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makehrtf.c File Reference
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "AL/al.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define DEFAULT_EQUALIZE   (1)
#define DEFAULT_LIMIT   (24.0)
#define DEFAULT_SURFACE   (1)
#define DEFAULT_TRUNCSIZE   (32)
#define EPSILON   (1e-15)
#define FOURCC_DATA   (0x61746164)
#define FOURCC_FMT   (0x20746D66)
#define FOURCC_LIST   (0x5453494C)
#define FOURCC_RIFF   (0x46464952)
#define FOURCC_RIFX   (0x58464952)
#define FOURCC_SLNT   (0x746E6C73)
#define FOURCC_WAVE   (0x45564157)
#define FOURCC_WAVL   (0x6C766177)
#define M_PI   (3.14159265358979323846)
#define MAX_ASCII_BITS   (32)
#define MAX_AZ_COUNT   (128)
#define MAX_BIN_SIZE   (4)
#define MAX_DISTANCE   (2.5)
#define MAX_EV_COUNT   (128)
#define MAX_FFTSIZE   (16384)
#define MAX_HRTD   (63.0)
#define MAX_IDENT_LEN   (16)
#define MAX_LIMIT   (120.0)
#define MAX_PATH_LEN   (256)
#define MAX_POINTS   (8192)
#define MAX_RADIUS   (0.15)
#define MAX_RATE   (96000)
#define MAX_TRUNCSIZE   (128)
#define MAX_WAVE_CHANNELS   (65535)
#define MHR_FORMAT   ("MinPHR01")
#define MIN_ASCII_BITS   (16)
#define MIN_AZ_COUNT   (1)
#define MIN_BIN_BITS   (16)
#define MIN_BIN_SIZE   (2)
#define MIN_DISTANCE   (0.5)
#define MIN_EV_COUNT   (5)
#define MIN_FFTSIZE   (512)
#define MIN_LIMIT   (2.0)
#define MIN_POINTS   (16)
#define MIN_RADIUS   (0.05)
#define MIN_RATE   (32000)
#define MIN_TRUNCSIZE   (8)
#define MOD_TRUNCSIZE   (8)
#define TR_LOAD_SIZE   (TR_RING_SIZE >> 2)
#define TR_RING_BITS   (16)
#define TR_RING_MASK   (TR_RING_SIZE - 1)
#define TR_RING_SIZE   (1 << TR_RING_BITS)
#define WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT   (0x0003)
#define WAVE_FORMAT_PCM   (0x0001)


typedef enum ByteOrderT ByteOrderT
typedef enum ElementTypeT ElementTypeT
typedef struct HrirDataT HrirDataT
typedef ALint int4
typedef enum OutputFormatT OutputFormatT
typedef struct ResamplerT ResamplerT
typedef enum SourceFormatT SourceFormatT
typedef struct SourceRefT SourceRefT
typedef struct TokenReaderT TokenReaderT
typedef unsigned int uint
typedef ALubyte uint1
typedef ALuint uint4


enum  ByteOrderT { BO_NONE = 0, BO_LITTLE, BO_BIG }
enum  ElementTypeT { ET_NONE = 0, ET_INT, ET_FP }
enum  OutputFormatT { OF_NONE = 0, OF_MHR, OF_TABLE }
enum  SourceFormatT {


