Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Frederick Billing Miles

Notes for Frederick Billing Miles

1833 Frederick Billing, son of "William & Eliza Billing, Bledlow, Farmer," was born on January 14 and baptized on March 31 in Bledlow, Buckinghamshire, England. [1] [2] He was born in the Manor House in the village of Bledlow, Buckinghamshire, England. [3]

1834 Frederick's father William died at sea on October 12 en route to Canada. William had been injured in a fall from a horse, and his doctor had prescribed a sea voyage for his recuperation. William's sons Samuel and James were with him on the voyage and his son Charles was already in Canada.

Eliza and Frederick went to London to live with Eliza's family. Frederick lost track of his older half brothers and sisters.

1839 Frederick's mother Eliza married Rev. Frederick William Miles, in London on July 4. Rev. Miles was a Baptist minister and educator from Fredericton, New Brunswick.

1839 The new family, Rev. and Mrs. Miles and Frederick, moved from London, England to Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada via New York. On 10 September 1839, passengers Frederick Miles (age 33, occupation Baptist Minister), his wife Clara [sic] Miles (age 25), and her son Frederick Billing (age 6), arrived in the Port of New York on the steam ship Great Western from Bristol. [4]

Frederick Billing became known as Fred Miles, his step-father's name. Frederick's daughter Edith Miles Todd wrote in her notes, "He known there [in Fredericton] as Fred Miles as often as Fred Billing but I cannot find in Fredericton legal adoption papers - A possibility of the adoption having happened in England as Father's baby spoon and fork are marked F. B. Miles - used I think when he went away to school as a very small lad." One of Frederick's childhood friends wrote, "Mrs. Eliza D. Billing, [Rev. Frederick W.] Miles' second wife, was an English lady, and her son, Fred Billing was a playmate of mine, and went oftener by the name Fred Miles than Fred Billing. Of course I do not know anything about his adoption by Mr. Miles; but as Mrs. Miles was willed all of the property, so said, he would receive it from his mother." [5]

1842 Frederick Billing Miles's step-father, Rev. Frederick Miles, died in Fredericton, New Brunswick on February 2.

1842-1843 "Mrs. Miles sold the house she was living in when Mr. Miles died, went to Boston, Mass., and shortly after was married to Rev. Dr. Cushman." [6]

1843 Frederick's mother Eliza married widower Rev. Robert Woodward Cushman in Boston, Massachusetts on October 31. The family subsequently lived in Boston and then Washington, D.C. where Rev. Cushman was a minister and then headmaster of a school.

1843-53 In a letter to John Todd (son of Frederick's daughter Edith Miles Todd) dated 20 March 1977, Hulburd Miles (grandson of Frederick Billing Miles and son of Herbert Delahaye Miles) wrote "We are still not certain why Frederick Billing changed his name [to Miles]. It seems to me my father told me some years ago that his father, Frederick Billing, was very fond of his first stepfather, Reverend Frederick W. Miles, but that he and his second stepfather, Rev. R.W. Cushman did not get along at all. When Frederick Billing was about sixteen, he was accused unjustly by the Rev. Cushman of having stolen twenty dollars from him. The Rev. Cushman had him arrested. The boy felt that his name had been permanently smirched and so adopted the name Miles." [See, however the description of Frederick's behavior in the May 1849 letters, below, published by Robert and Eliza Cushman.]

1849 Frederick was arrested for forgery on March 19. [7]

Arrest of a Fugitive Forger. - There was arrested on Monday, the 19th inst., in Broadway, N.Y., a young man, about eighteen years of age, by the name of Frederick Billing, who stands charged with being a fugitive from Washington City, on charges of forgery. The N.Y. Herald says: It seems he was in the employ of Mr. James C. Lewis, in Washington, on whom he has forged to some amount, and many others besides. On searching his person, when arrested, a new pistol, with powder and was found, together with a new watch and several blank checks on the "Bank of the Metropolis," Washington. A telegraphic despatch [sic] was received last evening, setting forth that a requisition would be sent on immediately for the removal of the prisoner to Washington for trial. The N.Y. Sun says that he denies the charge most emphatically, and appears to be willing to meet it at once, while others think he was arranging to go to California.

1849 "Washington, March 27, 1849. … The Circuit Court commenced its March term on yesterday. … The jury cases will commence next week. … Frederick Billings indicted for several forgeries, and … were both arraigned today; their trials will take place next week." [8]

