Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Jacob Meyer

Notes for Jacob Meyer

1805 On 22 April, the heirs (this) Jacob Meyer, Jacob and Mary Eckert, George and Elizabeth Miller sold land to John Meyer as part of the settlement of the estate of Christian and Barbara Meyer of Leacock Twp, Lancaster County. Christian's will dated 2 September, 1801 granted land in Leacock Twp to widow Barbara. The land described in Christian's will was next to land of (this) son Jacob, Peter Hildebrand, Isaac Reiff, Peter Eckert, and son John Meyer. Barbara died leaving the two sons and two daughters named above as heirs. [1]

1805 On 22 April, brother John Meyer, executor of the will of father Christian Meyer, granted land to son this Jacob. [2]


[1] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed W3-177 to 182, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].

[2] Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed R3-641 to 645, [FamilySearchImage], [FHLCatalog].