Success stories (back to Why focus on Africa?)
  • Economic growth. Mozambique's economy grew almost 6 percent each year throughout the 1990s. (The US had an average yearly growth rate of 3.9 percent between 1994 and 1997.)
  • Poverty reduction. Uganda cut its poverty rate nearly in half between 1992 and 2000.
  • Democratization. Since 1990, more than 40 African countries have held multiparty elections, and the African press has enjoyed increasing freedom from governmental interference.
  • Access to education. In Chad, the enrollment of girls in primary school reached 58 percent in 2001, almost twice what it was in 1994.
  • Improved health. Burkina Faso achieved an 84 percent tuberculosis vaccination rate for infants (surpassing its target of 80 percent).

Information drawn from "Can Africa Claim The 21st Century?", the regional brief of the World Bank Group in Africa, and "Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa." All are available from the World Bank's Africa Home Page.