The following represents a full listing of the more minor errata in the first and second printings of Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide using Statistical Software. 1. On page xv, in the Table of Contents, the title for Section 3.11.11 is spelled incorrectly (Reference). 2. On page 21, in Equation 2.5, the u-vector appears to be a subscript, but should be the same size as the other vectors. 3. On page 55, the first sentence should read "The SAS output displaying descriptive statistics for each level of treatment and sex is shown..." 4. On page 59, the description of Step 3 should be italicized and boldfaced. 5. On page 60, in the last sentence, there should be no commas around beta5 and beta6. 6. On page 62, in Equation 3.2, the b-coefficients should be italicized. 7. On page 63, for Hypothesis 3.1, there should not be an extra line of space in-between the null and alternative hypotheses. 8. At the bottom of page 63, Model 3.2a should be Model 3.2A. 9. On page 64, in Table 3.4, the Model labels should not be boldfaced. 10. On page 66, in the first paragraph of Section 3.4.1, rat pup data should read Rat Pup data. 11. On page 71, after the second block of SAS code, the text should read " we choose the simpler grouped residual variance model..." 12. On page 80, before the box of output, "the" before lme() should not be in courier new font. 13. On page 88, in the last paragraph, the sentence starting "Because we cannot use a likelihood ratio test..." should be deleted. MAJOR: On page 100, the SEX term in Equation 3.8 should be SEX1. (FIXED IN SECOND PRINTING) 14. On page 118, the definition of the variable MATHKNOW has an extra "based" after "scale" that should be deleted. 15. On page 130, in the first sentence of Section 4.4, procedure should be procedures. 16. On page 155, in the third paragraph, third sentence, "hypotheses" should be "hypothesis." 17. On page 176, in the third paragraph, "rat brain data" should be "Rat Brain data." 18. On page 199, at the end of the first paragraph, "in the following Level 1 file" should be replaced with "below". MAJOR: On page 204, in Section 5.6.1, Subsection 3.12.4 does not exist. The correct subsection referred to here should be 3.6.1. (FIXED IN SECOND PRINTING) 19. On page 210, in the second sentence of the last paragraph, "correlation" should be "correlations." MAJOR: On page 213, the footnote indicates that the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality is not available in SPSS. This is incorrect, and the test can be accessed by selecting Analyze -> Descriptive Statistics -> Explore, and then clicking on the Plots button and selecting 'Normality Plots with Tests'. Many thanks to Garry Anderson from the University of Melbourne for pointing this out! (FIXED IN SECOND PRINTING) 20. On page 216, the last line on the page should read "residual (marginal) variance..." 21. On page 219, on the second line, there is an extra comma after "whose". 22. On page 230, in equation 6.3, the betas should not be italicized. 23. On page 235, at the end of the first full paragraph, quadratic is spelled incorrectly. 24. On page 239, at the end of the third paragraph, therefore is spelled incorrectly. 25. On page 247, in the second sentence of the fourth paragraph, the text should read "...(because some children have missing data), and make sure that the option to Delete missing data..." 25a. On page 256, in Table 6.6, the estimates for beta_3 through beta_8 in each software package should have negative signs included. 26. On page 257, in the third paragraph from the bottom of the page, "estimated" should be deleted from the first line of the paragraph (where there is a reference to confidence intervals for estimated standard deviations). 27. On page 261, in Equation 6.7, the 1i and 2i subscripts are larger than they should be (see Equation 6.6). 28. On page 270, in the fifth line, the reference to the summary() function should be in courier new font. MAJOR: Table 7.2, showing a sample of the Dental Veneer data set, was omitted from Chapter 7 in printing. Interested readers can either download the electronic version of the data set, or email the authors to see Table 7.2 in print. The current version of Table 7.2 in the text (summarizing the models considered in Chapter 7) should actually be Table 7.3. MAJOR: On page 282, in the first paragraph of Section 7.3.2, the reference to Figure 7.3 should actually be Table 7.3. 29. On page 283, the u_0i|j term should not be in boldface, and epsilon_1ij and epsilon_2ij should not be in boldface either (see Equation 7.2 for the correct display). 30. On page 285, in the second paragraph, b_1i|j should be italicized. 31. On page 291, in the second-to-last paragraph, the second-to-last sentence should read as follows: "...for this test, because the null hypothesis does not specify a parameter at the boundary of a parameter space." 32. On page 315, in the Table 7.9 title, there is an extra hyphen after fixed-effect that should be deleted. 33. On page 325, in line 2 of the third paragraph, the "estimated" should be deleted (similar to #26 above). 34. On page 328, in line 5, way should be replaced with may. 35. On page 329, in Section A.1.1, the fifth sentence should read " the time of this publication is SAS Release 9.1.3,..." The authors welcome notification about additional errata.