March 1970


Section 1:	The name of this corporation is Dolphin Swim Club.

Section 2:	The corporation is a nonprofit corporation without stock
organized under the statutes of the State of Michigan and chartered by the
Michigan Corporation and Securities Commission.

Section 3:	The corporation functions solely to provide swimming and
other recreational facilities for the benefit of all members.  All
facilities owned by the corporation are controlled and managed by the
Board of Trustees of the corporation for the common use and benefit of
members as provided in the bylaws.


Section 1:   (Regular membership)

a.	Regular Membership in the corporation shall be extended only on a
single family residence basis.  Each single family residence in the
BROMLEY subdivision is eligible for Regular membership; BROMLEY is defined
to be within plats 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the North Campus Heights Subdivision
of Ann Arbor as recorded with the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County,
Michigan, in Liber 15, pages 27-28, 45-46, and Liber 16, pages 29-30,

b.	Regular Memberships shall be issued and held in the name of the
owner(s) of the residence and shall include all members of the family of
such owner(s) domiciled in the said residence.  For purposes of this
Section the Board shall determine who holds ownership of the residence and
unless appealed to the entire Regular Membership such ruling shall be

c.	Only persons holding a Regular Membership shall be entitled to,
vote or hold office in the corporation.  The holding of office shall be on
an individual basis but voting shall be on a residence basis.

d. Effective 31 December 1969, members in good standing may hold that
membership without any charges, except for special assessments (see
ARTICLE THREE, Section 3) and swimming fees (see paragraph f below), as
long as they are homeowners in BROMLEY or until the time that they elect
to withdraw their membership in writing.

Effective 31 December 1969 when a Regular Membership has been extended to
a single family residence such membership shall automatically transfer to
subsequent owners of such residence. Further, if a Regular Membership
shall acquire a different residence in BROMLEY, Regular Membership shall
also automatically be extended to the new residence. However, if they
retain owner-ship of both residences, only one Regular Membership shall

The privilege of using the recreational facilities of the corporation
shall be extended to Regular Memberships only on an annual basis and then
on the condition that the holder(s) of such Regular Membership shall pay
the annual fees as established by the Board  as provided in ARTICLE THREE.

Section 2:	(Guest Memberships)

a. Guest Membership in the Club shall be extended upon a
family unit basis according to uniform, nondiscriminatory
standards fixed from year to year by the Board.

b. Guest Memberships shall be annual and shall
automatically terminate at the end of the calendar year in which

c. The holders of Guest Memberships shall not be entitled
to vote or hold office in the Club.

d. The number of Guest Memberships to be awarded each year shall be fixed
by the Board and in fixing such number the Board shall be guided by their
estimate of the effect of Guest Memberships upon the pool capacity and
financial condition of the corporation.

e. Guest Membership fees shall be established annually by
the Board as set forth in ARTICLE TEREE subject to the
limitation that they shall be greater than the annual fees
established for Regular Memberships.

Section 3:	(Guests)

a. Individuals desiring to use the recreational facilities
of the Club who are sponsored by Members may be permitted to use
Club facilities as Guests pursuant to the terms and conditions
established from time to time by the Board. Members of the corporation
may also be Guests on a temporary basis pursuant to conditions
established by the Board.

b.	The discretion of the Board relative to the terms and conditions
applicable to guests shall be subject only to the limitation that Guests
must be charged a fee.


Section 1:	(Fees)

a. The Board shall each year at its discretion establish Regular
Membership fees, Guest Membership fees, and Guest fees and the time or
times for the payment of such fees.

b. Guest Membership fees shall always be greater than the annual fees for
Regular Memberships.

c. Memberships electing not to use the corporation facilities pay no fee.

Section 2:	(Memberships)

a.	New Regular Memberships must be purchased; the charge for
securing a Regular Membership will be set by the Board, and may be changed
only once each year.

b.	Regular Membership purchase charges are noncumulative; only the
charge established by the Board at the time application for Regular
Membership is submitted shall apply.

c.	The Board may provide that the Regular Membership purchase charge
can be paid over an extended period.

Section 3:   (Assessments)

a.	The Board may, if approved by vote as provided in ARTICLE FOUR,
impose assessments for capital outlays.

b.	Assessments imposed by the Board attach only to Regular
Memberships, are cumulative, and attach to both the residence for whom the
Membership was issued and the owners of such residence at the time the
assessment was levied.

c.	When the ownership of a single family residence for which a
Regular  Membership has been issued is transferred the Board may, with
respect to the new owners of such residence, at its discretion, waive all
or part of the unpaid assessments which have attached to such Regular
Membership but such waiver shall not effect the liability of the owners of
the residence at the time the assessment was made if such owners acquire
another single family residence in the BROMLEY subdivision.


Section 1:	Each Regular Membership is entitled to one vote.

Section 2:	All elections concerned with modifying the bylaws or
establishing special assessments are to be determined by an affirmative
vote of two-thirds of the Regular Membership.

Section 3:	All ballots on matters described in Section 2 of this
Article are to be distributed to members through the mail.  Ballots will
include verbatim propositions and will be accompanied by suitable
descriptive materials prepared by the Board of Trustees.  All ballots must
be signed by the membership and returned to the Board of Trustees within
two weeks of their mailing to members.

