Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Hugh Hexstall

Notes for Hugh Hexstall

1443-1451 Hugh Hextall was rector of Nettlestead, Suffolk. [1]

1451-1476 Hugh Hextall was rector of Bletchingley, Surrey. In an article about St Mary's Church in Bletchingley, Surrey, David Ross states, [2]

By the pulpit is a brass of a priest in vestments, possibly a 15th-century rector named Hugh Hextall, chaplain to the Duke of Buckingham and rector from 1451 until his death in 1476. Hextall remodelled the church around 1460, adding the south arcade and south chapel windows.


[1] C. H. Fielding, The Records of Rochester Diocese (Dartford: Snowden Brothers, 1910), 430, [InternetArchive], [HathiTrust].

[2] David Ross, ed., "Bletchingley, Surrey, St Mary's Church," Britain Express (britainexpress.com website, retrieved 2/2/2021), [URL].