1849 Frederick's trial on March 29 was described in the newspaper. [9]

Washington, March 29, 1849. Criminal Court - US vs Frederick Billings - There was an indictment for forgery and passing a certain forged check, payable to the order of John Brock, and purporting to be signed by J C Lewis, in whose employ the accused was engaged as a clerk. The check was drawn upon the bank of R W Latham, and was for the sum of $30. The prisoner is a remarkably good looking young man, of about eighteen years of age, and although he has numerous relatives in the city, none of them very nearly connected with him, not a solitary one appeared with him, or interested themselves in his behalf. The prisoner truly was in the situation described by his counsel, as being in the midst of his relatives, but without a friend. Mr. Lewis testified that the accused lived with him from November last, to the 9th of March, as a clerk, and that he had access to all his books, papers, and bank accounts. He had a knowledge of the prisoner's handwriting, and the check now exhibited was undoubtedly in the handwriting of the accused - Mr. Lewis never signed it, or knew of it, till it was returned to him on the 10th of March, from the bank. He compared the writing on the check with that of the prisoner, on the 10th, and was satisfied that the accused wrote it. Mr T J Latham - The check was presented at our bank, and was paid, don't know who presented it. Mr. Lewis was recalled, and stated that a few days ago, Mr. Cushman, who is the pastor of a church in this city, and who is married to the prisoner's mother, read to him the following letter. He communicated its purport to the District Attorney. He also informed Mr. Cushman that the letter would be called for on the trial; but Mr. Cushman said he did not want to come to court, and gave him the letter to be used in evidence. Washington, March 9, 1849. My dearest Mother and Father. - Probably by the time that you receive this letter, I shall be far away, as I leave Washington to-day, in the evening train. My reasons for doing so are these: - I did intend to be upright and honest when I came to Washington, but I got acquainted with some dissolute companions, which you did not know of, and was led to do things which must inevitably come to light. I have staid in o' nights, and gone to the theater, when you thought I was with Mr. Lewis at home. To do these things I must have money, and so I have to get it by some means. I shall now go to some country village, in some of the southern States, and apprentice myself to some lawyer, and thus, with my mind fully occupied and far away from the city and its dissipations, endeavor to mend my ways, and trust to be once more reinstated in the good opinions of my friends. I am heartily sick of dissipation, and have been constantly harrassed with fear of detention, and I am now determined to go where I can associate with good people, where I can live on little, and where I may endeavor to win a name for myself. Give my love and farewells to aunt -, and aunt -, each -; and dear little Ella. I went up to your room today, and took from your pocket the steel purse I gave you, it was empty - and I took it as a last and only memorial of you, my dear mother. Though you know me to be wicked do not think I am hard hearted, for I cannot express how much I love you and darling Ella; pity me, censure me, blame me as you will, but do not cease to love me, for indeed I will be upright in future. I will now tell you what money I have got dishonestly; I will tell you all and everything. About two months ago I drew a check on Mr. Lewis for $30, and spent it. Then on Monday last I borrowed $60 of Mr. Upperman, and $5 I got of him before. Ten dollars of this I paid for a ball ticket, and put with it $30 more, and then brought it to you and told you I had found it; it was me who wrote the letter to father, signed Cole, and sent it by a black boy who serves in Copp's saloon, who returned and said father would not give it to him. So I suppose you have it now. I have today borrowed of Mr Seybolt $15, of Mr Callan $10, and $2 before; and that is all, - now I must raise some more in the same manner before I start this eve, to pay my expenses, and then I am done with crime forever. When I am settled I will write to you again - till then, God bless you, is the wish of your affectionate, but misguided son, Frederick. P.S. Also $1 of Mr Fuller, who boards at Mr Johnson's; $10 of Mr. S. Bacon & Co, and $30 belonging to Mr Lewis, which I collected of Dr P?per, and $2 which I took out of the drawer, in the office. N.B. I wrote this in Washington but post it in Philadelphia. I am now going to the country, and will let you know when I get settled. This letter created the greatest commiseration on behalf of the accused, many persons in the court being affected to tears by hearing it. Considerable feeling was also excited against the source from whence it came. The prisoner was defended by Messrs Carlisle and Ratcliffe, and the jury had not rendered a verdict at the time I left the court.

1849 Lewis wrote a letter on March 31, published April 3, concerning Frederick's behavior and trial. [10]

The Trial of Billings--As the communication of B, in the Sun of yesterday, reflected unjustly upon the conduct of Rev Mr Cushman, a sense of justice to injured innocence requires me to state some facts in relation to the painful case to which he alludes. I earnestly desired to throw a veil over the late conduct of young Billings, so far as might be compatible with public justice. But the innocent should not be allowed to suffer. Billings had been guilty of fraud, forgery, and theft, and had fled. Mr Cushman, on being made acquainted with the fact, stated to me that as his connection with his family had given him his position in the community, he would pay every dollar Billings had obtained though he were obliged to subsist upon two meals a day to accomplish it. The confession of Billings was received on Monday, March 12, and had the full effect intended, which was to prevent any effort for his arrest. But on the same day the letter was received he sought out and defrauded, in my name, one of my most particular friends of twenty-five dollars, and left Philadelphia for New York, though in his letter he said he was going to the country. In New York, before one week had passed, he had swindled a friend of his parents of fifty dollars by draft on me. What could be done? Parental authority was lost, and there was no end to his villainies. No alternative was left but to let the strong arm of the law stop him. Persons in New York who had been made acquainted with his conduct caused his arrest. I said to Mr Cushman I shall be required in court to tell the truth, the whole truth, and as his letter is part that I know, to it I must allude, and then the court will require you, in person, to produce it; and the only way to avoid a painful result is to give me the letter, to which he finally consented. I did not deem it in any way essential to his conviction; his counsel told me, after the trial, that he would have been convicted with out it. If there is anything blameworthy in this I am chargeable, and not Mr and Mrs Cushman. Billings was doubtless greatly injured by a mistaken sympathy shown towards him in his transgressions some years since. The sympathy attempted now will very likely complete his ruin, as it seems to say you shall have more and warmer friends in the practice of vice than virtue. His parents and other true friends will be much more likely to reclaim him than others, however officious. The whole conduct of both his parents in this "scene of trial" has been most praiseworthy. The story of his rights being invaded, and his not having been well provided for, are sheer fabrication. No one could have been better instructed or their wants more fully supplied. I will add, for the information of parents and guardians, and as a warning to the young, that I found, after he had left, that he had been reading, intensively, Capt Marryatt's tales on pocket-picking, shop lifting, robbery, &c; and on opening his trunk, after his arrest, the "Forger," by James, "The Plot," and other kindred prints were found. Respectfully, J C Lewis. Washington, March 31st, 1849.

