Well It's True That We Love One Another



Performed by Jack White, Meg White, and Holly Golightly - from thee Headcoatees

Studio Recording

Jack White:

    "When we went to Toe Rag the first time we recorded [It's true that we love one another] with Holly Golightly. Afterwards I played Pocket and put everybody in a bad mood. It's Meg's favourite."
Jack White:
    "It's supposed to be about ourselves, like the Mamas and the Papas, Creque Alley. It was the first song I ever wrote, recorded and mixed in the same day. It forced me to work. On the next album I'll have a lot of people I respect write down a song topic and write a song about it. I'll be confined with having to come up with something."
Jack White:
"Holly was around, and we were talking about doing a song. I said, 'let's use all three of our real names as iconic figures in the traditional sense but make up an imaginary situation that me and Holly are in love and arguing and Meg is breaking up the fight and trying to make us friends again."

Played from recording:

  • 11/8/01 Peel Acres


  • Elephant