Saturday, July 5, 2003.
Front page article by Tracy Davis, "A Pair of Emergency Sirens Added to Ann Arbor System," continued inside, with photos and map.
Excerpt from front page:
    Sandra Arlinghaus already spent time working with computer mapping and geographic information systems at work and in her position as chairwoman of the Ann Arbor Planning Commission, so when she heard the city was trying to figure out where to place new emergency alert sirens, she put her skills to work.
    The city's own GIS mappers and emergency directors had sent staff out to gauge how well sirens could be heard in various parts of town.
    But Arlinghaus took it a step further:  She mapped the locations of Ann Arbor's existing 20 sirens, the approximate areas where they could be heard and how well.  The resulting map showed overlaps and gaps that helped city emergency official determine where to place two new ones this week.
Thursday, July 19, 2003.
Opinion Column, "Cheers and Jeers," on the Editorial Page, A8.
Cheers:  Sandra Arlinghaus for going beyond her duties as Ann Arbor Planning Commission cha[i]rwoman by mapping on computer the location of Ann Arbor's 20 emergency sirens.  Her work showed city official where the sirens could not be heard and helped them establish locations for two new sirens.