Extra maps, of possible interest.

First style of model:  full buildout of yellow and blue is about 5 million square feet.

Second style of model:  full buildout of yellow and full of blue on Huron with selected other blue is about 5 million square feet.

Full buildout of yellow and blue according to current zoning falls far short of target.


Full buildout of all elegible parcels under current zoning in zones with premiums falls far short of target.

Full buildout of P and PL parcels, as in the second style of model, just about reaches the 5,000,000 mark.  Acquisition of these lands may prove interesting.

Buildout of all parcels, to the maximum, without regard to historic district, floodplain, and so forth, reaches the 5,000,000 mark--a virtually impossible alternative.

Solstice:  An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Geography, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Volume XV, Number 1.