Directions to Rehoboth, DE

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get to Rehoboth, DE. The closest you can get by plane is Philadelphia, PA. Plan on a 2 hour drive from Philly to Rehoboth. If you fly into Baltimore, it will be about a 2.5 hour drive (exluding any bridge traffic across the Bay Bridge). If you're driving from Pittsburgh, plan on 6 hours (if there is no traffic).

Below, we have links to Mapquest directions.  I agree with most of the Mapquest steps except the following: The turn from DE-1 South onto Rehoboth Avenue is a left turn just past the Outlet Centers (see your Invitation).  

The address of the "Wedding House" is 14 Pennsylvania Ave, Rehoboth, DE.

From Pittsburgh (click here for MapQuest directions)

From Reading, Pennsylvania (click here for MapQuest directions)

From Philadelphia, PA (click here for MapQuest directions)