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Notes for James Yelton and Isabel Hinson

1743 Isabell Hinson and James Yelton, Nov 13, 1743. (The register of Overwharton Parish, Stafford County, Virginia, 1723-1758 ... By Overwharton Parish (Stafford County, Virginia), George Harrison Sanford King, page 53, snippet seen).

1749 Isabel Hinson received a bequest when Charles Hinson of Stafford County died in 1749. (Stowers and Glascock families: an American saga: ancestry of James Evans ... By Kay Freilich, Ann Fleming, Rudena K. Mallory, page 291-93).

Four children, as shown here, were named for James and Isabel. (A history of the Shelton family of England and America By Mildred Genevieve Campbell Whitaker, page 96).