Water Damage

Document Reprocessorsis the company that DPL called when they had water damage; Fort Wayne has also used them and LA public used them after their fire.   Their web page has 24 hour 800 numbers and tips on how to handle the problem immediately.   It gives information for both books and film.

Northeast Document Conservation Center offers advice and help, but not onsite assistance.  They include several online pamphlets on their website.

Emergency Drying  Procedures for Water Damaged Materials (from the LC Preservation Office).

The Univesity of Michigan document: : How to Salvage Wet Books

Walsh, Betty. Salvage operations for water damaged collections.  published in the May 1988 newsletter of the Western Association for Art Conservation contains information on salvage of all types of materials.

The Minnesota Historical Society put some basic procedures for handling water damaged  cloth or  on the web.  They also have instructions for books with vellum or leather covers, as well as for microfiche, roll film and videos and