static void AverageHrirMagnitude (const double *hrir, const double f, const uint ei, const uint ai, const HrirDataT *hData)
static double BesselI_0 (const double x)
static void CalcAzIndices (const HrirDataT *hData, const uint ei, const double az, uint *j0, uint *j1, double *jf)
static double CalcKaiserBeta (const double rejection)
static uint CalcKaiserOrder (const double rejection, const double transition)
static double CalcLTD (const double ev, const double az, const double rad, const double dist)
static void CalculateDfWeights (const HrirDataT *hData, double *weights)
static void CalculateDiffuseFieldAverage (const HrirDataT *hData, const int weighted, const double limit, double *dfa)
static void CalculateHrtds (HrirDataT *hData)
static double Clamp (const double val, const double lower, const double upper)
static double ComplexAbs (const double r, const double i)
static void ComplexExp (const double inR, const double inI, double *outR, double *outI)
static void ComplexMul (const double aR, const double aI, const double bR, const double bI, double *outR, double *outI)
static double * CreateArray (const size_t n)
static void DestroyArray (const double *a)
static void DiffuseFieldEqualize (const double *dfa, const HrirDataT *hData)
static void FftArrange (const uint n, const double *inR, const double *inI, double *outR, double *outI)
static void FftForward (const uint n, const double *inR, const double *inI, double *outR, double *outI)
static void FftInverse (const uint n, const double *inR, const double *inI, double *outR, double *outI)
static void FftSummation (const uint n, const double s, double *re, double *im)
static uint Gcd (const uint a, const uint b)
static void Hilbert (const uint n, const double *in, double *outR, double *outI)
static int HpTpdfDither (const double in, int *hpHist)
static double Kaiser (const double b, const double k)
static double Lerp (const double a, const double b, const double f)
static void LimitMagnitudeResponse (const uint n, const double limit, const double *in, double *out)
static int LoadAsciiSource (FILE *fp, const SourceRefT *src, const uint n, double *hrir)
static int LoadBinarySource (FILE *fp, const SourceRefT *src, const ByteOrderT order, const uint n, double *hrir)
static int LoadSource (SourceRefT *src, const uint hrirRate, const uint n, double *hrir)
static int LoadWaveSource (FILE *fp, SourceRefT *src, const uint hrirRate, const uint n, double *hrir)
static void MagnitudeResponse (const uint n, const double *inR, const double *inI, double *out)
int main (const int argc, const char *argv[])
static ElementTypeT MatchElementType (const char *ident)
static SourceFormatT MatchSourceFormat (const char *ident)
static void MinimumPhase (const uint n, const double *in, double *outR, double *outI)
static void NormalizeHrirs (const HrirDataT *hData)
static int ProcessDefinition (const char *inName, const uint outRate, const uint fftSize, const int equalize, const int surface, const double limit, const uint truncSize, const OutputFormatT outFormat, const char *outName)
static int ProcessMetrics (TokenReaderT *tr, const uint fftSize, const uint truncSize, HrirDataT *hData)
static int ProcessSources (TokenReaderT *tr, HrirDataT *hData)
static int ReadAsciiAsDouble (TokenReaderT *tr, const char *filename, const ElementTypeT type, const uint bits, double *out)
static int ReadBin4 (FILE *fp, const char *filename, const ByteOrderT order, const uint bytes, uint4 *out)
static int ReadBin8 (FILE *fp, const char *filename, const ByteOrderT order, uint8 *out)
static int ReadBinAsDouble (FILE *fp, const char *filename, const ByteOrderT order, const ElementTypeT type, const uint bytes, const int bits, double *out)
static int ReadIndexPair (TokenReaderT *tr, const HrirDataT *hData, uint *ei, uint *ai)
static int ReadSourceRef (TokenReaderT *tr, SourceRefT *src)
static int ReadWaveData (FILE *fp, const SourceRefT *src, const ByteOrderT order, const uint n, double *hrir)
static int ReadWaveFormat (FILE *fp, const ByteOrderT order, const uint hrirRate, SourceRefT *src)
static int ReadWaveList (FILE *fp, const SourceRefT *src, const ByteOrderT order, const uint n, double *hrir)
static void ReconstructHrirs (const HrirDataT *hData)
static void ResampleHrirs (const uint rate, HrirDataT *hData)
static void ResamplerClear (ResamplerT *rs)
static void ResamplerRun (ResamplerT *rs, const uint inN, const double *in, const uint outN, double *out)
static void ResamplerSetup (ResamplerT *rs, const uint srcRate, const uint dstRate)
static double Sinc (const double x)
static double SincFilter (const int l, const double b, const double gain, const double cutoff, const int i)
static int StoreMhr (const HrirDataT *hData, const char *filename)
static int StoreTable (const HrirDataT *hData, const char *filename)
static int StrSubst (const char *in, const char *pat, const char *rep, const size_t maxLen, char *out)
static void SynthesizeHrirs (HrirDataT *hData)
static void TrError (const TokenReaderT *tr, const char *format,...)
static void TrErrorAt (const TokenReaderT *tr, uint line, uint column, const char *format,...)
static void TrErrorVA (const TokenReaderT *tr, uint line, uint column, const char *format, va_list argPtr)
static void TrIndication (TokenReaderT *tr, uint *line, uint *column)
static int TrIsOperator (TokenReaderT *tr, const char *op)
static int TrLoad (TokenReaderT *tr)
static int TrReadFloat (TokenReaderT *tr, const double loBound, const double hiBound, double *value)
static int TrReadIdent (TokenReaderT *tr, const uint maxLen, char *ident)
static int TrReadInt (TokenReaderT *tr, const int loBound, const int hiBound, int *value)
static int TrReadOperator (TokenReaderT *tr, const char *op)
static int TrReadString (TokenReaderT *tr, const uint maxLen, char *text)
static void TrSetup (FILE *fp, const char *filename, TokenReaderT *tr)
static void TrSkipLine (TokenReaderT *tr)
static int TrSkipWhitespace (TokenReaderT *tr)
static int WriteAscii (const char *out, FILE *fp, const char *filename)
static int WriteBin4 (const ByteOrderT order, const uint bytes, const uint4 in, FILE *fp, const char *filename)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define DEFAULT_EQUALIZE   (1)

