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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Jerkoff--"I'm friggin' clueless"

CNN finally does the kind of reporting it should have been doing for the past five years--Bushies lie, and they point it out. In this article they quote Gestapo Chief Chertoff doing his best Condiliar imitation, saying that no one could have imagined what Katrina might do to New Orleans. But, unlike the lies the Bushies told about Iraq's alleged WMD's, CNN takes every lie Jerkoff tells and slams him with quotes from the Corps of Engineers, local media, professors, and other officials which directly contradict everything the slimeball is saying.

Based on Jerkoff's statements, one would have to assume that the Department of Homeland Security is unaware of the following possibilities:
  • A major earthquake hitting California causing many casualties and disruption of services.
  • Large forest fires threatening western cities.
  • Terrorist attacks on subways.
  • The failure of control systems at a nuclear power plant leading to a meltdown or significant release of radioactive materials.
  • Accidental or intentional explosions at major chemical facilities causing the release of deadly toxins.
  • Terrorist attacks on the numerous military stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons in this country.
  • Airplanes crashing into buildings.
Here are my new slogans for the two government agencies which have been exposed this week:
  • FEMA: Excuses, not relief.
  • Department of Homeland Security: Color codes, not protection.