Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for John George Meiser

Notes for John George Meiser

Research Notes:

DNA [1] [2]


[1] The family tree of a person who has a DNA match to Robert shows a lineage to Johann Michael Meiser and Anna Elizabeth Sixt, parents of John George Meiser; also Eva Elizabeth Kleinfelter (and Volk), parents of Elisabeth Volk; 9cm on 1 segment (RAW+DAW+REW).

[2] The family tree of a person who has a DNA match to Robert shows a lineage to Johann Michael Meiser and Anna Elizabeth Sixt, parents of John George Meiser; also Eva Elizabeth Kleinfelter (and Volk), parents of Elisabeth Volk; 12cm on 2 segments (RAW+REW), 10cm on 1 segment (DAW).