Definition at line 161 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define DEFAULT_LIMIT   (24.0)

Definition at line 163 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define DEFAULT_SURFACE   (1)

Definition at line 162 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define DEFAULT_TRUNCSIZE   (32)

Definition at line 164 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define EPSILON   (1e-15)

Definition at line 83 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by CalculateDiffuseFieldAverage(), MagnitudeResponse(), MinimumPhase(), and Sinc().

#define FOURCC_DATA   (0x61746164)

Definition at line 171 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadWaveList().

#define FOURCC_FMT   (0x20746D66)

Definition at line 170 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadWaveFormat().

#define FOURCC_LIST   (0x5453494C)

Definition at line 172 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadWaveList().

#define FOURCC_RIFF   (0x46464952)

Definition at line 167 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by LoadWaveSource().

#define FOURCC_RIFX   (0x58464952)

Definition at line 168 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by LoadWaveSource().

#define FOURCC_SLNT   (0x746E6C73)

Definition at line 174 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadWaveList().

#define FOURCC_WAVE   (0x45564157)

Definition at line 169 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by LoadWaveSource().

#define FOURCC_WAVL   (0x6C766177)

Definition at line 173 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadWaveList().

#define M_PI   (3.14159265358979323846)
#define MAX_ASCII_BITS   (32)

Definition at line 142 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

#define MAX_AZ_COUNT   (128)

Definition at line 115 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MAX_BIN_SIZE   (4)

Definition at line 133 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

#define MAX_DISTANCE   (2.5)

Definition at line 124 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MAX_EV_COUNT   (128)

Definition at line 111 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MAX_FFTSIZE   (16384)

Definition at line 146 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define MAX_HRTD   (63.0)

Definition at line 182 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by StoreMhr(), and StoreTable().

#define MAX_IDENT_LEN   (16)

Definition at line 95 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics(), and ReadSourceRef().

#define MAX_LIMIT   (120.0)

Definition at line 150 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define MAX_PATH_LEN   (256)

Definition at line 98 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessDefinition(), and ReadSourceRef().

#define MAX_POINTS   (8192)

Definition at line 107 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MAX_RADIUS   (0.15)

Definition at line 119 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MAX_RATE   (96000)

Definition at line 103 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main(), and ProcessMetrics().

#define MAX_TRUNCSIZE   (128)

Definition at line 154 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define MAX_WAVE_CHANNELS   (65535)

Definition at line 128 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

#define MHR_FORMAT   ("MinPHR01")

Definition at line 186 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by StoreMhr().

#define MIN_ASCII_BITS   (16)

Definition at line 141 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

#define MIN_AZ_COUNT   (1)

Definition at line 114 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MIN_BIN_BITS   (16)

Definition at line 137 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

#define MIN_BIN_SIZE   (2)

Definition at line 132 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

#define MIN_DISTANCE   (0.5)

Definition at line 123 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MIN_EV_COUNT   (5)

Definition at line 110 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MIN_FFTSIZE   (512)

Definition at line 145 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define MIN_LIMIT   (2.0)

Definition at line 149 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define MIN_POINTS   (16)

Definition at line 106 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MIN_RADIUS   (0.05)

Definition at line 118 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessMetrics().

#define MIN_RATE   (32000)

Definition at line 102 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main(), and ProcessMetrics().

