Bryant Wu'sHome Page

[Construction Sign]This home page is still under construction.
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Last Modified Saturday, 08-Jan-2000 11:42:01 EST
Also I killed part of my homepage on January 26, 1996. I think i restored most of it, but I'm not sure. Oh well.... I'm stupid or something.

[University of 
Michigan Seal] Hello there!! My name is Bryant Wu. I'm a fourth year medical student at the University of Michigan. I just realized that my homepage is horribly out of date, well in actuality I knew that. Anyway, I plan to go into Anesthesiology and just finished the interview tour. Wish me luck.. I majored in Biomedical Sciences and Psychology as an undergrad. I'm also proud to say I'm in the Inteflex program, Class of 2000. I currently am a member of, and live at the Phi Chi Medical Fraternity. Oh, I'm also 1993 grad from Plymouth-Canton High School in Canton, Michigan.

I guess I'm involved in a lot of things here at the University of Michigan. I was very involved with the Residence Halls Association, but now I'm in med school so I won't be as involved as I want to be... *sigh* I used to do some freelance (emphasize free) graphics and web work for them. Check it out on my links page and my list of pages I've worked on.

Oh yeah, I also used to be the medical school representative for the Michigan Student Assembly. I may be back. Who knows?

Oh if you have the time or the inclination, my roommate collects key rings and right now he has a chain that is about six feet long. If you want to please send me a key ring or two if you have extras lying around. Email me ( and I will send you my address. Our eventually hope is to have enough key rings to make a vest.

Also I recently found an old 8-track player in my basement. I am looking for donations of 8-tracks. You have any that you want to get rid of. Email me the name of the titles you have ( and if I'm interested I will send you an envelope with postage and stuff so you can send it to me at no cost to yourself. Thanks in advance to everyone.

*NEW* I've started putting some pictures of me on the web. Come and visit:

Bryant's Archive of Freakish pictures There's lots of pictures here, so be prepared to wait.

I'm starting to give this page a make-over because I'm bored with it. So bear with me. I'd like to hear what you think...


Inteflex Student Homepages I went through and found the homepages of all the Inteflex students, class of 1999-2003. Some of them are pretty cool. If I've missed you email me.(

*Check it out*Check out the weather in Ann Arbor. Courtesy of New Jersey Online. (Whoa. New Jersey's good for something... just kidding)

Some of my contact info.
Find out when I was last logged on.
Bryant Wu's Public PGP key

Well that's all I have for now. But in all honesty I haven't worked on it as much a I've wanted to. I'm piecing it all together very slowly. Wish me luck.

958 people have visited since January 26, 1996

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Send them to:
Bryant Wu (