Problem statement

Find \(R,t\) such that \[ q_i = Rp_i + t \]
IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Problem statement

From robots point of view

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Related work

Single observation
External landmarks
  • No mutual observation.
  • Example: ARToolKit (Kato et al. 1999)
  • Controlled environment.
  • Corner features are error prone.
  • Example: Bundler (Snavely et al. 2006)
  • Needs accurate egomotion estimates.

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Mutual localization

A generalized Perspective-N-Point algorithm

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Mutual localization

Using minimum fiducials

  • Fiducials can easily be installed on Robots.
  • Can fall back to single robot localization.
  • No need of egomotion estimates.
IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Mathematical formulation

Math setup

\[ \newcommand{\vect}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\hvect}[1]{\bar{\vect{#1}}} \newcommand{\uvect}[1]{\hat{\vect{#1}}} \newcommand{\field}[1]{\mathbb{#1}} \]
\begin{align} \|s_1\uvect{p}_1-s_2\uvect{p}_2\| &=\| \vect{q_1}- \vect{q_2}\| \\ \end{align}
\begin{align} \|s_2\uvect{p}_2- \vect{p_3}\| &=\| \vect{q_2}-s_3\uvect{q}_3\| \\ \| \vect{p_3}-s_1\uvect{p}_1\| &=\|s_3\uvect{q}_3- \vect{q_1}\| \end{align}
IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Solving for \(s_1\) \(s_2\) and \(s_3\)

Expanding to polynomials

\begin{align} s_1^2 + s_2^2 - 2s_1s_2\uvect{p}_1^\top\uvect{p}_2 - \|\vect{q}_1 - \vect{q}_2\|^2 &= 0 \\ % s_2^2 - s_3^2 - 2s_2\uvect{p}_2^\top\vect{p}_3 + 2s_3\vect{q}_2^\top\uvect{q}_3 + \|\vect{p}_3\|^2 - \|\vect{q}_2\|^2 &= 0 \\ % s_1^2 - s_3^2 - 2s_1\uvect{p}_1^\top\vect{p}_3 + 2s_3\vect{q}_1^\top\uvect{q}_3 + \|\vect{p}_3\|^2 - \|\vect{q}_1\|^2 &= 0 \label{eq31} \end{align}

\begin{align} s_2^2 + \underbrace{(-2s_1\uvect{p}_1^\top\uvect{p}_2)}_{a_1}s_2 + \underbrace{(s_1^2 - \|\vect{q}_1 - \vect{q}_2\|^2)}_{a_0} = 0 \\ s_2^2 + \underbrace{(-2\uvect{p}_2^\top\vect{p}_3)}_{b_1}s_2 - \underbrace{(s_3^2 - 2s_3\vect{q}_2^\top\uvect{q}_3 - \|\vect{p}_3\|^2 + \|\vect{q}_2\|^2)}_{b_0} = 0 \end{align}

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Eliminating \(s_2\)

\begin{align} s_2^2 + \underbrace{(-2s_1\uvect{p}_1^\top\uvect{p}_2)}_{a_1}s_2 + \underbrace{(s_1^2 - \|\vect{q}_1 - \vect{q}_2\|^2)}_{a_0} = 0 \\ s_2^2 + \underbrace{(-2\uvect{p}_2^\top\vect{p}_3)}_{b_1}s_2 - \underbrace{(s_3^2 - 2s_3\vect{q}_2^\top\uvect{q}_3 - \|\vect{p}_3\|^2 + \|\vect{q}_2\|^2)}_{b_0} = 0 \end{align}

  • \begin{align} r(s_1, s_3) = \begin{vmatrix} 1 & a_1 & a_0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & a_1 & a_0 \\ 1 & b_1 & b_0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & b_1 & b_0 \end{vmatrix} = 0 \label{eq:sylvester} \end{align}
IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Eliminating \(s_3\)

\begin{equation} \begin{split} r(s_1, s_3) = c_4s_3^4 + c_3s_3^3 + c_2s_3^2 + c_1s_3 + c_0 &= 0\\ -s_3^2 + \underbrace{(2\vect{q}_1^\top\uvect{q}_3)}_{d_1}s_3 + \underbrace{s_1^2 - 2s_1\uvect{p}_1^\top\vect{p}_3 + \|\vect{p}_3\|^2 - \|\vect{q}_1\|^2}_{d_0} &= 0 \end{split} \end{equation}

  • \begin{align} r_2(s_1) = \begin{vmatrix} c_4 & c_3 & c_2 & c_1 & c_0 & 0 \\ 0 & c_4 & c_3 & c_2 & c_1 & c_0\\ 1 & d_1 & d_0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & d_1 & d_0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & d_1 & d_0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & d_1 & d_0 \end{vmatrix} = 0. \label{eq:finalsylvester} \end{align}
IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Too many roots

Out of the eight roots, only one is right. Which one?

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Choosing the optimal root

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\(\uvect{p}_1^\top\vect{p}_3 \)
\begin{align*} s_2 - \uvect{p}_2^\top\vect{p}_3 &> 0\\ s_3 - \vect{q}_2^\top\uvect{q}_3 &> 0\\ s_1 - \uvect{p}_1^\top\vect{p}_3 &> 0\\ \end{align*}
\begin{align} (s_1 + s_2)^2& - 2s_1s_2(1 + \uvect{p}_1^\top\uvect{p}_2) - \|\vect{q}_1 - \vect{q}_2\|^2 = 0 \end{align} \begin{align} (s_2 - \uvect{p}_2^\top\vect{p}_3)^2 - (s_3 - \vect{q}_2^\top\uvect{q}_3)^2 + (\vect{p}_3 - \uvect{p}_2)^\top\vect{p}_3 - \vect{q}_2^\top(\vect{q}_2 - \uvect{q}_3) = 0\\ \end{align} \begin{align} (s_1 - \uvect{p}_1^\top\vect{p}_3)^2 - (s_3 - \vect{q}_1^\top\uvect{q}_3)^2 + (\vect{p}_3 - \uvect{p}_1)^\top\vect{p}_3 - \vect{q}_1^\top(\vect{q}_1 - \uvect{q}_3) = 0\\ \end{align}
IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

What about more markers?

  • For four markers solve polynomial .
  • For more than 5 markers, we can use the homography method. \begin{align*} \vect{q}_i^\top E \uvect{p}_i &= 0 & \forall i \in {1, 2}\\ \uvect{q}_i^\top E \vect{p}_i &= 0 & \forall i \in {3, 4, 5} \label{eq:essentialmatrix} \end{align*}
  • For more than 8 markers, the system becomes linear.
IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Stability against noise

Experimental setup

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Stability against noise


IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Experimental setup: Fiducial markers on turtlebot

Marker deployment

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Experimental setup

Robot placement

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IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Experimental results

Translation error

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo

Experimental setup

Realtime mutual localization

IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo


  • Localization using fiducial without egomotion
  • Generalization of Perspective-N-point algorithm
  • Compared accuracy against state of art methods
  • Source code and data is available at
IROS 2013. Vikas Dhiman, SUNY Buffalo


Thank You for listening !


This material is based upon work partially supported by the Federal Highway Administration under Cooperative Agreement No. DTFH61-07-H-00023, the Army Research Office (W911NF-11-1-0090) and the National Science Foundation CAREER grant (IIS-0845282). Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the FHWA, ARO, or NSF.

Reconstruction experiment


Reconstruction experiment