#define MIN_TRUNCSIZE   (8)

Definition at line 153 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define MOD_TRUNCSIZE   (8)

Definition at line 158 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by main().

#define TR_LOAD_SIZE   (TR_RING_SIZE >> 2)

Definition at line 91 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by TrLoad().

#define TR_RING_BITS   (16)

Definition at line 86 of file makehrtf.c.

#define TR_RING_MASK   (TR_RING_SIZE - 1)
#define TR_RING_SIZE   (1 << TR_RING_BITS)

Definition at line 87 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by TrLoad().


Definition at line 179 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by DSoundOpenCapture(), DSoundResetPlayback(), MakeExtensible(), and ReadWaveFormat().

#define WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT   (0x0003)

Definition at line 178 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ReadWaveFormat().

#define WAVE_FORMAT_PCM   (0x0001)

Typedef Documentation

typedef enum ByteOrderT ByteOrderT

Definition at line 239 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef enum ElementTypeT ElementTypeT

Definition at line 241 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef struct HrirDataT HrirDataT

Definition at line 246 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef ALint int4

Definition at line 224 of file makehrtf.c.

Definition at line 242 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef struct ResamplerT ResamplerT

Definition at line 247 of file makehrtf.c.

Definition at line 240 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef struct SourceRefT SourceRefT

Definition at line 245 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef struct TokenReaderT TokenReaderT

Definition at line 244 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef unsigned int uint

Definition at line 219 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef ALubyte uint1

Definition at line 222 of file makehrtf.c.

typedef ALuint uint4

Definition at line 225 of file makehrtf.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ByteOrderT

Definition at line 189 of file makehrtf.c.


Definition at line 205 of file makehrtf.c.


Definition at line 212 of file makehrtf.c.


Definition at line 196 of file makehrtf.c.

Function Documentation

static void AverageHrirMagnitude ( const double *  hrir,
const double  f,
const uint  ei,
const uint  ai,
const HrirDataT hData 

Definition at line 1688 of file makehrtf.c.

References CreateArray(), DestroyArray(), FftForward(), i, j, Lerp(), m, MagnitudeResponse(), and NULL.

Referenced by ProcessSources().

static double BesselI_0 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 1034 of file makehrtf.c.

References k, and term.

Referenced by Kaiser().

static void CalcAzIndices ( const HrirDataT hData,
const uint  ei,
const double  az,
uint j0,
uint j1,
double *  jf 

Definition at line 1858 of file makehrtf.c.

References floor(), and M_PI.

Referenced by SynthesizeHrirs().

static double CalcKaiserBeta ( const double  rejection)

Definition at line 1110 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ResamplerSetup().

static uint CalcKaiserOrder ( const double  rejection,
const double  transition 

Definition at line 1100 of file makehrtf.c.

References M_PI.

Referenced by ResamplerSetup().

static double CalcLTD ( const double  ev,
const double  az,
const double  rad,
const double  dist 

Definition at line 1957 of file makehrtf.c.

References cos(), M_PI, and sin().

Referenced by CalculateHrtds().

static void CalculateDfWeights ( const HrirDataT hData,
double *  weights 

Definition at line 1717 of file makehrtf.c.

References M_PI, and sin().

Referenced by CalculateDiffuseFieldAverage().

static void CalculateDiffuseFieldAverage ( const HrirDataT hData,
const int  weighted,
const double  limit,
double *  dfa 

Definition at line 1752 of file makehrtf.c.

References CalculateDfWeights(), CreateArray(), DestroyArray(), EPSILON, i, j, LimitMagnitudeResponse(), m, and NULL.

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static void CalculateHrtds ( HrirDataT hData)

Definition at line 1971 of file makehrtf.c.

References CalcLTD(), e, j, and M_PI.

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static double Clamp ( const double  val,
const double  lower,
const double  upper 

Definition at line 745 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by Kaiser(), and LimitMagnitudeResponse().

static double ComplexAbs ( const double  r,
const double  i 

Definition at line 787 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by MagnitudeResponse().

static void ComplexExp ( const double  inR,
const double  inI,
double *  outR,
double *  outI 

Definition at line 798 of file makehrtf.c.

References cos(), e, and sin().