1849 "Washington, April 4th, 1849. Criminal Court---Sentence of Billings. … Frederick Billings, convicted of forgery, was sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment in the penitentiary." [11]

1849 President Zachary Taylor pardoned Frederick on April on April 18. [12]

Zachary Taylor
President of the United States of America
To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting.
Whereas, at the March term 1849 of the Criminal Court for the County of Washington, D.C. Frederick Billings was convicted of forgery, and sentenced to suffer imprisonment at labor in the penitentiary for a period of one year & six months.
And whereas from the representation of the District Attorney, and the recommendation of the Jury who convicted the prisoner, and of the the interest taken in his behalf by a large number of citizens of Washington, it satisfactorily appears to me that said Billings is a fit subject for the Executive Clemency
Now be it Known, that I Zachary Taylor, President of the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, divers other good and sufficient reasons me thereunto moving have granted and do hereby grant unto him the said Frederick Billings a full and unconditional pardon.
In Testimony whereof, I have herewith signed my name and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this Eighteen day of April A. D. 1849 and of the Independence of the United States, the Seventy third.
By the President Zachary Taylor
John M. Clayton
Secretary of State

1849 In May, Robert and Eliza Cushman published letters concerning Frederick's behavior. [13]

Washington, May 2d, 1849.
Dear Sir: The case of youthful delinquency in a member of your family, which has recently called forth, to so wide an extent, the public sympathy and animadversion, has left upon the minds of a portion of your fellow-citizens unfavorable impressions towards yourself, resulting principally from your course in reference to the legal proceedings. Amongst those whose minds have been correctly informed upon the subject, your conduct, under circumstances so trying and painful, is properly appreciated and approved; but from the short period of your residence in this city, there are many who have not that personal knowledge of your character, which if possessed, would preclude the entertaining of the feelings and views above alluded to. We therefore consider it due, not more to yourself than to the community, and to the cause of justice and truth, that some means may be adopted by you to disabuse the public mind in reference to erroneous statements which are in circulation in relation to the case.
Very respectfully yours,
Harvey Lindsly,
Henry R. Schoolcraft,
Noah Fletcher,
A. Rothwell,
Leonard D. Gale

Rev. R. W. Cushman.

The thanks of the undersigned are due to the highly esteemed gentlemen who have addressed to him the foregoing communication, for the assurance that his course in the trying circumstances to which it refers is not disapproved by those in this community who have been made acquainted with the facts. The assurance is grateful, as it tells him that he has chosen his home among a people who are not willing to aggravate calamity by sympathy misplaced, and censure undeserved.
In compliance with the judgment expressed, that it is due to the community and to the cause of justice and truth that some means should be adopted to disabuse the public mind of the erroneous statements which have been put in circulation, the subjoined portions of two letters are here submitted. They were written with the freedom of private friendship. And, although they contain details of domestic relations which their writers could be induced to submit to a wider perusal by nothing short of the stern necessity of self-protection, yet, as they then deemed them necessary to a clear understanding of the true merits of the case, so now they give them to those in this community, whose interest in their writers, or in their endeavors in the cause to which they are devoted, shall lead them to seek the means of a correct judgment.
R. W. Cushman.
Washington, May 7, 1849.

