See These Pages Too!

Dr. Flortan





Welcome to Fish Day!

Once a year (the 4th Tuesday in September), we who know the value of things give pause to consider certain members of the race known as Those Who Seem to Move About In Some Fashion or Otherwise Change Things About Themselves (Be It Out of Necessity For Survival or For Reasons of Vanity); that is, living creatures. Those we ponder on this day share some biological features which people who study these things know. We just know that if it looks silly on dry land and won't come to calls of "Peanut butter!", it's a fish.

For the Fish Day newcomer, Fish Day is a celebration of the fish and all it has brought us. For one day each year, we give thanks to the fish, refrain from eating our fine two-gilled friends, and sprinkle fish food in our toilets, for luck. We share stories of fish, and lies and lore; we make stickers from label paper with fish pictures and goofy fish quotes on them; we make cookies, not of fish but shaped like them. And we marvel at a world made slipperier by their presence.

I am going now to run amongst the fishies, so view these fishy pages, ponder the meaning of fishdom, and be sure to sprinkle the fish food.

Fish man, now they're cool.

shhh: here's John's page