Fishes of Thurston Nature Center

The fishes of Thurston Pond were sampled by seining on October 26, 1991. The following seven species were caught and released:

Black bullhead
Common carp (were seen but not captured in the seine)
Central mudminnow
Golden shiner
Green sunfish

Glen Black, Bill Phillips, and Jim Breck sampled the fishes in the pond on September 23-24, 1996, using several fyke nets and a seine. The only species of fish caught were goldfish and black bullheads. These species are tolerant of low oxygen conditions in the winter. Glen, Bill, and Jim did not find the slow-growing bluegills that were present in previous years. Bluegills are not tolerant of low oxygen, and may have died during the harsh conditions in the winter of 1995-1996.

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WWW Fishes of Thurston Nature Center: last revised file: tnc-fish.htm on November 22, 1996