Washington, March 27, 1849.
My Dear Friend: * * * It only raises higher the opinion I had of your goodness of heart, to receive the evidence your letter contains, of kindness to F. before a knowledge of his misconduct, and of sympathy for him after receiving what he would have you take as the truth. I have learned, from another source, that his misrepresentations, after his arrest, excited much sympathy in others in New York, and infer that he made the same to you. They were to the effect that he is heir to property which I hold, and that I will not give him money to meet his necessities; that he was thence induced to get it as he could, knowing that whatever he got would come out of me. How far this is from the truth, and how far he deserves sympathy at my expense, the following facts may show. His mother was the second wife of his father, and he her only child. Soon after his birth, his father died, on his way to this country to explore, and if he liked to settle; leaving his family behind, but having collected his property to the amount of $10,000 in bank, subject to draft, should he decide to settle in this country and send for his family. On receipt of tidings of his fathers' death on the passage, (he had been injured by being thrown from a horse, and was very unwell when he left,) his eldest brother forged a draft, drew the money, and disappeared. Mrs. C. and F. were thus left dependant on her parents, with whom they lived, and by whom he was idolized and spoiled. When he was six years old she married Mr. Miles, of New Brunswick, who left her again a widow, with two children surviving, to whom he left his property by will, which, in the event of their death, was to be hers, undividedly and unconditionally. In the course of two years both the children followed their father. Before our marriage, I required that her property should be put out of my reach. It was done. The income of the first four years has been added to the principal, so that she now has 25 per cent. more than when she became my wife and I became his father. If he had any title, therefore, or just expectation, it has been not only secured, at my request, but increased. When he came into my family he was ten years old. He was put to school in Boston, with the intention of giving him the best education that could be given him. I was not satisfied with giving him the advantages of the Boston schools, which cost me nothing; I sent him to the best boarding school for lads of his age in Massachusetts, and that too, after he had played much the same game with me that he has just finished. He had not been long in Boston before he was linked with a gang of juvenile play-actors, who had their rendezvous for mischief in some cellar. I began to miss my periodicals, some of the most costly books from my shelves, and sums of money, sometimes in change from my pocket, and sometimes in bills from my wallet. When he was detected, it was ascertained that he had sold my periodicals for waste paper, my books to second hand booksellers for any thing their receivers chose to give. The money had mostly gone, some for sweet-meats, some for a pistol, some he went and dug up out of an adjoining yard and gave me. On the first discovery, I talked with him, instructed and warned him, and on promise of amendment, forgave him. On the repetition of the offence, I added prayer with him, and chastisement. On the discovery of his return to the same, the third time, he was sent from home. And long after he had left the country, I was called to make good a counterfeit or broken bank bill which, instead of destroying, I had left in an old pocket book that was buried deep beneath a pile of old manuscripts at the bottom of my manuscript case; a case that no one was allowed to open, much less overhaul. At that time he was not eleven years old. His mother, without consulting me, did the only thing that could be done, and thus sought to shield me from reproach. With his thievish propensity, we dare not send him away from home to school; and to keep him at home was but to perpetuate the mischief and ruin. She therefore engaged a Captain of one of the European packets, a relative of mine, to take him into his cabin, and watch over him and keep him employed for a year, till his old associations in the city should be broken up, and a new set of feelings and thoughts engendered in new scenes. He went with him to New Orleans, thence to Havre, and thence to England, and paid a visit of his grand parents. This expedient cost me well high a hundred dollars. On his return he was sent to a boarding school in the country till he was thought old enough and advanced enough to be placed in a store. * * * *
This is a brief sketch of a part of what I have done for him, and of what I have suffered by him. With respect to his idea about his mother's property, and his right to it, and about my wronging him, I have long had reason to believe his relatives in England did him much harm. Instead of impressing him with the heinousness of his conduct which occasioned his exile from home, they made him feel that he was the victim of cruelty. I never have been able to make any impression on him since. While he was in Baltimore, I wrote him a full statement of the facts with regard to his mother's property, what I had done to secure and increase it, and at what sacrifice of my own comfort, and that of my family, I was supporting him, as a stimulus for him to try to do for himself. Whatever he may have said, therefore, to you or others in New York, unfavorable to my justice or generosity, must be placed among his self-conscious falsehoods.
This is to me a disagreeable and painful detail, from which I would gladly have been excused. Will you oblige by correcting impressions in the minds of any other friends he may have influenced.
Yours truly.
R. W. Cushman.
P. S. It may serve to show you how little reliance is to be placed, either on his promises or statements, to inform you that he wrote a letter of confessions and promises to us before he left this city, and consequently, before his depredations in Philadelphia, or his career in New York. It begins: “My Dearest Mother and Father: And goes on to say, I am heartily sick of dissipation, and am determined to go where I can associate with good people, and where I may endeavor to win a good name for myself. Do not think me to be hard-hearted, for I cannot express how much I love you. Censure me, blame me as you will, but do not cease to love me, for indeed, indeed I will be upright in future,” &c. And yet he goes off to Philadelphia, and there professes to have lost his wallet of money, and gets $25 from one of my friends. From Philadelphia he wrote to us: “I am now going to the country, and will let you know when I get settled.” His “country” was New York city. With his “endeavors to win a name for himself,” there you are acquainted.
He is now prison, and will probably be sentenced to the penitentiary. His poor mother, I fear, will sink under her sorrow. I dare not let her know that he has been brought here. If he could have got away, and gone off where he would never have been heard of here again, it would have been better for us, but not for him or the public. You are probably aware of the kind of books that were found in his trunk, “The Plot,” “The Forger,” &c. He seems to have laid out his plan of life—to become a hero of villainies. It seems to be ingrained, but where it comes from is unknown. His father was a man of great personal worth, and was a perpetual warden of the Episcopal church. His mother's connexious are among the most extensively known and esteemed religious people in London.

