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Notes for François Chèvrefils dit Lalime and Marie Lamy

1665 François Chevrefils dit Lalime was a soldier in the Saint-Ours company of the Carignan-Salières Regiment. The Saint-Ours company sailed from La Rochelle, France, on May 24 on the ship La Justice and arrived in Quebec on September 14. [1] [2] [3]

The pleas of the colonists of New France for assistance in their struggle with the Iroquois were answered in 1665 with the arrival of the first French regular troops in Canada, the Carignan-Salières Regiment. Between June and September 1665, some 1200 soldiers and their officers arrived in Quebec, under the leadership of Lt. General Alexander de Prouville, Sieur de Tracy.

The series of forts established by the Regiment along the Richelieu River, along with the success of its second campaign into the land of the Mohawk Indians, led to a long period of peace for the colony, which permitted it to prosper. However, King Louis XIV's plan included the permanent settlement of many of the soldiers and officers in Canada. Over 450 of these troops remained in the colony, many of whom married the newly arrived filles du roi.

1671-1672 François Chevrefils dit Lalime and Marie Lamy were married in Quebec. [4] [5] Marie Lamy had emigrated from France to Canada as a "Filles du Roi." [6]

The filles du roi, or King's Daughters, were some 770 women who arrived in the colony of New France (Canada) between 1663 and 1673, under the financial sponsorship of King Louis XIV of France. Most were single French women and many were orphans. Their transportation to Canada and settlement in the colony were paid for by the King.

1678 François Chevrefils dit Lalime, age 35, died in his house on May 18 and was buried the same day in the cemetery in St Ours. [7]

L'an Mil six Cent septante et huit le dix huitiesme du mois de Maye Francois Chevrefils dit la Lyme agé de trente cinq ans est decedé en sa maison en la Communisn de … St Eglise la mort par trop fribrile(?) … on luy … donné le temp de receuoir les sacrements son corps a este le mesme jour de son deces inhume dans le Cimetière seitué dans la paroisse de St Ours

1678-1679 Jean Duval and Marie Lamy were married in Quebec.

1686 Francois Chevrefils, son of Francois Chevrefils and Marie Lamy, died on April 20 in Contrecoeur, Quebec. [8]

Research Notes:

The website of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan cites the following references as its sources:[9]

Landry, Yves: Les Filles du roi au xvii'ème siècle (Leméac, 1992)

Jetté, René: Dictionnaires généologiques des Familles du Québec (Les Presses de l'Univ. de Montréal, 1983)

Tanguay states that Francois Chevrefils dit Lalime was born in 1643 and was buried "18 mars 1678, à Sorel." His wife Marie Lamy was born in 1653, and "Elle épouse, en 1680, Jean Duval." Tanguay lists the children of Francois Chevrefils dit Lalime and Marie Lamy as [10]

François, b 1679; s 20 avril 1686 à Contrecœur.
Anne, b 1672.
Louis, b 1674; m 6 juillet 1705, à Montréal, à Geneviève Paillard. Malhurin, b 16 oct. 1676.


[1] Website of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan, [FillesDuRoi].

[2] Website of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan, [FillesDuRoi].

[3] Website of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan, [FillesDuRoi].

[4] Website of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan, [FillesDuRoi].

[5] Website of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan, [FillesDuRoi].

[6] Website of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan, [FillesDuRoi].

[7] Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967, Sorel paroisse St. Pierre, 1675-1727, [AncestryImage].

[8] Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967, Registres pour la Paroisse de la Sainte-Trinité de Contrecoeur, 1668-1699, [AncestryImage].

[9] Website of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan, [FillesDuRoi].

[10] Cyprien Tanguay, Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Canadiennes depuis la Fondation de la Colonie jusqu'à nos Jours, Vol. 1, 1608-1700 (Québec, Canada: Eusèbe Senécal, 1871), 127, [HathiTrust].