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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Paul Craig Roberts takes on Condiliar

Condi to Europe: Trust Me. Excerpt:
Gentle reader, who could possibly believe Rice's reassurances that the US respects the sovereignty of other countries when it is established fact that the US kidnaps other countries' citizens abroad and flies them off to torture prisons?

To comprehend the importance of due process, a process that the Bush administration has destroyed for "suspects" be they American citizens or foreigners, entertain that on the way to work one morning you are forcefully intercepted and spirited away to Afghanistan or to Egypt or any of the other locations of US torture prisons. Why are you there, you wonder. Did a personal enemy or envious colleague report you on a false charge? Did a tortured suspect somewhere utter a name that resembled yours?

Nonsense, it can't happen, you say? Alas, it happened to Masri and perhaps 3,000 others who are estimated to have been "renditioned." According to the Washington Post, a CIA official said that Masri was kidnapped and held secretly for five months because the woman in charge of the CIA's Counterterrorist Center's al Qaeda unit "believed he was someone else. She didn't really know. She just had a hunch."
Just a reminder--Paul Craig Roberts worked in the Reagan administration, and used to write for the Washington Times and the Wall Street Journal. Now he writes for Counterpunch.