Referenced by MinimumPhase().

static void ComplexMul ( const double  aR,
const double  aI,
const double  bR,
const double  bI,
double *  outR,
double *  outI 

Definition at line 792 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by MinimumPhase().

static double* CreateArray ( const size_t  n)
static void DestroyArray ( const double *  a)
static void DiffuseFieldEqualize ( const double *  dfa,
const HrirDataT hData 

Definition at line 1803 of file makehrtf.c.

References i, j, and m.

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static void FftArrange ( const uint  n,
const double *  inR,
const double *  inI,
double *  outR,
double *  outI 

Definition at line 812 of file makehrtf.c.

References k, and m.

Referenced by FftForward(), and FftInverse().

static void FftForward ( const uint  n,
const double *  inR,
const double *  inI,
double *  outR,
double *  outI 

Definition at line 888 of file makehrtf.c.

References FftArrange(), and FftSummation().

Referenced by AverageHrirMagnitude(), and Hilbert().

static void FftInverse ( const uint  n,
const double *  inR,
const double *  inI,
double *  outR,
double *  outI 

Definition at line 894 of file makehrtf.c.

References FftArrange(), FftSummation(), and i.

Referenced by Hilbert(), and ReconstructHrirs().

static void FftSummation ( const uint  n,
const double  s,
double *  re,
double *  im 

Definition at line 848 of file makehrtf.c.

References i, k, m, M_PI, pi, and sin().

Referenced by FftForward(), and FftInverse().

static uint Gcd ( const uint  a,
const uint  b 

Definition at line 1080 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ResamplerSetup().

static void Hilbert ( const uint  n,
const double *  in,
double *  outR,
double *  outI 

Definition at line 912 of file makehrtf.c.

References FftForward(), FftInverse(), and i.

Referenced by MinimumPhase().

static int HpTpdfDither ( const double  in,
int hpHist 

Definition at line 756 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by StoreMhr(), and StoreTable().

static double Kaiser ( const double  b,
const double  k 

Definition at line 1069 of file makehrtf.c.

References BesselI_0(), and Clamp().

Referenced by SincFilter().

static double Lerp ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const double  f 

Definition at line 750 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by AverageHrirMagnitude(), and SynthesizeHrirs().

static void LimitMagnitudeResponse ( const uint  n,
const double  limit,
const double *  in,
double *  out 

Definition at line 961 of file makehrtf.c.

References Clamp(), floor(), i, and m.

Referenced by CalculateDiffuseFieldAverage().

static int LoadAsciiSource ( FILE *  fp,
const SourceRefT src,
const uint  n,
double *  hrir 

Definition at line 1640 of file makehrtf.c.

References i, j, NULL, ReadAsciiAsDouble(), and TrSetup().

Referenced by LoadSource().

static int LoadBinarySource ( FILE *  fp,
const SourceRefT src,
const ByteOrderT  order,
const uint  n,
double *  hrir 

Definition at line 1625 of file makehrtf.c.

References i, ReadBinAsDouble(), SEEK_CUR, and SEEK_SET.

Referenced by LoadSource().

static int LoadSource ( SourceRefT src,
const uint  hrirRate,
const uint  n,
double *  hrir 
static int LoadWaveSource ( FILE *  fp,
SourceRefT src,
const uint  hrirRate,
const uint  n,
double *  hrir 

Definition at line 1596 of file makehrtf.c.

References BO_BIG, BO_LITTLE, FOURCC_RIFF, FOURCC_RIFX, FOURCC_WAVE, ReadBin4(), ReadWaveFormat(), and ReadWaveList().

Referenced by LoadSource().

static void MagnitudeResponse ( const uint  n,
const double *  inR,
const double *  inI,
double *  out 

Definition at line 949 of file makehrtf.c.

References ComplexAbs(), EPSILON, i, and m.

Referenced by AverageHrirMagnitude().

static ElementTypeT MatchElementType ( const char *  ident)

Definition at line 2265 of file makehrtf.c.

References ET_FP, ET_INT, and ET_NONE.

Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

static SourceFormatT MatchSourceFormat ( const char *  ident)

Definition at line 2252 of file makehrtf.c.


Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

static void MinimumPhase ( const uint  n,
const double *  in,
double *  outR,
double *  outI 

Definition at line 991 of file makehrtf.c.

References ComplexExp(), ComplexMul(), CreateArray(), DestroyArray(), EPSILON, Hilbert(), i, m, and NULL.