My Dear Mrs. S----: Your letter has just come to hand, and having a leisure hour, I reply to its contents without delay. I feel your kindness deeply in the sympathy expressed for myself and poor Frederick; and as the facts connected with our severe trial seem so imperfectly understood by yourself and our numerous friends in Boston, I shall try and render them as clear as the prescribed dimensions of a sheet of paper will permit.
Neither you nor any of our other friends are aware, that six years ago, when my son Frederick was but ten years of age, he commenced a series of frauds and depredations, which he successfully carried on for months undetected. When, however, they did come to light, his age induced us to believe, that if removed from the influences which at first impelled him to do wrong, it might save him from further transgression.
We met the expenses in which he had involved us, and kept his conduct from being publicly known, and sent him a voyage to France and England, under the care of an esteemed and faithful friend, Captain Barker, who did not allow him to have any intercourse with the sailors; and when on shore, Frederick was at the hotels with the captain, who exercised a father's guardianship over him. This was a considerable expense; but that was of no moment compared to the safety of the poor child.
I would just add, that this plan of sending him to sea for a year originated with myself, and every arrangement was made before I mentioned it to Mr. Cushman; and yet that dear man has been cruelly censured by all my family in London, as well as by some of our friends on this side the Atlantic, for sending him to sea; whereas, as I have before stated, he knew nothing of it until it was all arranged, and Frederick on the eve of starting. I acted thus, that no one should say Mr. Cushman had sent him away from home.
On Frederick's return, after a year's absence, we thought him so improved that, without doing any body injustice, we might venture to send him to school again; and he accompanied his brother Charles to an excellent boarding school at Northboro', where we kept him until Mr. Valentine, the principal, assured us he had carried him on in his studies as far as it was necessary for him to go to prepare him for business. Having naturally fine talents, we wished him to take a college course; but this he positively refused to do; and we, therefore, procured him a situation in a wholesale importing house in Milk street, where he acquitted himself to the satisfaction of his employer; but his general deportment at home was such as to cause my dear husband and myself much solicitude.
He was disobedient to parental commands; and although novels were forbidden in our family, I was constantly detecting him reading such works. Neither maternal affection nor paternal warnings had any permanent influence on his mind. Promises of non-repetition were broken almost as soon as made; and although we kept a vigilant eye on his conduct, and had him under our own roof, yet he was a constant source of anxiety to us; for we perceived that his naturally fine disposition and unusual intelligence were great snares to him, and we knew not what was best to do. When I concluded to pass three or four of the last winter months with Mr. Cushman, at Washington, I placed Frederick at a friend's to board, with his brother Charles, knowing that in Charles he would always have a good example, and kind friend and brother. But to my sorrow I found on my return to Boston in the spring, that Frederick had pursued a very sad line of conduct, wholly disregarding the kind admonitions of the friend in whose family he boarded. He had visited the theatres two and three times every week—had hired horses from the livery stables—boats for rowing, &c., &c.
To do all this he had need of a great deal of money. The manner in which he obtained it shows how gradually he had been progressing in the path of dishonesty, till we find him where he now is. When I was in Washington, Frederick would write, saying he had bought some articles of clothing, and would I forward the money to pay for them. In the first instance I remember sending him $10, and desiring him to make no more purchases till I returned. His letters, however, continued to bring accounts of other purchases, and requests for the money. Wearied by these frequent demands, I sent a remittance to a friend in Boston, requesting her to let Frederick have a part at a time for his incidental expenses, if she saw he needed it. That letter fell unfortunately into Frederick's hands. He opened it--pocketed the money--resealed and delivered the letter. I had not been long reinstated in our home at Roxbury before sundry bills from tailors, boot-makers, &c., were sent in, which I knew I had long before given the money to Frederick to pay for. Alas! I had them all to pay over again, as Frederick had appropriated the money to other purposes. All this was unknown to any save Frederick and myself. The last summer at Roxbury was a sad one to my heart. Frederick, although but sixteen years of age, had grown to the stature of a man--was headstrong and self-willed; and although when I would reason with him, and he would see my anguish of spirit on his account, and would make the most solemn promises never to do so again, still every week a something new would be brought to light, and I trembled to think of his advancing in life; I knew not where all this would end.
But to proceed. Whilst we were getting settled in Washington, we allowed Frederick to remain in Baltimore for the purpose of availing himself of the proffered aid of a friend to procure him a situation. I soon had a letter saying he had been robbed of his wallet, and requested funds. I believed his story, and knowing he had some board to pay, remitted him $20 to pay it, which, instead of doing, he immediately went and gambled it away at a Lottery office.
And now, dear Mrs. S----, I will reply to your inquiry, “Why it could not have been all hushed up?”
I do not know what you have learned by the papers. What I have seen is partly true, partly false. Frederick, after fraudulently obtaining sums of money from different individuals, committed one forgery for $30, one for $100, and fled!*
What was now to be done? Hitherto he had remained with us, and we had shielded him, and met all the demands in which he had involved us; and the world had known nothing of his guilt or our suffering. Now he had gone one step further—had forged and fled! We knew not whither he had gone, but we felt that we had done and endured so much for nearly six long years, that now we thought it necessary to accede to the wishes of those whom he had defrauded, to have him arrested. Four days after I had given my consent for his arrest, the letter which you have seen in print reached us. Supposing he had really gone into the country, as that states, we suspended further search, and began to hope that we should see, at some future day, the fruits of the penitence and promises contained in that letter. Two days after, however, Mr. Lewis had a letter on business from Deacon Lincoln, in which he casually referred to the fact of Frederick Billings having called on him to borrow $25, he having been robbed on his way to Philadelphia, and having to proceed immediately to New York on business for Mr. Lewis. This alarmed us. We saw that his letter was only to blind us, and throw us off his track. The next day came a telegraphic despatch from New York to Mr. Lewis, saying that Frederick had been robbed, and had applied to a friend of ours in New York for $100, which Frederick assured the gentleman Mr. Lewis would remit as soon as he got back. We then saw there would be no end to these crimes if permitted to go on, and an officer was dispatched to New York to arrest him. He was found walking in Broadway with a newly purchased watch, gold chain, an opera glass, and a pistol! He had been staying at the American Hotel for a week. He had run through the money which he had fraudulently obtained, and had but $3 left.
He had not been from home more than two weeks, and had spent about $200.
* Several others have since come to light.
The officer brought him on to Washington. But my dear husband, fearing the effect it might have on me, kindly kept me ignorant of the fact; and it was not till after his trial that I knew my poor erring boy was even apprehended. I will not attempt to speak of my own feelings. You are a mother.
This is my first-born my only son—the pride and delight of my heart through many years of lonely widowhood.
And now, my dear, kind friend, let me reply to your anxious inquiry, “Why did Mr. Cushman give up that letter?” Oh, how unjustly is this dear man condemned for so doing. Let me say, then, that Mr. Cushman, on being summoned to court, as a witness, went, to Frederick's counsel, and asked if he had better attend, should the cross examination, by the prosecuting counsel, be unfavorable to Frederick.
The answer was negative. And he consequently decided not to appear, but he directed the attention of his counsel to the letter, which was in the hands of the prosecution, which might be used to operate in Frederick's favor. It contained no evidence of his guilt that was not already at the command of the prosecution, but confessed deep penitence and promises of reform.
Frederick's counsel expressed to Mr. Cushman in the above named interview, the conviction that there was no chance of his escape.
Many persons who are ignorant of facts have spoken very disparagingly of Mr. C., but it is most unmerited, for no own father could have done more for a wayward son's reformation, than has my dear husband.
Many and many sleepless nights and days of anxiety has he passed on Frederick's account, and most faithful has he ever been in the discharge of parental duties to this poor and still dear child. I can remember many instances in which I should have erred in judgment if I had not been aided by his superior good sense and experience. I am sorry, indeed, to find by your letter that an unfavorable impression has been made on the public mind towards Mr. C., because his conduct, in this matter, deserves the very highest eulogiums that the public voice could give him, and if I could only talk instead of writing, oh, how much I could tell you of his kind, his christian feeling, in this heavy trial.
Believe me, Your sincere, but afflicted friend, Eliza Cushman.

