DISCLAIMER: All information found on this site is for non-commercial use only. This site was created with the intention of providing accurate information and lyrics, serve as a resource for fans, and show the level of respect I hold for one of the greatest bands ever, The Smashing Pumpkins. Site Design © 1998,1999,2000 B.A.M.F.. Any songs written by Billy Corgan are Chrysalis Songs/Cinderful Music. All songs written by James Iha are Orange Butterscotch Music (solo work) or Chrysalis Songs/Cellophane Star Music (pumpkins work).

IMPORTANT INFO: This site uses the "lucida console" font, and is best viewed with a minimum of 800x600, frames and java capable browser. In the future, I hope to incorporate flash media, but only where it would serve useful, and not as an annoyance.

SONGS: I hope to have an accurate collection of the songs performed, covered, teased, mentioned, etc etc. If you find anything that's missing from my lists, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will try to give credit where credit is due, (I know a few persons have knocked me before for ripping information, sorry about all that). Some of the little covers that the band has messed around with won't show up on other sites - mostly because they are of my personal opinion that these songs were performed at all. For instance, [Paint It Black] appears on my site, and not on anyone else's site (yet). This is one of many personal opinions, so please don't take it as fact, and I'm far from perfect with all of these song names and covers. I also try to provide the original lyrics, along with the lyrics that are performed, for no real reason other than to give as much information on each song as possible. Also, on some of the obscure information, links are provided to prove their existence, along with whatever quotes I may have found, and sound files if possible. Anytime a [?] appears within the text, for the most part it means that it's an unknown line/word in a song lyric.

SITE HISTORY: All other versions of this site "sucked" (that's somebody's else's quote). Hopefully this version won't suck. And hopefully I won't have to reformat it for a long time. The original incarnations were produced using a Macintosh, (Photoshop and a pico editor). I decided to step up in the world for this version and use a PC, with Wordpad, and I remained loyal to Photoshop.