Text from DBA (original edition, omitted from Version 1.1) dealing with large armies and units.


Most real life opposing armies were approximately equal in strength, since an army that was greatly inferior in its own estimation would try to avoid battle until the disparity was redressed. They did not always succeed, and this is most adequately simulated in campaign battles.


The main virtue of DBA apart from simplicity is that it allows the simulation of much bigger battles than practical with conventional rule sets, but using only 12 elements. However, because of the group movement system, it is also possible to use DBA to simulate the same large battles but with 50 or more elements on a larger table, yet without proportionately slowing the game. This requires an adjustment to the conditions for losing, which become:

"The first side that at the end of a bound has lost either its general or 1/3 rounded down of its original elements, and has also lost more than the enemy, loses the battle. A camp still occupied by enemy counts as a loss of 1/6 rounded down of the original number of elements extra to the loss of its camp follower or other garrison. Elements that recoil or flee from a camp or across a board edge are counted as lost, although they may reappear in the next turn of a campaign."

As an extreme example, probably history's largest battle, and certainly the largest of which there is a detailed troop list, was that between Alexander and Darius at Gaugamela near Arbela in 331 BC. Armies for these with one element representing 500 open, 1000 loose or 1500 close formed troops, but neglecting the hordes of Persian levy infantry that took no part in the battle are:

Alexander: 2 3Kn (Companion), 2 3Cv (Thessalian), 2 3Cv (Greek/Mercenary), 1 2LH (Prodromoi), 1 2LH (Paeonian), 1 2LH (Odrysian), 3 4Ax (Hypaspists), 12 4Pk (Phalanx), 2 2Ps (Archers), 4 2Ps (Agrianians and Thracians), 6 4Sp (Greek), 2 4Ax (peltasts), 2 3Ax (Thracians).

Total = 40 elements.

Darius: 4 SCh, 26 3Cv, 12 2LH, 2 4Sp (Greek), 1 4Bw (Guard), 3 4Ax (Kardakes), 1 3Ax (Carian), 2 3Bw (Mardian), 1 El.

Total = 52 elements.

On a similar scale, the largest Byzantine army envisaged by Maurice in the "Strategicon" would be:

1st line: 1 2LH, (Ambushers), 1 2LH (Outflankers), 1 2LH (Flank guards), 5 3Cv (Meros of Vexilationes), 5 3Cv (Meros of Federati), 5 3Cv (Meros of Illyrikiani).

2nd line: 3 3Kn (Taxiarchy of Optimates), 3 Meros each of 3 3Cv.

Rear guard: 2 Moira each of 1 3Cv.

Infantry: 4 Meros each of 3 4Sp, 2 2Ps.

Total = 52 elements.

VARIATION IN TROOP QUALITY Organisers of full scale campaigns may wish to introduce some differences between troops of the same nominal type. If so, when two elements of the same nominal type fight each other, that judged to be worse counts a single extra -1 tactical factor. This will be that which has the largest total of the following disadvantage points:

1 dp if same troop type, but appreciably worse armour.

1 dp if same troop type, but worse, fewer or shorter ranged weapons.

1 dp if same troop type, but inferior morale class and/or less figures per base.

2 dp if any type and fatigued by forced marching, weather or shortage of food or water.

3 dp if any type and own army has acquired less than half as many prestige points as its opponents.

The varying ability of generals in campaign or solo games can be simulated by an addition of +1 to, or deduction of-1 from, movement die scores.


If you wish to use an existing 7th edition army and scales to simulate smaller battles in more detail, we suggest experimenting along the following lines. Use a 6 x 4 foot table and a "found scale of 1 inch = 25p for 25mm and 1 inch = 50p for 15mm. Still use one move die, but add +1 to its score for each subordinate general, and measure distances from each command's own general. Since elements are combined into units or bodies, the move die score gives the number of groups of units or single units or bodies that can be moved. Changing the relative position of units within a group requires single unit moves. Changing formation within a unit or body is a move.

Combat is completed one unit at a time, but by elements as usual in DBA. Use the troop quality variations from the previous section. Add a new tactical factor "+1 if a unit command element in frontal contact". The provision for rear support also changes to become:

Pikes +1 for each extra rank of pikes up to 3.

Spears +1 for a single extra rank of spears.

Blades, spears or auxilia +1 for a single extra rank of that type if contacted frontally by mounted.

Blades, spears, auxilia or bows +1 if a single 2nd to 5th rank is of bows or bow-armed psiloi.

Knights, cavalry or light horse +1 for a single extra rank of psiloi or of bow-armed cavalry or light horse.

When an element flees, all other elements of its body flee. If the cohesion of a body is broken by one or more elements recoiling or being destroyed, its elements move only as individuals until its formation is restored and can only move to form up with another of its elements. If a unit's or body's command element is destroyed, all its other elements are likewise destroyed.