1849 On May 21 Frederick was arrested for stealing a substantial sum of money from his roommate on May 19. [14]

Police Intelligence. Ingenious Arrests, and Recover of the Stolen Money---Officers Norris and Calrow, two very able and efficient officers, attached at the Chief's office, have arrested two genteel-looking young men, on a charge of stealing from the possession of Mr. Samuel L. Wells, a boarder at the Irving House corner of Chambers street and Broadway, the sum of $450, in gold eagles. The prisoners' names are Frederick Billing, alias Charles F. Stone, and George Northerman. The circumstances respecting the manner in which the robbery was effected are briefly as follows. It appears that Billing arrived in this city about the 9th instant and took board at the Irving House. In the room occupied by him were two beds one of which Mr. Wells slept in; and as both occupied one room, as a matter of course, they soon became acquainted, Billing taking the opportunity to make himself very familiar on all occasions. On Friday night last Billing and Wells visited the Broadway Theatre together, and from there retired to their room. During the night, however Mr. Wells was awoke by Billing, who was near the head of his bed and he subsequently believes his intentions were to steal his pocket book, which he (Billing) saw him place, previous to going to sleep, under his pillow. This passed on until Saturday afternoon when Mr. Wells discovered, on opening his trunk, that $450 had been stolen therefrom. Suspicion at once fell upon Billing more particularly as he left the house that day without paying his bill. The facts and suspicions concerning this robbery were then laid before the Chief of Police who at once directed the above named officers to catch the thief, if possible. Means were then taken and during Sunday, officer Brown arrested Northerman on suspicion of being an accomplice of Billing, but as no direct evidence could then be brought against him the Chief was compelled to liberate him from custody, but still he kept an eye on all his movements. Billing during this time visited a barber in Maiden lane, and procured a false wig and moustaches. On Monday, in this disguise, he was promenading up Broadway, as large as life, decked out in a new suit of clothes, when he was recognized by a tailor, to whom he owed $50 for a suit of clothes. The tailor seized hold of him and sent for officer Norris who took him into custody. He was then placed under the searching operation by Mr. Norris and in his pockets were found twenty-one gold eagles, valued at $210. This corresponding exactly with the money stolen, caused Billing to shake all over, as if he had the ague; soon after he acknowledged his guilt, and told how he effected the larceny; he also implicated Northerman and said he was the man who concocted the robbery and induced him to effect it. He said on finding two trunks belonging to Mr Wells in the room, he examined the locks and general appearance of the trunks and then he went to several trunk makers, ordered a trunk with a similar lock or as near as possible, locked the trunk and put the key into his pocket, and told the trunk maker to send it to the Astor House and it would be paid for giving a fictitious name; by this means he procured some half a dozen keys corresponding with the locks of Mr. Wells' trunks. With these keys during Saturday morning in the absence of Mr. Wells he tried to unlock the trunks and finding that one would fit, by a little alteration, obtained that alteration at a locksmith's, in West Broadway; on returning again to the room the key fitted, the trunk opened, and the $450 in gold was extracted. Billing, upon getting this booty left the hotel. He then met Northerman and gave him for his share $100. Upon the officers hearing this story from Billing, some little doubt existed as to the guilt of Northerman, therefore to try the veracity of the accused, a letter was written by Billing to Northerman, requesting him to meet him (Billing) at the Pacific Hotel, in Greenwich street, at 8 o'clock, on Monday evening, the arrest of Billing being kept perfectly secret, therefore. Northerman, unconscious that any arrest had been made, returned an answer by the bearer that he would be there. At near 9 o'clock, sure enough, Northerman came according to appointment and inquired for Mr Frederick Adams, as that was the assumed name he was to ask for. Billing was at this time placed in one of the upper bed rooms, and when Northerman was shown up to the door by the porter and entered the room, officer Norris listened outside the door to hear the conversation. The first salutation from Northerman was "you d---d fool you have blighted all my hopes, I would not have had it for a thousand dollars, like a d---d fool you must go and take that lobster headed tailor up to my house to raise hell with me." Billings replied, "I could not help it, I took him away up town and stopped at a Mr McClelland's on my way and asked for a name, in hopes to shake him off and get away from him." The two officers outside the door, now becoming impatient, walked in, took both into custody, and conveyed them before the Chief. A small amount of money was found on the person of Northerman, as he told Billing that he threw the hundred dollars into the river from the ferry boat going to Brooklyn, in company with Mr Howard, when he was pretending to search for Billing. The officers have ascertained that both these rogues purchased together $25 worth of clothing at the store of Mr. Brooks, corner of Cherry and Catharine streets, and other places with the stolen money, all of which will be recovered, as the store keepers will be compelled to take back the articles and restore the money. This Billing is well known to our police as a few months ago he was arrested in this city on a charge of forgery, committed in Washington city, for which offence he was conveyed back by Captain Goddard, and subsequently, from the influence of his relations, was pardoned by the President; yet still it appears not having taken a sufficient warning at the first offence against the law, he has continued his progress of felony, and is now doomed possibly to a sentence which awaits him of five years hard labor in the State prison at Sing Sing. Both the accused parties were taken before his honor the Mayor and committed to prison for examination. Much praise is due the officers and all those concerned in the accomplishment of this prompt arrest.

