Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Anna Rognon

Notes for Anna Rognon

1644 Anna Rognon was accused of witchcraft, tortured, and banished from the Diesse area in July 1644. Elie Bourquin and the sons of Elie and Anna petitioned the Bishop of Basle, Monseigneur Johann Heinrich, on 28 décembre 1644 to request that Anna be allowed to return to her home in Diesse. [1]

1648 Anna braved the banishment and came back, perhaps for the funeral of her husband. There is a second manuscript dated September 29, 1648. Elie Bourquin seems to have died in the meantime as the text is directly addressed to Anna. She was put under house arrest, chained at the chimney of her house, without daylight, under the supervision of her son Pierre and of Jeremie Giauque, the husband of her daughter. [2]


[1] Danièle Renard-Gottraux, Les Procès des Sorciers et Sorcières de la Montagne de Diesse au XVIIe Siècle (Société Jurassienne d'Émulation, 1976), 85-86 .

[2] Georges Lüdi, "La Sorcellerie dans la Montagne de Diesse au XVIIe siècle comme Construction Sociale: Une Approche Discursive de Documents d’Archives," Vox Romanica, Vol. 6 (2006), 108-131 at 120 and personal communication with the author, [Vox_Romanica].