Section 4:	No vote may be a proxy vote except that the Board of
Trustees will vote the ballot of any membership not voting.


Section 1:	The government of the corporation shall be vested in a
Board of Trustees which shall be responsible for the management of
corporation business, shall establish policies and programs, shall
formulate the necessary rules and regulations for the conduct of the
affairs of the corporation, and shall periodically advise the membership
of the actions and activities of the Board of .Trustees. The Board will
authorize the lifeguard staff to enforce the rules and regulations
formulated above.  No salary of renumeration shall be paid any member of
the Board of Trustees for their services as such.  The Board shall have
the power to employ, remove or suspend such agents and employees of the
corporation as it may deem fit, and to determine their duties and provide
for or change their compensation, and to determine who shall be
authorized, on behalf of the corporation, to sign checks and other
corporate instruments.  The Board of Trustees shall not be empowered to
mortgage corporation assets except as directed by the membership under
voting conditions as established in Article Four.

Section 2:	The Board of Trustees shall consist of eleven members in
good Standing of the Regular Membership who shall be elected at the
annual meeting by a majority of the members of the Regular Membership
present at the meeting.

Section 3:	The term of office of the members of the Board of
Trustees shall be two years with six elected in even numbered years and
five elected in odd numbered years.

Section 4:	Nominations for the Board of Trustees shall be by the
Nominating Committee which shall present a slate of candidates equal in
number to at least those vacancies to be filled. Nominations may be made
from the floor of the annual meeting or by petition to the Board of 10% of
the Regular Membership. A list of all nominations shall be distributed by
mail to the membership together with the annual meeting notice.

Section 5	A vacancy on the Board of Trustees shall be filled
by a majority vote of the remaining trustees. The member so elected will
serve only until the next annual meeting when a special election
to fill the unexpired term, if any, will be held.

Section 6:	A member of the board of Trustees may be removed
for Cause upon (a) petition of 25% of the Regular Membership and (b)
a mail ballot as provided in Article Four with a two-thirds
affirmative vote of the Regular Membership necessary for removal.

Section 7:	Six members of the Board of Trustees shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of corporation business.


Section 1:	The Board of Trustees shall elect, at their first meeting
following the annual meeting of the corporation, from their own membership
the following officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman             Secretary, and

Section 2:	The Chairman shall serve as the chief executive officer of
the corporation and until the election of a new Chairman.

Section 3:	The Vice-Chairman shall act as Chairman at all regular
meetings of the Board of Trustees or of the corporation in the absence of
the Chairman.  He shall succeed to the chairmanship in the event of the
resignation of the Chairman.

Section 4:	The Secretary shall keep minutes of all regular meetings
of the Board of Trustees and of meetings of the membership of the
corporation.  He shall maintain all official records of the corporation.

Section 5:	The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of
the current financial records of the corporation and for recording all
financial transactions of the corporation.

Section 6:	The Chairman shall appoint standing committees for
Membership and Nominating.  All committee chairmen must be members of the
Board of Trustees.  All Board members are responsible for the financial

Section 7:	The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall submit an
annual report including a financial statement to the membership of the
corporation at the time of mailing of the notice of the annual meeting.


Section 1:	An annual meeting of the membership is to be held on the
last Monday in January of each year or as soon after that date as
possible.  The membership of the corporation shall be notified by mail of
the time, place, and agenda of the annual meeting at least fourteen days
prior to the meeting.

Section 2:	Special meetings of the corporation may be called by the
Board at their discretion. The Board must call a special meeting upon
petition of 25% of the Regular Membership.  All special meetings must meet
the requirements of Section Three of this Article.

Section 3:	All members must be notified by the Board by mail at least
fourteen days prior to the date of the special meeting of the time, place,
and agenda of the special meeting except that a meeting may be called on
three days notice if the time, place, and agenda are personally delivered
by members of the Board and receipts of such delivery are obtained from at
least 75% of the Regular Membership.

Section 4:	Informational meetings at which no formal business may be
transacted may be called by the Board of Trustees at any time.

Section 5:	Robert's Rules of Order shall be the official rules of
order for all meetings of the membership of the Corporation.


Section 1:	The penalty for violation of the bylaws, or of the rules
and regulations established by the Board of Trustees, shall be denial of
the use of the swimming pool facilities to such member, notwithstanding
the provisions of Article Two. The affirmative vote of six members of the
Board shall be necessary for the imposition of a penalty, the length of
time such penalty shall be in effect being determined at the same time.

Section 2:	Complaints where action is demanded of the Board of
Trustees shall be made in writing to the  Board and must be signed by the
complaining member.


Section 1:	The decision of the Board of Trustees on any question
involving the interpretation of these bylaws shall be final. Agreement of
six of the eleven Trustees is defined to be a decision.


Section 1:	Proposed amendments of these bylaws may be submitted to a
vote of the Regular Membership by the Board of Trustees or by petition of
25% of the Regular Membership through the Board of Trustees.

Section 2:	Voting on proposed amendments shall follow the procedures
in Article Four.