CV / Resume

cv (revised 2014.09)

Web pages

Dept. of Civil & Env. Engineering, KAIST

University of Michigan Perceptual Robotics Lab (PeRL)

Latex to image coverter by Edwin Olson


"Autonomous robots, vehicles hot topic during annual U-M Robotics Day" , Ann April 9, 2012

Rackham Thesis Template

University of Michigan doctoral degree Latex template. I have modified a template originally written by Jin Ji, 1988, adding subappendices so that having sections in appendix show the correct list of appendices in the front pages. In detail, (1) "loa" changed to "lox" due to the confliction to algorithm and (2) subappendix command was added to match up with the Rackham dissertation guideline. [Download]

Mfile loading/unloading scripts

Mfile is a web storage provided to all UM students and staff. This script allows you to load / unload mfile from nautilus just like your local folder using sshfs.

Required package: $ sudo apt-get install sshfs

Download the zipped two scripts and open to modify for your own uniquename
[load-mfile and unload-mfile]

Useful lines

Access to AFS:

Rename files with numbered files (useful for calibration image generation):
j=1; for i in *.jpg; do mv $i `printf img%04d.jpg $j`; let j++; done

Add ignore items to svn:
svn propedit svn:ignore .