Total estimated square footage within model of existing buildings:  7,469,852 square feet.
Model on the left shows existing buildings in the DDA.  Key streets are marked with vertical labels; the last letter in the street name rests on the appropriate street.  The color models highlight new buildings against the gray, existing model.  The all-gray versions of the color models allow the viewer to consider the entire proposed downtown and to visualize massing patterns of the new buildings with the old.  The model in this row has the widest variety in height (most 3D texture), much square footage coming from construction proposed for already-vacant lands, and lowest height changes in existing residential sections of the DDA (along First and Ashley).  Zoning will be adjusted to fit with buildout.  Massing and 3D spatial pattern drive zoning.

The four scenes to the right are based on one set of ideas:

  • Yellow buildings are built on lots that are now vacant or that now contain surface parking.  All yellow construction represents new square footage. 
    • Towers: 
      • are built on 90 by 90 foot bases at heights of 9, 12, and 15 stories.  Placement--taller placed at lower elevation within parameters for spacing between towers.
      • project upward from 3 story decks. 
    • Other yellow buildings on parcels not large enough to hold a tower have 10 foot side setbacks, 0 foot front setbacks, and 40 foot rear setbacks.  They have 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third floor.
  • Blue buildings are built along Huron Street, at mixed heights of 9, 12, and 15 stories.  The placement pattern is arbitrary.  New square footage is determined by subtracting existing square footage on the target parcels from the modeled square footage.  Setbacks are as above, with the guiding principle that a grand boulevard has uniform front setbacks and that existing patterns of front setbacks determine that uniformity locally.  Thus,
    • Buildings to the east of Division have 20 foot front setbacks
    • Buildings to the west of Division have 0 foot front setbacks and 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third story.
  • Red buildings are built along
    • Liberty, with setbacks as above including 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third floor.  Maximum height is 8 stories
    • First and Ashley, with setbacks as above including 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third floor.  Maximum heights:  half at six stories, half at four stories.
    • South Main, with setbacks as above including 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third floor.  Maximum height is as currently zoned.
    • Not in these views, but in the linked view:  North Main, outside the DDA, east of N. Main.  River-view apartments, set back at 20 feet from N. Main with building footprint scaled by the golden ratio within the parcel.  All square footage in this category is also considered new square footage.
  • Total available new square footage using these principles is:  yellow, 3,149,919; blue, 1,930,283; red DDA, 2,260,922; red North Main, 1,674,625.  These values add to: 10,690,374.  The scenes to the right choose about half the buildings from each category to approximate 5,000,000 new square feet.

Alternative 1--color.  Total estimated square footage within this model is about 5 million square feet of new space with most coming from the yellow buildings (about half of 3+ million in the yellow and about half of 2- in the blue).  Model uses widely-spaced tall buildings to keep increases in height along First and Ashley quite modest.  About one half million new square feet come from North Main (out of this picture).  This model has the widest variety in height (most 3D texture)  and lowest height changes in existing residential sections of the DDA.

Alternative 2--color.   Total estimated square footage within this model is about 5 million square feet of new space with most coming from the yellow buildings (about half of 3+ million in the yellow and about half of 2- in the blue).  Model uses widely-spaced tall buildings to keep increases in height along First and Ashley quite modest.  About one half million new square feet come from North Main (out of this picture).  This model has the widest variety in height (most 3D texture) and lowest height changes in existing residential sections of the DDA.

Alternative 1--gray.  Model uses widely-spaced tall buildings to keep increases in height along First and Ashley quite modest.  About one half million new square feet come from North Main (out of this picture).  This model has the widest variety in height (most 3D texture) and lowest height changes in existing residential sections of the DDA.

Alternative 2--gray.  Model uses widely-spaced tall buildings to keep increases in height along First and Ashley quite modest.  About one half million new square feet come from North Main (out of this picture).  This model has the widest variety in height (most 3D texture) and lowest height changes in existing residential sections of the DDA.

Total estimated square footage within model of existing buildings:  7,469,852 square feet.
Model on the left shows existing buildings in the DDA.  Key streets are marked with vertical labels; the last letter in the street name rests on the appropriate street.  The color models highlight new buildings against the gray, existing model.  The all-gray versions of the color models allow the viewer to consider the entire proposed downtown and to visualize massing patterns of the new buildings with the old.  The model in this row has much square footage coming from construction proposed for already-vacant lands, the widest variety in land use category included as an option, and the largest total amount of square footage that could come into the system.  It is based on a new zoning plan conceived in advance of building models.  Link to detailed document involving zoning.  One category to note is an "Opportunity Zone" bounded by William and Huron, State and First, roughly. Zoning drives spatial pattern.

