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Notes for William Abbott and Rebecca Holloway

1780 On 12 of month 10, Isaac Thorn and Mary Schooley, of Nottingham (daughter of Joseph, dec'd), were married at Chesterfield. Witnessed by Rebekah Holloway and many others. [1]

1787 William Abbott, of Chesterfield (son of Timothy and Ann), and Rebecca Holloway, of same place, daughter of James and Rebekah, married at Chesterfield Meeting. 11th, 1st month 1787. Witnesses: John, Susannah, Samuel, Abel and David Abbott, Rebekah Nois, Benjamin and James Holloway, Joseph M. Lawrie, Joshua Wright, Thomas Newbold, Michael Taylor, William Harrison and others. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

1792 Rebekah Abbott was named in the will of her brother, Benjamin Holloway. [7]


[1] Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, Burlington, New Jersey, Births and Deaths, 1675-1750, Vol. K, Marriages, 1684-1724, 122, [AncestryRecord], [AncestryImage].

[2] William Nelson, Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. Archives Vol. 22. (Marriage Records, 1665-1800) (1900), 650, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].

[3] Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, Men's Minutes, 1786-1796 (Minute Book 3), 20, [BrynMawr].

[4] William Nelson, Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. Archives Vol. 22. (Marriage Records, 1665-1800) (1900), 650, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks], [InternetArchive].

[5] U.S. Quaker Meeting Records, Chesterfield Meeting, Intentions of Marriage and Certificates of Removal, 1685-1756, [AncestryImage], [AncestryRecord].

[6] Charlotte D. Meldrum, Early Church Records of Burlington County, New Jersey, Vol. 2 (1995), 1.

[7] Elmer T. Hutchinson, Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. Archives Vol. 37. (Wills and Administrations 8, 1791-1795) (1942), 181, citing Lib. 34, p. 388; File 11441C, [InternetArchive].