Reuters Friday March 16 4:52 PM ET Hungry Guard Foils Heroin Delivery in Burrito ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Reuters) - A woman allegedly tried to smuggle heroin into the Albuquerque jail by stuffing it in a burrito, but a hungry guard foiled the plot, a newspaper reported on Friday. The guard took a bite of the burrito that was supposed to be delivered to two inmates and felt something crunchy as he swallowed, the Albuquerque Journal said. Inside was a plastic bag filled with black tar heroin. The guard was given a medical examination, but did not become ill, police said. The incident took place in April, but only became public this week when police filed drug trafficking charges against the woman who they say delivered the loaded burrito and the two prisoners who were meant to receive it, the newspaper said. In Texas, a fast-food worker was charged in January with putting marijuana into a breakfast burrito for a police dispatcher in the small North Texas town of The Colony. The dispatcher immediately noticed the substance when she bit into the soft tortilla. Copyright 2001 Yahoo! Inc., and Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.