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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Symphony of Destruction

From Michelle I learn of US Army Lt. Col. Tim Ryan, who seems determined to redefine the definition of military nutcase:
From where I sit in Iraq, things are not all bad right now. In fact, they are going quite well. We are not under attack by the enemy; on the contrary, we are taking the fight to him daily and have him on the ropes. In the distance, I can hear the repeated impacts of heavy artillery and five-hundred-pound bombs hitting their targets. The occasional tank main gun report and the staccato rhythm of a Marine Corps LAV or Army Bradley Fighting Vehicle's 25-millimeter cannon provide the bass line for a symphony of destruction. As elements from all four services complete the absolute annihilation of the insurgent forces remaining in Fallujah, the area around the former insurgent stronghold is more peaceful than it has been for more than a year.
I think someone should tell Col. Ryan to go to hell, but he's already there. He just doesn't know it yet.