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2007  Noun Phrases in Creole Languages: A Multi-faceted Approach, co-edited with Jacqueline Guéron, [The Creole Language Library], Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2002  The  Syntax of Cape Verdean Creole: The Sotavento Varieties, [Linguistics Today Linguistik Aktuell 54], Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Nominated for the 2003 Gustav O. Arlt Award in the Humanities. 
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Under review   “Continuum and variation in creole languages: Out of many voices, one language.” Submitted to the Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages.

Under review    “Complementizer-alternation in creole languages: New evidence for Spec-Head agreement.” Co-authored with Miki Obata.  Submitted to the Journal of Linguistics.

Accepted    “On the evolution of verbal and nominal morphology in four lusophone creoles.”  Journal of Canadian Linguistics

To appear   Survey essay on Cape Verdean Creole (Brava variety) for the Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures. Eds: Susanne Michaelis, Philippe Maurer, Magnus Huber and Martin Haspelmath  Oxford University Press.

To appear   Data set on Cape Verdean Creole (Brava variety) for the Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures.  Eds: Susanne Michaelis, Philippe Maurer, Magnus Huber and Martin Haspelmath Web-based Atlas with hard-copy counterpart published by Oxford University Press.

2010     “Cape Verdean Creole in Education: A linguistic and human right.” Co-authored with Inês Brito & Saídu Bangura.  To appear in Creoles and Education , Bettina Migge, Isabelle Léglise and Angela Bartens (eds.).  The Creole Language Library.  Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2009    “Economy, innovation and degrees of complexity in creole formation.” In Complex Processes in New Languages, Enoch Aboh and Norval Smith (eds.). The Creole Language Library. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 293-315.

2008    In the Profession column: “African American English: Connecting Linguistics’ message with a mission.” Co-authored with Robin Queen (Robin Queen as first author).  The Journal of English Linguistics, 36-2.

2007 a.   “On the three –ist theories in creolistics and why they should be put to rest: The case of Réunionnais Creole.” In Mondes Créoles et Francophones [a festschrift in honor of Robert Chaudenson], Patrice Brasseur and Georges Daniel Véronique (eds.). Paris: L’Harmattan, 53-60.

2007 b.   “Feature selection and competition in creole formation: A case study.” Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 13.2.  Paper selected from the conference proceedings of NWAV 35, 38-50.

2007 c.   “Étude comparative des phrases copulatives: Facteurs de variation et ramifications typologiques.”  In Grammaires Créoles et Grammaire Comparative, Anne Zribi-Hertz & Karl Gadelii (eds.), Sciences du Langage.  Vincennes: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 183-208.

2007 d.   “The syntax of Cape Verdean Creole and Guinea-Bissau Creole”.  Co-                            authored with Heliana Mello and Miki Suzuki.  In Comparative Creole Syntax, John Holm and Peter Patrick (eds.), London: Westminster Creolistics Series, Battlebridge, 53-82.

2007 e.   “Properties of noun phrases in creole languages: a synthetic comparative exposition.” In Noun Phrases in Creole Languages: A Multi-faceted Approach, co-edited with Jacqueline Guéron, [The Creole Language Library], Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 459-470.

2007 f.    “On the syntax and semantics of DP in Cape Verdean Creole.” In Noun Phrases in Creole Languages: A Multi-faceted Approach, co-edited with Jacqueline Guéron, [The Creole Language Library], Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 61-106.

2007 g.   “Noun Phrases in creole languages: An introductory overview.” Co-authored with Jacqueline Guéron. In Noun Phrases in Creole Languages: A Multi-faceted Approach, co-edited with Jacqueline Guéron, [The Creole Language Library], Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 3-34.

2007 h.   “Functional deficiency, ellipsis or innovation in creole languages?: A postface.” Co-authored with Jacqueline Guéron. In Noun Phrases in Creole Languages: A Multi-faceted Approach, co-edited with Jacqueline Guéron, [The Creole Language Library], Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 471-483.

2006       “When substrates meet superstrate: The case of Cape Verdean Creole.”
In Cabo Verde - Origens da sua Sociedade e do seu Crioulo -, Jürgen  Lang, John Holm, Jean-Louis Rougé and Maria João Soares (eds.),  Tübingen: Narr.

2005       “New directions in pidgin and creole studies.” Annual Review of Anthropology 34: 33-42.