withdraw the proposed
rule provided the sponsor posts a public message to the patch amending
or withdrawing the proposed rule at least 48 hours prior to the voting
deadline. any votes cast for the proposed rule prior to the amendment
or withdrawal shall be deemed to be void votes and shall not be counted.

Supreme Court Amendment (Amends M-415)

the supreme court rule shall be amended as follows:

M-415 "Supreme Court"

1. there shall be established a supreme court in the patch.
2. the supreme court shall consist of three judges.
3. if there is a vacancy, the pumpkin shall appoint these judges subject
to a confirmation vote by the patch. the judges will be confirmed by a
majority of the
votes cast.
4. no more often than once a month at the insistence of any player
there shall be a retention vote on any or all judges. no judge may be
removed from the court save by a retention vote.
5. any player may request that the supreme court issue its opinion
regarding a call for judgment
6. the judges opinion shall be final and binding on all players except
that future supreme court judges may overturn the decision.
7. the judges shall either refuse to issue an opinion, affirm the
decision or reverse the decision. the judges actions shall be by
majority vote.
8. the judges shall have the power to direct the pumpkin to delete
rules when rules are in conflict, invalid, or otherwise required by the
9. the judges shall have the power to impeach the pumpkin by majority
vote if, and only if, the pumpkin has acted in a manner unbecoming to a
pumpkin, and then only if a majority of the voters vote in favor of the
impeachment in a special election called by the court.
10. should the pumpkin be impeached, an election will be held and the
court shall confer upon the winner of the election the requisite number
of points for the winner to become the pumpkin.
11. the pumkin may not be a supreme court judge.

M-449 The Cucaracha Uli

A player may substitute a * (pronounced "splat") for any alphanumeric character at any time provided that the original character can be easily inferred. (For example, Hu*h is not the *umpkin.) A splat mark shall indicate that a cockroach was flattened on that spot. Abuse or misuse of this privilege shall be severely chil*ed.

The Ides Uli

If the Supreme Court impeaches the Pumpkin, the voters have the right to
go to revolution. Until the Pumpkin's impeachment is confirmed in a
special election by the voters and a new Pumpkin elected according to
the ulis, any public decision made by a majority of voters, or any public
action taken by a player which goes unchallenged, will govern play in
Pumpkin Patch Nomic. This uli takes precedence over any conflicting uli.

"Marathon Victory Conditions Uli" (Amends M-203)

M-203 (a) and (b) shall be amended as follows:

1. The phrase "100 (positive) points" in section (a) shall be replaced
with the phrase "260 points".
2. The phrase "100 points" in section (b) shall be replaced with the
phrase "260 points".

, "The Alternate Universe Uli"

(a) The Alternate Universe is a location separate and distinct from the
Pumpkin Patch. Any player who enters or departs the Alternate Universe
must notify ppnomic.

(b) Any player who speaks while in the Alternate Universe will be
understood to mean the exact opposite of what is said. For example, if a
player says "I am looking down" it will be understood that she means "I
am not looking down".

(c) A player can not submit a proposal or judge a CFJ while in the
Alternate Universe. If assigned to a CFJ, the player is automatically
trasported out of the Alternate Universe.

(d) A player can assemble a word out of her letter products and place
this word in the Alternate Universe. This word will then transmute
magically into its exact opposite, with no more than 4 extra letters.
For example, DAY will become NIGHT. All disputes about such
transmutations will be settled by the player with the highest score at
the time of transmutation.

, "The Silischool of Logic Uli" (Amends M-213)

Section (b) of M-213 shall be replaced by the following:

(b) All CFJ statements must be grammatically phrased as a sentence that
could be logically answered TRUE or FALSE, followed by the question
or False?", or else the CFJ statement is improper. [For example, "The
is orange. True or False?"]

"Kill the 'Infringe Means Infringe' Meme" (Amends the rule originally numbered I-118)

Section 3 of the rule originally numbered I-118 and amended by M-403
shall be amended to read:

3. bob

"Winnng Isn't So Bad" (Amends M-203)

Sections b1 and b2 of M-203 shall be amended to read:

(1) All winners will have an extra vote on all rule-change proposals for
the duration of the next game (i.e., until another player reaches the
number of points required for victory--see (3) and (4) below).

(2) A new Pumpkin will be elected by a majority vote of all players. Any
player who is not a winner and who was not the pumpkin during the game
that has just ended may be nominated for the pumpkincy. Until a new
Pumpkin is elected, any public decision made by a majority of players,
or any public action taken by a player that goes unchallenged, will govern
play in Pumpkin Patch Nomic. The previous sentence takes precedence over
any conflicting uli.

