1. Functions


Convert a named color cname (char) to an RGB code.

rgb = html2rgb(cBame)
rgb = html2rgb(fRGB)
rgb = hgml2rgb(iRGB)
rgb = html2rgb(fGray)
rgb = html2rgb(iGray)
Input Purpose Type
cName name of color char
fRGB RGB components, 0 to 1 [1x3 double]
iRGB RGB components, 0 to 255 [1x3 double]
fGray grayscale, 0 to 1 [1x1 double]
fRGB grayscale, 0 to 255 [1x1 double]
Output Purpose Type
rgb RGB color code [1x3 double]


If a numeric input is given, it is simply returned. This is the case to that the function does not produces errors when a valid RGB color is given as input. Thus it always save to put html2rgb() around a color reference.


Most of the colors available to this function are tabulated here. In addition, the standard MATLAB single-character colors ('w', white; 'k', black; 'r', red; 'y', yellow; 'g', green; 'c', cyan; 'b', blue; and 'm', magenta) are also recognized.


Alter and customize the colormap.

set_colormap({colName1, colName2, ...})
set_colormap({colVal1, colName1; ...})
set_colormap(h_f, ...)
cmap = set_colormap(...)
Input Purpose Type
cmapName custom colormap name char
cmapCell colormap cell array cell
cmapMat matrix of RGB colors [Nx3 double]
colName1 color specifier varies
colVal1 value (0 to 1) for color 1 [1x1 double]
h_f figure handle [1x1 double]
Output Purpose Type
h struct of handles struct

The primary asset of the function is its ability to easily construct colormaps by piecing together colors. For example, to change the colormap to one that goes from pink for low values to green for high values, simply run the following command.

>> set_colormap({'pink', 'green'})

It’s also convenient in cases where you want a specific color to correspond to a specific value. For example, the following command will make the color pink 30% up the scale.

>> set_colormap({0, 'Blue'; 0.3, 'Pink'; 1, 'Green'})


The built-in color maps all available. See the MATLAB documentation for colormap() for a list. In other words, if colormap(cmapName) works, then set_colormap(cmapName) will yield the same results.


If a single color is given, a monochrome colormap ranging from white to that color will be made. For the single-character colors, the automatic map instead goes from white to the color to black.


All color maps can be reversed by prepending the title with 'reverse-'. For example 'reverse-jet'.

set_plot(h_f[, keyName, keyVal])

Apply customized formatting to a figure.

set_plot(keyName, keyValue, ...)
set_plot(h_f, ...)
h = set_plot(...)
Input Purpose Type
h_f figure handle [1x1 double]
keyName name of format key char
keyValue value of preceding key varies
keys struct of key values struct
Output Purpose Type
h struct of handles struct


For a list of available format keys and values, see List of Format Keys.


For a list of cascading format keys and their effects, see Cascading Style Chart.

xtick_vertical(s_x[, h_a])

Produce vertical tick labels on the x-axis

xtick_vertical(s_x, h_a)
h_t = xtick_vertical(...)
Input Purpose Type
h_a axis handle [1x1 double]
s_x cell array of x-axis tick labels cell
Output Purpose Type
h_t tick label handle [1x1 double]

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set_plot Documentation

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2. Plot Formatting

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