1850 Robert W. Cushman (age 50, teacher) lived in a female seminary in Washington, D.C. (4th ward, 9 July 1850) with his wife Eliza (age 39) and daughter Ella (age 4). There were three other adults and nineteen teenage girls listed in the household. Frederick was not listed. [15]

1850 In the U.S. Census on August 3, Frederick Billings (age 18, born in England) occupation clerk, was in the prison (later known as Sing Sing) in Ossining, West Chester County, New York, for grand larceny (1849). [16]

1851 Frederick was granted a restoration of rights on June 6. [17]

1853 Frederick took a voyage around Cape Horn before he was twenty. [18]

1853 F.B. Miles arrived in San Francisco from New York in May 1853. "Arrival of the California. The P.M.S.S. Co.'s steamer California arrived in our harbor on Saturday last. She brought the way mails and three hundred and forty passengers, forty two of whom were ladies. Her dates from New York are no later than those received by previous arrivals. … Passengers … F.B. Miles, …" [19]

1853 A series of advertisements in the Oregonian newspaper in Portland, Oregon suggest that Frederick established a business in Portland in June of 1853. [20]

F.B. Miles & Co.
Levee, Portland.
Have in store and offer for sale, at lowest prices a complete assortment of
Hardware, Carpenter's tools, Nails and spikes, Grindstones, Axes, Harrows, Grain and hay scythes, Fanning mills, Cutlery, Platform and counter scales, Bolts and screws, Brass kettles, Hoes, Shovels, 3 and 4 pronged forks, Hay cutters, Circular, mill, and crosscut saws, Sheet iron, Blacksmith Tools, Tom iron, Steel, Lead pipe, Bar iron, Wire, zinc, Groceries, Pork, Salmon, N. O. and China Sugar, Syrup in kegs, Coffee, Grape tobacco, Salt … Flour, Hams, Codfish, Crushed sugar, Apples and Peaches, Tea, Gunny bags, Sardines, Dry Goods, Drills, ticks, Blankets, Boots & Shoes, Soap, Sheetings, … Cotton Duck, &c &c
F.B. M. & Co. constantly keeping a large stock and regularly receiving additions thereto, invite merchants to an inspection of their stock before purchasing elsewhere. June 18, 1853.

1853 Frederick Billing Miles built one of the first brick buildings in Portland in 1853. "Portland was wholly of wood until 1853. In this year W. S. Ladd was so far willing to bank upon the future as to construct a building of brick. Mr. Lucien Snow and D. C. Coleman soon followed his example. Mr. Ladd's was that now occupied by Beach & Armstrong; a substantial structure of decent appearance and commodious for the transaction of business. It has been in constant use up to the present time, and while not exactly ornamental or imposing, is not at all discreditable to the business portion of the place. Mr. Snow was a Maine man, having the thrift and enterprise of New England, and Mr. Coleman was a brother of the wealthy merchant of San Francisco of that name. For the following complete list of brick buildings for the decade, 1850-'60, we are indebted to Mr. Edward Failing, well known as leading citizen and merchant, whose memory covers the entire period and whose interest in our city insures the accuracy of his recollection. … Where not otherwise specified, but one story may be understood. 1853 - W. S. Ladd, 103 Front street, between Stark and Washington; D. C. Coleman. southeast corner Front and Oak (Cost $9500); Lucien Snow, Front street, between Pine and Oak; F. B. Miles & Co., southwest corner Front and Pine (Cost $13,500)." [21] "Many of the houses doing business in Portland at that time have passed away, but others have continued to this day. F.B. Miles and Company, hardware, groceries and provisions, have disappeared long since." [22]

The F.B. Miles and Co. structure is also mentioned in a U.S. Department of Interior document concerning the Skidmore/Old Town Historic District in Portland: "Front Street, which ran parallel to the river, served as the main commercial street and was home to most of the early town's more substantial buildings. The 1850's saw the construction of the City's first brick buildings, including the one-story F. B. Miles & Co. building on the southwest corner of Pine and Oak (1853, demolished), the one-story Coleman Building built for $9,500 at the southeast corner of SW Front and Oak (1853, demolished), and the Hallock and MacMillan Building (1857, # 99), located at the northwest corner of the same intersection. Although it has been significantly altered, the Hallock and McMillan building, built by Portland's first architect, Absolom Hallock, is the oldest extant structure in the district." Note: Throughout the period of significance, this thoroughfare was called Front Street, having been briefly known as Water Street in the 1840s. Its name was changed to Front Avenue in the mid-twentieth century. More recently, a section of Front Avenue, including the segment running through the historic district, has been renamed Naito Parkway.

1853 An article and advertisements in the Oregon Spectator in the late summer and fall of 1853 suggest that Frederick also established a business in Oregon City at about the same time as his business in Portland. In recommencing publication of the Oregon Spectator on Friday, August 19, 1853, the editor wrote of Oregon City in his salutatory remarks, "It is being conceded, even by its enemies that Oregon City is fast assuming that importance, in a business point of view, that every discriminating mind could have supposed. There is ten times the amount of business done here now, to that done twelve months ago. To meet the demands of this increase of trade, large buildings have been erected and are still in process of erection. Dr. McLaughlin has nearly completed, on Main Street, two of the largest and most completely finished buildings in the city. Both of these houses are already occupied by wholesale establishments - Messrs. Miles, Cushman & Co., occupying the one, and Messrs. Preston, O'Neil & Co., the other." [23] Later in the remarks, he notes "Our merchants are preparing for a heavy fall trade … Messrs. Miles, Cushman & Co., are now competitors for public favor, and have a good supply on hand." [24] F.B. Miles ran an advertisement on page 3 of the same issue, "To Merchants and others. The subscribers having established a Mercantile House in Oregon City, for the transaction of a General Wholesale and Retail Grocery, provision and hardware business, are prepared to offer to Merchants, Miners, Farmers and others, a large stock of Groceries and a full assortment of Hardware. Having unsurpassed facilities for obtaining merchandise, they hope to merit a portion of the trade by affording goods at the lowest rates and in quantities to suit. F.B. Miles & Co., Oregon City, August 19, 1853 - 2m27." [25] The same advertisement appeared in the Oregon Spectator, October 20. [26]

1854 Frederick Billing Miles was naturalized on March 13 in Oregon City, Clackama County, Oregon Territory. [27]

1854 An advertisement in the Portland Democratic Standard suggests that Frederick was still operating a business in his Portland location in the fall of 1854. "F.B. Miles & Co, Merchants. Corner of Front and Pine Streets, Portland, O.T. … Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Hardware, Paint & Oil, … " [28]

