Brad Lehman's MennoLink links

Mennonite Connections on the WWW
(the most extensive collection of Mennonite site links on the WWW)

See also the official MennoLink website.

I've catalogued several interesting MennoLink discussion threads in the Archive, most notably the h-issue.

A fictitious piece that has grown out of MennoLink is Rosannadanna of the Amish.

See also a catalog of my hymns.

My musical work is featured in Hymnal: A Worship Book (also the three-cassette set associated with that hymnal, not listed here), Praying with the Anabaptists, and Hymnal Masterworks: Solo Piano.

Also, my complete concordance of that hymnal is available...all these items are at the MennoLink Books online store. The concordance is available directly from the publisher, Mennonite Publishing House, as well...see the concordance's own page.