Referenced by ReconstructHrirs().

static void NormalizeHrirs ( const HrirDataT hData)

Definition at line 1937 of file makehrtf.c.

References fabs(), i, and j.

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static int ProcessDefinition ( const char *  inName,
const uint  outRate,
const uint  fftSize,
const int  equalize,
const int  surface,
const double  limit,
const uint  truncSize,
const OutputFormatT  outFormat,
const char *  outName 
static int ReadAsciiAsDouble ( TokenReaderT tr,
const char *  filename,
const ElementTypeT  type,
const uint  bits,
double *  out 

Definition at line 1379 of file makehrtf.c.

References ET_FP, TrIsOperator(), TrReadFloat(), TrReadInt(), and TrReadOperator().

Referenced by LoadAsciiSource().

static int ReadBin4 ( FILE *  fp,
const char *  filename,
const ByteOrderT  order,
const uint  bytes,
uint4 out 

Definition at line 1241 of file makehrtf.c.

References BO_BIG, BO_LITTLE, and i.

Referenced by LoadWaveSource(), ReadBinAsDouble(), ReadWaveFormat(), and ReadWaveList().

static int ReadBin8 ( FILE *  fp,
const char *  filename,
const ByteOrderT  order,
uint8 *  out 

Definition at line 1269 of file makehrtf.c.

References BO_BIG, BO_LITTLE, and i.

Referenced by ReadBinAsDouble().

static int ReadBinAsDouble ( FILE *  fp,
const char *  filename,
const ByteOrderT  order,
const ElementTypeT  type,
const uint  bytes,
const int  bits,
double *  out 

Definition at line 1339 of file makehrtf.c.

References bits, ET_FP, i, ReadBin4(), and ReadBin8().

Referenced by LoadBinarySource(), and ReadWaveData().

static int ReadIndexPair ( TokenReaderT tr,
const HrirDataT hData,
uint ei,
uint ai 

Definition at line 2237 of file makehrtf.c.

References TrReadInt(), and TrReadOperator().

Referenced by ProcessSources().

static int ReadWaveData ( FILE *  fp,
const SourceRefT src,
const ByteOrderT  order,
const uint  n,
double *  hrir 

Definition at line 1488 of file makehrtf.c.

References i, int, ReadBinAsDouble(), SEEK_CUR, and skip.

Referenced by ReadWaveList().

static int ReadWaveFormat ( FILE *  fp,
const ByteOrderT  order,
const uint  hrirRate,
SourceRefT src 
static int ReadWaveList ( FILE *  fp,
const SourceRefT src,
const ByteOrderT  order,
const uint  n,
double *  hrir 

Definition at line 1510 of file makehrtf.c.

References BO_LITTLE, FOURCC_DATA, FOURCC_LIST, FOURCC_SLNT, FOURCC_WAVL, i, ReadBin4(), ReadWaveData(), SEEK_CUR, and skip.

Referenced by LoadWaveSource().

static void ReconstructHrirs ( const HrirDataT hData)

Definition at line 1818 of file makehrtf.c.

References CreateArray(), DestroyArray(), FftInverse(), i, j, MinimumPhase(), and NULL.

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static void ResampleHrirs ( const uint  rate,
HrirDataT hData 

Definition at line 1839 of file makehrtf.c.

References j, ResamplerClear(), ResamplerRun(), and ResamplerSetup().

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static void ResamplerClear ( ResamplerT rs)

Definition at line 1194 of file makehrtf.c.

References DestroyArray(), and NULL.

Referenced by ResampleHrirs().

static void ResamplerRun ( ResamplerT rs,
const uint  inN,
const double *  in,
const uint  outN,
double *  out 

Definition at line 1201 of file makehrtf.c.

References CreateArray(), DestroyArray(), i, and NULL.

Referenced by ResampleHrirs().

static void ResamplerSetup ( ResamplerT rs,
const uint  srcRate,
const uint  dstRate 

Definition at line 1164 of file makehrtf.c.

References CalcKaiserBeta(), CalcKaiserOrder(), CreateArray(), Gcd(), i, int, and SincFilter().

Referenced by ResampleHrirs().

static double Sinc ( const double  x)

Definition at line 1022 of file makehrtf.c.

References EPSILON, fabs(), M_PI, and sin().