By 1855, Frederick Miles had moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Fred. B. Miles was a founding member of the Milwaukee Light Guard in the spring of 1855. He (Private F.B. Miles) fired the best shot in a competition held in July 1856 to celebrate the first anniversary of the organization. In April 1857 he was elected Paymaster of the battalion. He is listed as a private in the comprehensive list of members of the Old Guard compiled in 1875 as one of the honorary members in a list compiled in 1868. [29]

1857 F.B. Miles was a forwarding merchant on West Water Street, between Clybourn and Fowler, boarding at Newhall House. He was listed in the Milwaukee Light Guard Battalion with the title Commissary of Subsistence. The same directory listed P.D. Armour of Chapin, Gregory & Armour and his partners. Chapin, Gregory, & Armour were grocers at 12 and 14 Spring St., corner of West Water. P.D. Armour boarded at Mrs. Freeman's. E.D. Chapin (of Chapin, Gregory & Armour) lived on Jefferson Street, between Oneida and Biddle, West. William B. Gregory (of Chapin, Gregory & Armour) lived at 84 Cass Street. [30]


[1] Buckinghamshire Record Office, D/A/T/207/4, Bishop's transcripts for Bledlow, 1813-1829, 1831-1834, 1836-1837, FHL film 1999060 Item 4, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].

[2] May Lanchbury and Dex Eustis, Bledlow, Buckinghamshire, 1800s Parish Transcript, states the birth date incorrectly as "11 Jan." Frederick's daughter Edith Miles Todd reports his birth date as 1-14-1833, [Link].

[3] Edith Billing Miles Todd, "Ancestors of Edith Marian Billing Miles," Manuscript, FHL Fiche 6004403, states Frederick's birth date as 1-14-1833, [FHLCatalog].

[4] Registers of Vessels Arriving at the Port of New York from Foreign Ports, 1789-1919, Microfilm Serial Number M237, Microfilm Roll Number 40, List Number 672, National Archives, Washington, D.C., image 48, [AncestryImage].

[5] Edith Billing Miles Todd, "Ancestors of Edith Marian Billing Miles," Manuscript, FHL Fiche 6004403, Letter to H.B. Rainsford, Esq., Barrister, dated 26 January 1908, from Richard H. Phillips, Office of Local Board of Health, Fredericton, New Brunswick, [FHLCatalog].

[6] Edith Billing Miles Todd, "Ancestors of Edith Marian Billing Miles," Manuscript, FHL Fiche 6004403, Letter to H.B. Rainsford, Esq., Barrister from Richard H. Phillips, [FHLCatalog].

[7] Newspaper, The Daily Picayune, New Orleans, Louisiana; 3-28-1849; P. 1.

[8] Newspaper, The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 3-28-1849; Vol. XXIV; Issue 110; P. 4.

[9] Newspaper, The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 3-30-1849; Vol. XXIV; Issue 112; P. 4.

[10] Newspaper, The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 4-03-1849; Vol. XXIV; Issue 115; p. 4.

[11] Newspaper, The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 4-05-1849; Vol. XXIV; Issue 117; p. 4.

[12] Copies of Presidential Pardons and Remissions, 1794-1893, National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy No. T-967 Vol. 6, April 19, 1847-September 8, 1857 (Washington: The National Archives National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration, 1965), 199-200, National Archives in Philadelphia.

[13] "Letters from R. W. Cushman and Eliza Cushman regarding the conduct of Frederick Cushman, Washington, D.C., 1849," Library of Congress, Printed Ephemera Collection, Portfolio 199, Folder 22, [LibraryofCongress], [LibraryofCongress].

[14] Newspaper, The Weekly Herald, New York, New York; 5-26-1849; Vol. XV; Issue 22; p. 162.

[15] United States Federal Census, 1850, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[16] United States Federal Census, 1850, [FamilySearchImage], [FamilySearchRecord].

[17] New York, Executive Orders for Commutations, Pardons, Restorations and Respites, 1845-1931, [AncestryImage].

[18] Edith Billing Miles Todd, "Ancestors of Edith Marian Billing Miles," Manuscript, FHL Fiche 6004403, [FHLCatalog].

[19] Newspaper, Daily Placer Times and Transcript, San Francisco, California, Monday, 9 May, 1853.

[20] Newspaper, The Oregonian, Portland Oregon, 1853 November 5 and 19, December 17 and 24, and 1854 January 28.

[21] Harvey Whitefield Scott, ed., History of Portland Oregon with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason and Co., 1890), 140, [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].

[22] Harvey Whitefield Scott, History of the Oregon Country, Vol. 2 (Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1924), 81, [GoogleBooks].

[23] Newspaper, Oregon Spectator, August 19, 1853, p. 2, col. 2.

[24] Newspaper, Oregon Spectator, August 19, 1853, p. 2, col. 4.

[25] Newspaper, Oregon Spectator, August 19, 1853, p. 3, col. 3.

[26] Newspaper, Oregon Spectator, October 20, 1853, p. 3, col. 4.

[27] Personal Communication, Hulburd Miles, citing a Court Record, Oregon City, Oregon.

[28] Newspaper, Democratic Standard, Portland, Oregon; 11-08-1854; Vol. I; Issue 18; P. 3.

[29] Herbert C. Damon, History of the Milwaukee Light Guard (Milwaukee: The Sentinel Company, 1875), 16, 53, 64, 186, and 286, [GoogleBooks].

[30] Erving, Burdick & Co's Milwaukee City Directory, for 1857 & 1858 (Milwaukee: King, Jermain & Co., 1857), 181, 335, 40, [HathiTrust].