from: Jeffrey Rawitsch <>
subject: Many thanks, Chris
Date sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 7:11 AM -0700

Dear Chris,

     It is with a heavy heart that I write this E-mail.  I want to thank you for all you have done for Chorale this past year.  Your passion for the music was never in doubt and always appreciated, but to me, your passion for helping Chorale grow as a group outside of the music was something that is often overlooked by directors.  I am personally grateful to you for your role in getting us to the retreat and, especially, New York City, as well as your foresight into having an end of the year party "because it's good to wrap up the year after the singing is done," as you put it.  Before you leave, I was wondering if you could pass along the contact and any other relevant information regarding next year's retreat, as it will be up to the Board to get it together.
     I wish you only the best in your future, both immediate and long term.  As an educator-to-be myself, I am constantly worried about the state of education and the arts in this country, and to an extent, it has disheartened me.  But you have been a great model as someone who really enjoys what he does, not because of the financial benefits, but because he loves it.  Thank you very much, and I hope that our paths will cross again soon.  Take care, good luck, and keep the music alive.

With Respect, Admiration, and Appreciation,
