Bob's Links and Rants

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My message to Congress

I just sent the following message to my Congresscritters and even, allegedly, pResident Bush:
I am appalled by the ongoing carnage in Iraq. While we don't know what will happen when US forces leave, we see daily that nothing good is coming of their presence. Every day more troops are wounded and killed, hundreds of Iraqis die, and hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money are wasted in the worst way possible.

Stop the war in Iraq. Prevent the president from starting a war in Iran. Bring the troops home, cut the military budget, introduce some sanity. Too much is too much.
I don't know if it does much good, but you've got to do something. makes it easy to blitz your Congresscritters--do it today. Use my message if you want.