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Notes for William Twynyho and Alice

1405 On November 12, William Twynyho was one of the feofees in a grant of land to Adam atte Welle by John Cable in Frome, Somerset. [1]

7 Henry IV. (1405-6) 47. At Westminster in the morrow of St. Martin between Adam atte Welle cleric, John Gloucetre cleric, William Twynyho and Thomas Trych querents; and John Cable deforciant; for five messuages, four score acres of land, six acres of meadow and forty shillings rent in Frome Braunche, Magna Cayner and Parva Cayner. John Cable acknowledged the right of Adam as by his gift and quit claimed to him; for this Adam, John Gloucetre, William and Thomas gave John Cable twenty marcs of silver.

1408 William Twynyho and others deeded land in Frome to John Cable and John Frome. [2]

Adam atte Welle, John Gloucestre clerks and William Twynyho of Fromebraunche to John Cable and John Frome clerk, their heirs and assigns. Gift with warranty of a cottage in Frome whereof Thomas Forbour is tenant at will, a solar over the gate by a cottage of John Wodelonde carpenter on the one side and a tenement of Thomas Harper on the other, two cottages sometime of Thomas Chaundeler of Frome, and a rent of 3s. issuing from a tenement of Dionysia Bodyes there; also of the reversions of a tenement with garden adjacent whereof John Shutte and Felice his daughter are tenants for life, a tenement with curtilage whereof Thomas Harper, a cottage whereof William Baker, a tenement with curtilage whereof John Cammel otherwise Hoper and Isabel his daughter, a cottage whereof John Wodelonde otherwise Carpinter and Clarice his wife are tenants for life. Witnesses: Edmund Leversegge, John Merlaunde, Richard Paveley, John Mountfort, Thomas Bathe, Walter Sylveyn, William Orum, Henry Donkerton, William Colesbourne, John Cayner, John Norton. Dated Frome aforesaid, the eve of the Purification 9 Henry IV.
Memorandum of acknowledgment at Frome Braunche 31 August 9 Henry IV before John Franke clerk, by virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on the chancery file.

1412 William Twynyho wrote his will on October 31. [3] [4] [5]

The last day of October, A.D. 1412. I, William Twynyho of Frome, make my will in this manner :—I bequeath my body to holy burial (ecclesiastice sepulture) in the parish church of Frome. Item, I bequeath to Adam, perpetual vicar of Frome, 2s. 6d. Item, to each chaplain of the said church present at my exequies on the day of my obit (obitus mei) 12d. Item, I bequeath 4 li. 3s. 4d. to certain priests to celebrate for my soul 1,000 masses with haste (cu[m] festinaco[n]e) after my obit. Item, I bequeath 20s. to be distributed amongst the lame and feeble (claudos et debiles) a penny apiece on the day of my obit (obitus). Item, to thirteen poor persons present at my exequies on the day of my obit (obitus), thirteen pairs of hose (caligar') and thirteen pairs of shoes (sotularium). The residue of my goods not bequeathed I give and grant to Alice, my wife, and John, my son, whom I ordain my executors, that they may dispose for my soul in pious uses. In witness whereof I have to these presents affixed my seal, these being witnesses, Sir Richard Molde, Richard Pavely, William Polayn, William Collesborn', Richard Osbarn', and many others.

1412 The will of William Twynyho was proved on December 30. "Proved the penultimate day of December in the year abovesaid, and administration granted to John, son of the deceased, with power reserved, &c.; and commission directed to Sir Adam Attewell, perpetual vicar of Frome, 2nd January in the said year, to grant administration to Alice, relict of the deceased. On the 6th of February following the executors were acquitted." [6]


[1] Emanuel Green, Pedes Finium, Commonly Called Feet of Fines, for the County of Somerset: Henry IV. to Richard III., Somerset Record Society, Vol. 22 (London: Harrison and Sons, 1906), 19, item 47, [HathiTrust], [GoogleBooks].

[2] A. E. Stamp, ed., Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry IV, Vol. 3, 1405-1409 (London: HMSO, 1931), 492, [HathiTrust].

[3] Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858, [AncestryImage].

[4] The National Archives of the United Kingdom Catalog, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, PROB 11/2A/465, Will of William Twynyho of Frome, Somerset, [UKNationalArchives].

[5] Frederic William Weaver, ed., Somerset Medieval Wills (1383-1500), Somerset Record Society, Vol. 16 (London: Harrison and Sons, 1901), 58-59, [HathiTrust].

[6] Frederic William Weaver, ed., Somerset Medieval Wills (1383-1500), Somerset Record Society, Vol. 16 (London: Harrison and Sons, 1901), 59, [HathiTrust].