Abstracts of Thesis Work by Recent Students

R. Abell, Effects Of Riparian Forest Loss On Maximum Summer Stream Temperature In A Midwestern Agricultural Catchment.

J. S. Alexander, Two Decades of Post Logging Recovery: Examining Communities in Southeast Alaska.

E. Bright, Relationships between land use and water quality parameters during low flow and stormflow conditions in the River Raisin Watershed, Southeastern Michigan, USA.

M.M. Castillo-Uzcanga, Leaf litter dynamics in Fleming Creek, Michigan.

J.P. Fay, Using GIS to model nonpoint source pollution in an agricultural watershed in Southeast Michigan.

M. Lammert, Assessing land use and habitat effects on fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages: stream biological integrity in an agricultural watershed.

K.B. Lombard, A population viability analysis of the Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi).

V. S. Malaney, Role of Regional and Local Environmental Conditions on Algal Communities in an Agricultural Watershed

J. Norman, Invertebrate Drift And Fish Microhabitat Use In Warmwater Streams Of The River Raisin, Michigan

N.E. Roth, Land use, riparian vegetation, and stream ecosystem integrity in an agricultural watershed.

K.L. Schroeder, The distribution of macroinvertebrates in an agricultural watershed: The influence of instream habitat.

P. M. Sherman, Direct and Indirect Effects on the Land Crab Gecarinus quadratus (Gecarcinidae) on the Seedling Density, Organic Carbon Distributions and rooting Profiles in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica

Last updated January 24, 2000
 J.D. Allan, School of Natural Resources & Environment
University of Michigan