Chapter 6 Descriptive Statistics in HLM --------------------------------------- 1. Simple descriptive statistics at Level 1 (longitudinal VSAE measures) and Level 2 (children) are available after generating the MDM file by clicking on the Check Stats button. 2. To generate line graphs similar to those presented in Figure 6.1, select File, Graph Data, and Line plots / Scatter plots after reading in the MDM file. Set AGE_2 as the X-axis variable, set VSAE as the Y-axis variable, select the number of Level 2 groups (children) to graph (All groups (n = 158) is fine in this case), and then select a Level 2 SICD group indiator (e.g., SICDEGP1) as the Z-focus variable. Then, select the type of plot to be Line plot (Straight Line), and set pagination to be 1 graph/group, multiple/page. The resulting plots can be used to get a sense of between-child variation in the trends over time. 3. Mean Profiles are currently not available in HLM (Version 6.02); line graphs can currently only be generated for individual Level 2 groups.