from Lickable Moments

August and Alphonse and the Diplomat

     The diplomat dances on navies, railroads, zeppelins, airplanes, pianos, 
and the like.  The diplomat's face is a rubber fly.  In the diplomat's depraved 
mouth perfumed hair vibrates.  Grass grows on his feet.  His hands accumulate the 
sex appeal of crocodiles, the warfare of oranges, and foot-gloves.  He strikes with 
a lightweight dead man and a heavyweight living man.  Anything left over from the 
diplomat is crowned or whatever you care to call it, and put in a famished litter.
     Located at a sufficient height, August and Alphonse live majestic, immense and
sugared.  August the servant and Alphonse the domestic are two venerable cathedrals
crowned with billions of iron flies.  August and Alphonse are two windows facing life.
August and Alphonse are two litters, certified alive, and naked, and meant to carry
electric eyes.  August and Alphonse are objects of pleasure.  Objects of pleasure,
your shaved gloves transport proud iron into the extinct State, depraved and changed
into marmalade.  Objects of pleasure, your hands repeat as many times as will be
necessary the ruthless and sadistic fall of crocodiles, grandmothers, dandies, defen-
estrators, airplanes, flies, cigars, navies, apartments, railroads, regular coffee,
sex appeal, houses, mushrooms, pianos, zeppelins, monuments, and diplomats.  August
the servant and Alphonse the domestic keep on currycombing the long hair of electric
guts.  August's and Alphonse's eyes rub the air and bring over the necessary and
venerable phosphorus.  They break their teeth on decorative objects of iron.  This
is a task for the stylized and certified grandmother of a crocodile.

BACK TO 1945