
Word Family


Example sentence




attach to (col.)




to be attached to (v) تَعَلَّقَ


p.68-69 The swivel is attached to (       مُتَعَلِّق على        ) the travelling block (a swivel is something which is free to rotate( TT 1 Business and Commerce I attached (       عَلَّقْت   )a label to each bag.



عَلَّقَ على . عَلَّقَ ب

bit (n)(of a drill)



bit (n) (small piece) قِطْعَةTT 1 Business and Commerce My first job just involved doing a bit of filing and typing.


p.69 At the end of the string of drill pipes is the diamond-toothed bit. As the pipe turns, the bit cuts the borehole.



مِثْقَب ج مِثْقاب (تثّبت في الة الثَّقْب)

complaints (n)





p.70 I'm hearing more and more complaints about this product.

TT 3 Crime and Society What’s the procedure for making a complaint?



شكوى ج  شكاوى

condense (v) (in chemistry)





p.71 Fractions with high boiling points condense in the lower part of the column.



كثَف . تَكَثَّفَ

considered (v)








p.68 Why is being a Roughneck considered skilled work?

TTelem 3 Crime and Society The rules were considered unfair because they were applied inconsistently.






constituents (n)







p.71 The first process in refining is fractional distillation, which separates lighter constituents (fractions) from heavier ones.

TTelem 1 Business and Commerce Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water.



جزاء ج اجزاء

contracted (adj)






contract (n) عقد . اتفاقية TTelem 1 Business and Commerce They signed a three-year contract with a record company.


p.71 Because the different parts of the verb be are usually contracted in the Present Continuous, it is easy to miss out be when using this tense.






convert (v)







p.71  To convert crude oil into useful products, it has to be refined.

TTelem 10 Education What is the formula for converting miles to kilometres?






deal with (v.col.)









deal (n) صفقة تجارية . عملية مالية TTelem 3 Crime and Society We are looking to set up trade deals with several emergent states.

TTelem 3 Crime and Society The matter will be dealt with by the appropriate authorities.

TTelem 6 Lifestyle It is relatively easy to deal with someone who tends to externalize their thoughts and feelings.

TT  3 Crime and Society The military was/were called in to deal with the riot.



عامل . تعامل مع


disposal (n)





p.72 They cannot easily be moved when their useful life is over, so disposal can be a problem.

TT 5 Environment The disposal of dangerous waste is controversial in terms of its impact on the environment.



التخلَص من

drill (n)





p.69  At the end of the string of drill pipes is the diamond-toothed bit. As the pipe turns, the bit cuts the borehole.




freely (adv)





p.69 The swivel allows the pipe to rotate freely.





Word Family


Example sentence




goggles (n)





p.71 I’m looking for my goggles.








نظارات خاصة لوِقاية العينين من الوهج والغبار

hydrocarbon (n)




Crude oil consists of many different hydrocarbons mixed together. Hydrocarbons contain hydrogen and carbon in different combinations. p.71



مركب كيماوي

من الكربون

 والهيدروجين (مثل


limited (adj)



limited liability(adj) (of stockholders not “liable”-e.g.,responsible for company’s debts)محدود الضمان

limited company(n)-i.e.,  a corporation شَرْكة محدودة



p.72 They need more support vessels because they have limited storage.









lower (v(

















low (adj) في وضع منخفضp.71 Fractions with high boiling points condense in the lower part of the column.

TTelem 3 Crime and Society The new tax laws will benefit people on low wages.


The travelling block raises or lowers the pipe. p.69

p.467 Oxford Word Power “They lowered the boat into the water.”






lubricate (v)



p.68 The mud is used for lubricating the bit, as well as the turntable.



يزيّت (آلة)

lubricating (v)





p.68 The mud is used for lubricating the bit, as well as the turntable.



يزيّت (آلة)

moored (v)





p.72 Spars are floating platforms moored to the sea bed.






يرسى او يربط القارب او الرصيف العائم بالشاطيء او بقاع البحر

permanent (adj)





P.69 I am living in Texas. (I don’t think of this as permanent.)






platform (n)



Gravity of fixed platforms sit on the seabed. Jack-up platforms sit on steel legs. p.72



ر صيف في

 محطة القطار . مِنصَّة

pontoon (n)







pontoon bridge (n) جسر عائم (على قوارب)


p.72 –Stands on columns which sit on pontoons below the level of the sea—these semi –submersible stands provide enough lift to float the platform and enough weight to keep it upright.





قارب من هذا النوع يعتمد عليه جسر عائم او رصيف عائم

position held (col.)







position (n) TT 1 Business and Commerce Prospective candidates for this position must complete an application form.

position (n) TTelem 4 Travel and Transport The seat can be adjusted to different positions.موقع

p.68 On the Work Experience CV, you should put your employer’s name and the position you held in the company.





وضْع أو وظيفة يقام به

qualifications (n)









p.69 An assistant driller needs qualifications to do the job.
















qualified (adj)





Qualify is the verb. Qualified is the adjective, and qualifications is the noun. p.8

Apprenticeships last from one to three years. In Alessandro's case, over the next two years he can obtain vocational qualifications to become a skilled Technician. p51





raise (v)




The travelling block raises or lowers the pipe. p.69




refine (v)




To convert crude oil into useful products, it has to be refined. p.71




reserves (n)






p.70 Some estimates calculate that up to 25% of the world's undiscovered oil reserves could lie beneath the Arctic Ocean .

TTelem 5 Environment Britain’s oil reserves are an important source of income.

extra supply




مقدار احتياطي (من الطعام مثلا)

rig (n)





 Why is food so important on an oil rig? p.68  Why do oil-rig workers learn to fish? p.68 Read this description of a drilling rig and label these components on the diagram. p.68



مِنَصَّة كبيرة (حول بثر  البترول مثلاً)

run on (pv=phrasal verb)





p.69   The power drill is run on diesel.



شَغَّلَ ب (تشغّل السيارة بالبنزين)

seabed (n)



4 spar platforms, or spars, are floating platforms moored to the seabed. p.72



قاع البحر

shore-based (adj)





 Why is he hoping to get a shore-based job? p.68



موقع العمل في


stable (adj)



stable (n) (barn for animals) إسطبل




p.72 The platforms are very stable, even in rough seas.

TTelem 6 Lifestyle Although the company’s fortunes have been variable over the past year, the outlook is stable.



ثابت . مثسْتَقِرّ


Word Family


Example sentence




suitable for (col.)



to be suited  for, to be appropriate for, to fit (v) بِ لاقَ . يليق




p.72 They are suitable for depth up to 1800m.

TT 8 Family and Home This film is suitable for both adults and children.




swivel (n,v)





p.68-69 The swivel is attached to the travelling block (a swivel is something which is free to rotate).



وصْلة مُتراوحة (ميكانيكا)

vapour (n)





p.71 This is done by heating the oil. The vapour enters a distillation column.

steam, mist


بُخار . ضَباب خفيف