Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Henry le Walur

Notes for Henry le Walur

Henry le Walur was a witness to Rufford Charters, numbers 159 (Johanne le Walur, Henrico filio eius, c. 1200-1230), 165 (c. 1200-1240), 174 (quitclaim of rent by Adelicia and Margaret, daughters of Miles le Walur, 1212-1213), 175 (grant by Adelicia and Margaret, 1212-1213), 184 (c. 1200-1220), 283 (), 284 (), 341 (), and 785 (). [Vol. 1, p. 89, 92, 97-98, 103-104, Vol. 2, p. , Vol. 3, p. ]

Henry le Walur of Hockerton son of John le Walur confirmed the exchange made by his father and Rufford and released rents in Rufford charter number 170 (c. 1200-1227) The seal on this charter is a "Pointed oval, green wax, c. 1 inch x 1.5 inches. A fine design of leaves on either side of stem which ends in a bud. One pair of leaves turns down at their tips, the other curves upwards." [p. 95]

In charter number 181 (1210-1220), Henry confirmed a grant to Rufford of a furlong at Hockerton, which his father John had asked him to do. This is from the land they have from Ralf son of Thomas. The seal is missing but two seal tags show traces of green wax.

In charter number 190 (c. 1210-1220), Henry confirmed a grant to Rufford of a furlong which his father John gave in Hockerton, lying on the west side of the furlong they hold of Ralf son of Thomas. [p. 107]