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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

It's Groundhog Day!

One of our stupidest traditions, and one of my favorite movies. Perhaps a little repetitive day syndrome could strike W like it struck Phil Connors (Bill Murray) in the movie. Like Phil at the beginning of the movie, W is vain, conceited and egotistical. Unlike Phil, W is stupid and thinks he has both political capital and a mandate. So while it took Phil a couple of thousand repetitions to get it right, it would probably take W many times that. Heck, it would probably take him about 100 reps before he noticed that something was wrong! With Stepford Laura and his staff of sycophants, every day is probably pretty much like the next already. It would similarly take him many more times through to reach fear, opportunism (which is a way of life for him anyway), despair and suicide, and finally acceptance and personal growth. But wouldn't it be wonderful if all that happened this morning at 6, and that the person who delivers the State of the Union address tonight would have just spent 20,000 days reviewing his mistakes, reading the books and newspapers he never reads, walking down the streets of Fallujah and seeing what he'd done? Maybe actually review all the top-secret data about 9/11? And after 20,000 practices, he gets up there and delivers a speech which will actually change the world in a good way?

I don't know. Phil Connors had a kernel of decency under his shallow outer shell which the thousands of days were finally able to act on in a positive way. I'm not sure there's any decency in Bush at all. Besides, "Groundhog Day" was just a movie (and a stupid tradition).