, "Ogre Nad"

a) A singular entity shall be created called the Ogre Nad. In every turn
in which a proposal passes, the Ogre Nad will issue an utterance of the
following form:

"n is a d"

where n is the third noun in the lowest numbered proposal passed that
week, a is the first adjective in the same proposal, and d is the last
direct object in the second-lowest numbered proposal passed that week.
If only one proposal passes in a week, d will be omitted from Nad's

b) If for any reason n or d in the above statement cannot be determined
(if, for example, there are no adjectives in the lowest numbered
proposal), Nad's utterance will consist of five words chosen at random
from section 4 of the original wording of M-401 and arranged by the
Pumpkin in such a way as to be a meaningful as possible.

c) Nad makes this utterance as soon as the outcome of the vote becomes
known to the Patch. The Pumpkin is responsible for determining Nad's
utterance, and may add the articles "a," "an," and/or "the" to the
utterance as he or she pleases. The Pumpkin will then determine whether
Nad's utterance is true, false, undecidable, or incomprehensible.

d) At any time before the voting deadline, voters may wager 5 points
(paid into the Crock Pot) on the outcome of Nad's utterance. All players who
have wagered 5 points and correctly predicted whether Nad's utterance
will be true, false, undecidable, or incomprehensible will split as equally
as possible among themselves the contents of the crock pot. The Pumpkin
will be responsible for designating the winners.

Constitutional Convention (Amends M-410)

The Armageddon Insurance Uli, currently M-410, is replaced with the

(a) If a player believes that the ulis are such that further play is
impossible, or that the legality of a move cannot be determined with
finality, or that a move appears equally legal and illegal, then the
player may invoke judgment on a CFJ statement to that effect. If the
statement is judged TRUE, then the player who invoked judgment shall be
declared the winner of the game, the clock stops, and the game immediately
enters a two-week Constitutional Convention.

(b) During the two weeks of the Constitutional Convention, game play will
not be governed by the ulis, since the ulis will have been found to
contain a paradox by virtue of the TRUE ruling.

(c) During the two weeks of the Constitutional Convention, the players
will endeavor to correct the paradox in the ulis. Any player may submit
any proposal to ppnomic during this time. All votes will be posted to
ppnomic. All players may vote. The winner of the game will have two and
one-half votes. As soon as a majority of votes either passing or failing
the proposal have been posted, that proposal passes or fails.

(d) No other activity will occur in Pumpkin Patch Nomic during the two
weeks of the Constitutional Convention except for submitting, discussing,
and voting on proposals. Any activity initiated prior to the onset of the
Constitutional Convention will be suspended during that time and resume
once the two weeks are over. No scoring will occur during these two

(d) After the two weeks of the Constituional Convention ends, the clock
starts, and game play will resume with a new game beginning at that moment
according to the ulis governing how new games begin.

(e) This uli takes precedence over every other uli determining the winner
of the game.

Swifter Justice (Amends M-214)

Rule M-214 shall be amended to include:

(d) In all cases the Pumpkin must select a Judge for a CFJ statement as
soon as possible. Should the Pumpkin not select a Judge for a CFJ within 3
weeks, whether it is the first Judge for that particular CFJ or a Judge
beyond the first, the player submitting the CFJ may select the Judge for
the CFJ, provided that she neither select herself nor any player who has
already served as a Judge for that particular CFJ.

The Brandon Effect

If any player has 5 or more proposals on a ballot which all fail to pass,
the player will receive her choice of either the letters BRANDON or a
negative 50 points.


Any player can give a four-day proxy to another player to act in her stead
(to be known as a "proxy player") in any of her game capacities should she
need to be absent from the game for reasons such as vacation, business
trip, or illness. The proxy must be posted publicly to ppnomic and include
the exact 96 hours to be covered by the proxy. The privilege and right of
voting or judging a CFJ may not be assigned in a proxy. Any actions taken
by a proxy player other than voting or judging a CFJ can not be repudiated
by the player assigning the proxy and all benefits or penalties associated
with actions taken by the proxy player will devolve upon the player
assigning the proxy. A player cannot assign more than 1 proxy in any
6-week period.

Letter Product Definition

The term "letter products" shall be defined as the twenty-six flavors
which correspond to the uppercase letters of the English language
alphabet. Letter products are a species of language economy.

