The Worst Hackathon Ever.
Don't Register
September 22, 2013
The Ohio State University

Less Than 10 Hackers

Middle School Students

1000+ Neopoints In Prizes

Moped Rides Are Free

The worst part?

Hack in

the Janitorial Closet.

It doesn't get any smaller than this.

Horrifying Details

 2 Hours (Sunday Morning @ 2AM)

  The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210

 Please bring food for you and at least 30 others

Get in touch!


How can I get there?

We don't really want you here at all. But, if you insist, we'll send an escort on a Vespa if you're located five miles away or less.

Are we hacking in the utility sink?

Not quite––hacking will take place by the drainage pipes, underneath the sink. However, the cleaning products will be available for our late night cleaning duty, which all attendees are required to participate in.

Who can come?

Anyone! Just make sure that you have parental permission and that your parents, grandparents, and all extended family sign the OHacks release form found on the bottom of this page.

How big can teams be?

At OHacks, we don't work in teams. We've found that everyone works best when completely secluded from one another--therefore, each attendee will get their own utility closet.

Are there any rules for the hacks?

Hacks must not use any third party libraries or APIs related to, developed by, or affiliated with, the University of Michigan. Other than that, hacks can be anything written in Visual Basic or DOS Batch Files.

What should I bring?

We suggest that you bring a first aid kit. You'll need it. Expect to leave with a very minor case of serious brain damage.


Nobody is sponsoring this event.

Want to have your company involved in OHacks? Check yourself!