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Monday, January 19, 2004

The half of Iraq that certainly won't be better off now that Saddam is gone...
is the female half. The Iraqi woman who writes Baghdad Burning complains about the proposal that Islamic Sharia law is being endorsed by the Iraqi Governing Council (the US-backed puppet government) as the basis for an Iraqi constitution. While she points out that Sharia isn't necessarily a bad thing--she's a practicing Muslim and believes it to be a religion of great benefit to women--it has been abused by clerics and used to oppress women (think Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the Taliban). She's got a long post on the subject; here's her conclusion:

During the sanctions and all the instability, we used to hear fantastic stories about certain Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar, to name a few. We heard about their luxurious lifestyles- the high monthly wages, the elegant cars, sprawling homes and malls… and while I always wanted to visit, I never once remember yearning to live there or even feeling envy. When I analyzed my feelings, it always led back to the fact that I cherished the rights I had as an Iraqi Muslim woman. During the hard times, it was always a comfort that I could drive, learn, work for equal pay, dress the way I wanted and practice Islam according to my values and beliefs, without worrying whether I was too devout or not devout enough.

I usually ignore the emails I receive telling me to 'embrace' my new-found freedom and be happy that the circumstances of all Iraqi women are going to 'improve drastically' from what we had before. They quote Bush (which in itself speaks volumes) saying things about how repressed the Iraqi women were and how, now, they are going to be able to live free lives.

The people who write those emails often lob Iraq together with Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan and I shake my head at their ignorance but think to myself, "Well, they really need to believe their country has the best of intentions- I won't burst their bubble." But I'm telling everyone now- if I get any more emails about how free and liberated the Iraqi women are *now* thanks to America, they can expect a very nasty answer.