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Monday, February 28, 2005

I wonder where the insurgents got that much explosive

To kill 125 in Hilla. Oh, right. And it wasn't the only violence in Iraq, by a longshot. CNN's report describes bombings elsewhere, the deaths of several American soldiers, a shootout between Iraqi soldiers and Sudanese "militants" in Baghdad, and the bombing of an oil pipeline. I assume that "Operation River Blitz," the military's effort to Fallujacize Ramadi, continues unabated (and unreported in that article).

The New York Times continues its service to empire by calling the attack "the deadliest single attack since the fall of Saddam Hussein in April 2003." Of course, nobody counted the dead in Fallujah from the US assault on that poor city back in November, but it seems clear that far more than 125 people were killed there.

And, no surprise here, the dollar is falling and oil is rising ($51.84, up 35 cents for the day).