Entity Transfer Protocol, Part I

1) A new office shall be established with the title "Customs Officer."

2) a) Nomics who have assigned to one of their players duties and
responsibilities similar to those assigned in Pumpkin Patch Nomic to the
Customs Officer and whose rulesets include a rule or rules substantially
similar to Pumpkin Patch Nomic's Entity Transfer Protocol will be
designated Trade Partners of Pumpkin Patch Nomic. The Customs Officer of
Pumpkin Patch Nomic shall have final authority to designate Trade Partners
of Pumpkin Patch Nomic. Hereafter the unmodified term "Customs Officer"
shall be assumed to include both the Customs Officer of Pumpkin Patch
Nomic and any player in a Trade Partner nomic having duties similar to
those of the Customs Officer of Pumpkin Patch Nomic.

b) In order to be considered substantially similar to Pumpkin Patch
Nomic's Entity Transfer Protocol, a rule or rules must specify definitions
for all of the properties listed in section 5 below, must specify these
definitions in such a way that they will not conflict with the definitions
specified by the rules of Pumpkin Patch Nomic, and must institute the
inspection procedure describe in section 4 below.

3) Only game entities assigned values for the properties listed in section
5 below by the rulesets of their Nomics of Origin may be transferred into
Pumpkin Patch Nomic or into Trade Partner nomics. Game entities may not be
transferred into nomics not recognized as Trade Partners to Pumpkin Patch
Nomic, and entities originating from nomics not recognized as Trade
Partners to Pumpkin Patch Nomic may not be transferred into Pumpkin Patch

4) a) Whenever an entity is transferred into or out of a nomic, an Entity
Profile must be communicated to the Customs Officer of both any nomic out
of which the entity is being transferred and any nomic into which the
entity is being transferred.

b)The transfer shall not take place until all Customs Officers who
received the Entity Profile have approved the transfer and have notified
their nomics of the transfer by communicating to their nomics the Entity
Profiles of the transferred entities, and until 24 hours have passed from
the time of such notification without players objecting to the transfer.

c) The Customs Officer must inspect all transfers into and out of his or
her nomic and prevent any transfer that will result in an ambiguity in the
rules of any nomic.

5) An entity's Entity Profile must specify its values for the following
properties, which must be assigned to the entity by the rules of its nomic
of origin:

Entity Behavior Rule
Nomic of Origin

Entity Transfer Protocol, Part II: Properties

In order to be transferred out of or into pumpkin-patch nomic, an entity
must have rule-defined values for the following properties in accordance
with the specifications and restrictions set out in the following

Entity Behavior Rule, or EBR - An entity's EBR becomes a temporary part of
a nomic's ruleset when that nomic contains the entity, and is removed from
a nomic's ruleset as soon as the entity is no longer present within the
nomic. When an EBR becomes part of a nomic's ruleset, it is added as a
temporary subsection of a rule specified in that nomic's ruleset as the
EBR Host Rule. If a nomic's ruleset does not specify an EBR Host Rule,
then that nomic's definition of the EBR property (if there is such a
definition) shall be considered to be in conflict with Pumpkin Patch
Nomic's definition of the EBR property. An entity's EBR may specify
properties and states for that entity that are not defined in entity
transfer protocol rules such as this one. The EBR Host Rule for Pumpkin
Patch Nomic shall be the Entity Transfer Protocol, Part II.

Nomic of Origin - The nomic whose rules created the entity and define its
properties. All entities defined by rules in the ruleset of Pumpkin Patch
Nomic (excluding EBR's imported from other nomics) shall have Pumpkin
Patch Nomic as their nomic of origin.

The Patch Nine Rule

There shall be a baseball team in the patch known as the patch nine.
Stuggs is the pitcher and McDooley is the Coach. Players of the Pumpkin
Patch Nomic game can assign themselves various positions on the team
from time to time. The baseball team shall be used as a tool for
informally resolving disputes. In addition, baseballs autographed by
stuggs may be purchased by any player in the patch as well as by
internomicans. The cost of the autographed baseballs shall be
determined by the GRAPE. The proceeds of the baseballs shall be placed
in the crock pot. It is suggested that the cost be the equivalent of
three letter products. The GRAPE is authorised to haggle with
internomicans to get the best deal possible for the patch. The GRAPE
may determine an appropriate exchange rate depending on her mood at the
moment and her desire for whatever trinkets and baubles the
internomicans dangle before her.