Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Marie Eugenia Scott

Notes for Marie Eugenia Scott

2013 Eugenia Branham and her family celebrated her 101st birthday. [1]

Long Time Oakland Residents Celebrate Over 100 years of Life
by Spencer Whitney
The Lofton family recently celebrated the 101st birthday of Mrs. Eugenia Branham and the 102nd birthday of Mrs. Billie Jernigan, respectively. In attendance were their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren.

Branham was born May 25, 1912 in Rome, Georgia. Jernigan was born in Boswell, Oklahoma on Aug. 24, 1911.

When asked their secret to such a long life, the two women answered "There is not secret to longevity, the key is to be happy, pray, have faith in God, and always surround yourself with a loving caring family. Both women live in Oakland.


[1] Oakland Post, 1 September 2013, [URL].