Complexity of Cooperation Web Site

Landscape Theory README

Note: The source code for the programs is in HTML format. To get a plain ASCII text copy of the code, you can either save the page as "text" (and strip off the extraneous text in the header and footer) or save as "source" or "HTML" and extract the text between the <pre> and </pre> tags.
July 20, 1994

This readme file contains a brief outline of the contents of the landscape theory distribution disk.

The disk contains three folders:

1. Programs: The programs folder contains the landscape theory program (Alliance_Sim_v3.13), THINK Pascal source code for the alliance and propensity maker programs, and supporting documentation. To use the alliance program, an input matrix of pairwise propensities is required. The propensity matrix, which is simply an ascii file, can be created with the "propensity maker" program or with a spreadsheet. Questions concerning technical details should be directed to Scott Bennett, Dept of Poli Sci, 107 Burrowes Building, The Pennsylvania State Univ,

University Park, PA 16802-6200. E-mail:

2. Int. Politics Case: This folder contains the material used in "A landscape theory of aggregation", British Journal of Political Science, 23 (1993), 211-233, by Robert Axelrod and D. Scott Bennett. The material includes the propensity maker program Prop_Maker_v3.32.

3. Unix Case: This folder contains material used in "Coalition formation in standard-setting alliances", Management Science, forthcoming (c. 1995), by Robert Axelrod, Will Mitchell, Robert E. Thomas, D. Scott Bennett, and Erhard Bruderer. The material includes the propensity input file ( input data) that was used with the Alliance_Sim_v3.13 program to generate the output analysis file (u9pg01.out output file). The input and output files contain extensive documentation. (The version of the propensity maker used to generate the Unix input data is version 4.00 which is not included. However, propensity files can easily be created in any spreadsheet. See documentation for details.)

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University of Michigan Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Revised November 4, 1996.