The four scenes to the right are based on interpreting the linked zoning document in terms of the categories above, in an effort to create comparable models.  Within that zoning context, the color categories translate as follows.

  • Yellow buildings are built on lots that are now vacant or that now contain surface parking.  All yellow construction represents new square footage. The same setbacks are used for these buildings are are used in the model set above, including 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third floor.
  • Blue buildings are built 
    • along Huron Street at a maximum height of 8 stories on the south side and 12 stories on the north side (to let sunlight into the corridor).  These buildings are part of a new "Tall" zone that is split into two sections.  See the linked document for detail.
      • Buildings to the east of Division have 20 foot front setbacks
      • Buildings to the west of Division have 0 foot front setbacks and 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third story.
    • in parcels 
      • within the Opportunity Zone that are currently zoned Parking or Public Land (not UM) at a maximum of 12 stories east of Main and 8 stories west of Main.
      • outside the Opportunity Zone at nearby zoning.
  • Red buildings are built along
    • Liberty, with setbacks as above including 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third floor.  Maximum height is 8 stories
    • First and Ashley, with setbacks as above including 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third floor.  Maximum heights:  at eight stories in the Opportunity Zone and elsewhere as per zoning prescribed by new zoning (never more than 8).
    • South Main, with setbacks as above including 20 foot upper story setbacks above the third floor.  Maximum height is as zoned.
    Total available new square footage using these principles is:  yellow, 3,260,010; Huron blue, 1,661,403; red DDA, 2,791,216; blue P and PL, 4,979,213.  The sum of all categories except the P and Pl value is 7,712,629 square feet; take also 2,287,31 from the 4,979,213 in P and PL to add to 10,000,000.   The scenes to the right choose about half the buildings from each category except P and PL.  From the latter category they show about one-quarter of those.  Altogether, these models roughly approximate 5,000,000 new square feet.

Alternative 1--color.  Total estimated square footage within this model is about 5 million square feet of new space with most coming from the yellow buildings (about half of 3+ million in the yellow and about half of 2- in the blue).  Buildings containing large amounts of square footage often are more massive, laterally, in appearance than are those above (which gain mass through height rather than breadth). 

Alternative 2--color.  Total estimated square footage within this model is about 5 million square feet of new space with most coming from the yellow buildings (about half of 3+ million in the yellow and about half of 2- in the blue).  Buildings containing large amounts of square footage often are more massive, laterally, in appearance than are those above (which gain mass through height rather than breadth). 

Alternative 1--gray.  Total estimated square footage within this model is about 5 million square feet of new space with most coming from the yellow buildings (about half of 3+ million in the yellow and about half of 2- in the blue).  Buildings containing large amounts of square footage often are more massive, laterally, in appearance than are those above (which gain mass through height rather than breadth). 

Alternative 2--gray.  Total estimated square footage within this model is about 5 million square feet of new space with most coming from the yellow buildings (about half of 3+ million in the yellow and about half of 2- in the blue).  Buildings containing large amounts of square footage often are more massive, laterally, in appearance than are those above (which gain mass through height rather than breadth). 

Total estimated square footage within model of existing buildings:  7,469,852 square feet.
Model on the left shows existing buildings in the DDA.  Key streets are marked with vertical labels; the last letter in the street name rests on the appropriate street.  The color models highlight new buildings against the gray, existing model.  The all-gray versions of the color models allow the viewer to consider the entire proposed downtown and to visualize massing patterns of the new buildings with the old.  The model in this row is based on the current zoning and the current spatial pattern. 

These two alternatives show a mixture of construction categories with yellow buildings on vacant and surface parking lots, as above, and blue buildings along Huron Street, as above.  In both cases, height is governed by current zoning with premiums (in five zoning categories).  The yellow and blue represent total buildout in those categories.  The red is about 2/3 builtout in those categories allowing premiums.  Many more parcels must see substantial change in order to achieve the 5,000,000 mark.  Full buildout is never a reality.

Uniformity in spatial pattern is strong; 3D texture is weakest in this row of models.  Total available new square footage using these principles is:  yellow, 2,375,123; blue, 769,473; red, 2,909720. 

Alternative 1--color.

Alternative 2--color.

Alternative 1--gray.

Alternative 2--gray.
NOTE: Sandra L. Arlinghaus

Solstice:  An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics, Institute of Mathematical Geography, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Volume XV, Number 1.