Referenced by SincFilter().

static double SincFilter ( const int  l,
const double  b,
const double  gain,
const double  cutoff,
const int  i 

Definition at line 1132 of file makehrtf.c.

References Kaiser(), and Sinc().

Referenced by ResamplerSetup().

static int StoreMhr ( const HrirDataT hData,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 1996 of file makehrtf.c.

References BO_LITTLE, e, HpTpdfDither(), i, int, j, MAX_HRTD, MHR_FORMAT, NULL, WriteAscii(), and WriteBin4().

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static int StoreTable ( const HrirDataT hData,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 2039 of file makehrtf.c.

References HpTpdfDither(), i, int, j, MAX_HRTD, NULL, and WriteAscii().

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static int StrSubst ( const char *  in,
const char *  pat,
const char *  rep,
const size_t  maxLen,
char *  out 

Definition at line 694 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static void SynthesizeHrirs ( HrirDataT hData)

Definition at line 1875 of file makehrtf.c.

References CalcAzIndices(), e, i, j, j1, Lerp(), and M_PI.

Referenced by ProcessDefinition().

static void TrError ( const TokenReaderT tr,
const char *  format,

Definition at line 374 of file makehrtf.c.

References TrErrorVA().

Referenced by ProcessMetrics(), and ProcessSources().

static void TrErrorAt ( const TokenReaderT tr,
uint  line,
uint  column,
const char *  format,
static void TrErrorVA ( const TokenReaderT tr,
uint  line,
uint  column,
const char *  format,
va_list  argPtr 

Definition at line 357 of file makehrtf.c.

References NULL.

Referenced by TrError(), and TrErrorAt().

static void TrIndication ( TokenReaderT tr,
uint line,
uint column 

Definition at line 422 of file makehrtf.c.

References NULL, and TrSkipWhitespace().

Referenced by ProcessMetrics(), ProcessSources(), and ReadSourceRef().

static int TrIsOperator ( TokenReaderT tr,
const char *  op 

Definition at line 432 of file makehrtf.c.

References TR_RING_MASK, and TrSkipWhitespace().

Referenced by ProcessMetrics(), ProcessSources(), ReadAsciiAsDouble(), and ReadSourceRef().

static int TrLoad ( TokenReaderT tr)
static int TrReadFloat ( TokenReaderT tr,
const double  loBound,
const double  hiBound,
double *  value 

Definition at line 536 of file makehrtf.c.

References NULL, TR_RING_MASK, TrErrorAt(), TrLoad(), and TrSkipWhitespace().

Referenced by ProcessMetrics(), and ReadAsciiAsDouble().

static int TrReadIdent ( TokenReaderT tr,
const uint  maxLen,
char *  ident 

Definition at line 458 of file makehrtf.c.

References TR_RING_MASK, TrErrorAt(), TrLoad(), and TrSkipWhitespace().

Referenced by ProcessMetrics(), and ReadSourceRef().

static int TrReadInt ( TokenReaderT tr,
const int  loBound,
const int  hiBound,
int value 
static int TrReadOperator ( TokenReaderT tr,
const char *  op 
static int TrReadString ( TokenReaderT tr,
const uint  maxLen,
char *  text 

Definition at line 624 of file makehrtf.c.

References TR_RING_MASK, TrErrorAt(), TrLoad(), and TrSkipWhitespace().

Referenced by ReadSourceRef().

static void TrSetup ( FILE *  fp,
const char *  filename,
TokenReaderT tr 

Definition at line 308 of file makehrtf.c.

References sort_controllers::filename, and NULL.

Referenced by LoadAsciiSource(), and ProcessDefinition().

static void TrSkipLine ( TokenReaderT tr)

Definition at line 383 of file makehrtf.c.

References TR_RING_MASK, and TrLoad().

Referenced by TrSkipWhitespace().

static int TrSkipWhitespace ( TokenReaderT tr)
static int WriteAscii ( const char *  out,
FILE *  fp,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 1296 of file makehrtf.c.

Referenced by StoreMhr(), and StoreTable().

static int WriteBin4 ( const ByteOrderT  order,
const uint  bytes,
const uint4  in,
FILE *  fp,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 1310 of file makehrtf.c.

References BO_BIG, BO_LITTLE, and i.

Referenced by StoreMhr().