Springhill Nature Preserve -- owned by the Southeast Michigan Land ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Conservancy This 30 acre preserve is an EXCELLENT spot for spring wildflowers. It is on Berry Road, just south of Ford Road and about 3/4 miles east of Prospect Road. There is a large wooden sign marking the property, which is adjacent to a large white house at 3401 Berry Road. There is an easement on the property at 3401 Berry to get to the Preserve, which is largely wooded and contains a wetland area. The preserve is also adjacent to a field that has been farmed. ---- Superior Land Conservancy was established several years ago in Superior Township (just east of Ann Arbor), and has made some great strides, together with the Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy, in land/habitat preservation in the midst of tremendous pressure to develop. Through April 1996 the SLC and SMLC made three land acquisitions (LeFurge Preserve, Springhill Nature Preserve, and Cherry Hill Preserve) in Superior Township. They are working to preserve other natural areas within the Township. Please consider becoming a member of the Superior Land Conservancy to help in this effort! For information about Superior Land Conservancy, call Bill Secrest (the Chairman of the SLC board) at (734) 482-5957, or e-mail Jan Berry at jeberry@umich.edu. For information about the Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy, contact Jack Smiley, President, at Smileysmlc@aol.com.