Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy --- Go to Genealogy Page for Matthew Rogers --- Go to Genealogy Page for Margery Brown

Notes for Matthew Rogers and Margery Brown

Research Notes:

1725 Matthew Rogers was born in Trenton, New Jersey.

1741 Matthew Rogers was listed on a document for Maidenhead Twp, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. [1]

1761 Matthew Rogers was named on a petition, 1761, to the House of Representatives from various inhabitants of Middlesex County, New Jersey, asking relief from the burdens placed on them while administering the requirements of the recent ... [2] [3]

1773 Margery (Brown) Rogers died in South Carolina.

1790 Mathw Rogers lived in York, South Carolina, in a household with 1 males age 16 and over, and 2 females. [4]

1800 Matthew Rogers lived in York District, South Carolina in a household with males: 1 (under 10), 1 (16 thru 25), and 1 (26 thru 44); and females: 3 (under 10), 1 (10 thru 15), and 1 (26 thru 44). [5]

1804 Matthew Rogers died in South Carolina.

1804 Clayton Rogers, Isaac Rogers, and John Funster administered the estate of Matthew Rogers in York District, South Carolina. [6]


[1] New Jersey, U.S., Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1643-1890, [AncestryRecord].

[2] U.S. Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820, [AncestryRecord].

[3] State of New Jersey Archives Collection Guide, "Petitions and Other Papers relating to Bridges, Canals, Dams, Ferries and Roads, 1765-1835", [URL].

[4] United States Federal Census, 1790, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[5] United States Federal Census, 1800, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[6] South Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980, Case 62, file 2839, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].