ARUN AGRAWAL: Curriculum Vitae


Contact Information

School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Dana Building, 430 E. University
Ann Arbor MI 48103

Email: Phone: 734 647 5948.



PhD: Political Science, Duke University, 1986-1992.

MA: Political Science, Duke University, 1986-88.

MBA: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, 1983-85 (Specialization in Development Administration and Public Policy).

BA: History, Delhi University, India, 1980-83.


Work Experience

2008 - current: Professor, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.

September 2003 - 2008: Associate Professor, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan .

2002-2003: Associate Professor. And William Dawson Scholar (Since January 2003), McGill University, Department of Political Science and McGill School of Environment.

July 2000-June 2002: Associate Professor, Yale University, Department of Political Science

July 1997-June 2000: Assistant Professor, Yale University, Department of Political Science.

January 1993-July 1997: Assistant Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville (On leave between Sept. 1995 and July 1997).





-- 1999. Greener Pastures: Politics, Markets, and Community among a Migrant Pastoral People. Durham NC: Duke University Press. (Also jointly published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi).

-- Forthcoming (2005). Environmentality: Technologies of Government and Political Subjects (Duke University Press).



-- 1999. Decentralization in Nepal: A Comparative Perspective. San Francisco: ICS Press.


Edited Volumes

-- 2005. The Future of Nomadic Agro-Pastoralism in South Asia. Special issue, Nomadic Peoples (with Vasant Saberwal).

-- 2003. Regional Modernities: The Cultural Politics of Development. Stanford University Press. (With K. Sivaramakrishnan). (Also published jointly by Oxford University Press, New Delhi in Spring 2003).

-- 2002. Indigenous Knowledge. Invited editor of a Special Issue of International Social Science Journal (September 173). (Published in English, French, and Spanish by UNESCO).

-- 2001. Communities and the Environment: Ethnicity, Gender, and the State in Community-Based  Conservation. Rutgers University Press  (With Clark Gibson).

-- 2000. Agrarian Environments: Resources, Representations and Rule in India. Duke University Press (With K. Sivaramakrishnan). (Also published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi as Social Nature: Resources, Representations, and Rule in India).


Refereed Articles


2009. Place, Conservation, and Displacement. Conservation and Society 7(1)56-58. (with Kent Redford)
2009. Conservation and Displacement: An Overview. Conservation and Society 7(1):1-10. (with Kent Redford)
2008. Changing Governance of the World's Forests. Science 320, 1460-1462. (with Ashwini Chhatre and Rebecca Hardin)
2008. (with Ashwini Chhatre) Forest Commons and Local Enforcement. PNAS vo. 105, no. 36:13286-13291.
2007. State Involvement and Forest Co-Governance: Evidence from the Indian Himalayas. Studies in Comparative Internatinal Development. 42:67-86. (with Ashwini Chhatre)
2007. Fourteen Years of Monitoring Community-Managed Forests: Learning from IFRI's Experience. International Forestry Review 9(2).

2007. A Greener Revolution in Making? Environmental Governance in the 21st Century. Environment

Forthcoming. (2007). Forests, Governance, and Sustainability: Common Property Theory and its Contributins. International Journal of the Commons 1(1).

2006. (with Maria Carmen Lemos) Environmental Governance. Annual Review of Environment and Resources.

2006. Political Science and Conservation Biology: The Dialog of the Deaf? Conservation Biology 20(3): 681-82 (with Elinor Ostrom).

2006. Explaining Success on the Commons: Community Forest Governance in the Indian Himalaya. World Development. (with Ashwini Chhatre)

2005. Decentralized and participation: The governance of common pool resources in Nepal's Terai. World Development 33(7): 1101-14 (with Krishna Gupta)

2005. Environmentality: Community, intimate government and environmental subjects in Kumaon, India. Current Anthropology 46(2), April 2005.

-- 2003. Sustainable Governance of Common-Pool Resources: Context, Methods, Politics. Annual Review of Anthropology 32: 243-62.

-- 2002. Indigenous Knowledges and the Politics of Classification. International Social Science Journal (September, 173): 325-36. (Published in English, French, and Spanish)

-- 2001. Common Property Institutions and Sustainable Governance of Resources. World Development  29(10): 1649-72.

-- 2001. Collective Action, Property Rights and Decentralization in Resource Use in India and Nepal. Politics and Society 29(4): 485-514 (With Elinor Ostrom).

-- 2001. The Regulatory Community: Decentralization and the Environment in the Van Panchayats (Forest Councils) of Kumaon. Mountain Research and Development. 21(3): 208-11.

-- 2001. State Formation in Community Spaces: The Forest Councils of Kumaon. Journal of Asian Studies. 60(1): 1-32.

-- 2001. Group Size and Collective Action: Third Party Monitoring in Common Pool Resources. Comparative Political Studies 34(1): 63-93. (With Sanjeev Goyal).

-- 2001. Common Property Theories and Forest Management in the Indian Himalaya. Contributions to Indian Sociology (n.s.). 35(2): 181-212.

-- 2000. Environmental Orientalisms. Cultural Critique. #45: 71-108. (With  S. Sawyer).

-- 2000. Transboundary Resources and Adaptive Management. Environmental Conservation. 27(4): 326-33.

-- 1999. Accountability in Decentralization: A Framework with South Asian and West African cases. Journal of Developing Areas 33(Summer): 473-502. (with Jesse Ribot).

-- 1999. Enchantment and Disenchantment: The Role of Community in Natural Resource Conservation. World Development. 27(4): 629-49. (With Clark Gibson). (Reprinted in Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Water Systems, edited by Aaron Wolf. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar).

-- 1998. Profits on the Move: The Raika Shepherds of Western India. Human Organization 57(4): 469-79.

-- 1997. The Politics of Development and Conservation: The Legacy of Colonialism. Peace and Change 22(4): 463-82.

-- 1997. How do Local Institutions Mediate the Impact of Market and Population Pressures on Resource Use. Development and Change 28(3): 435-65 (With Gautam Yadama).

-- 1997. Shepherds and their Leaders among the Raikas of India: A Principal-Agent Perspective. Journal of Theoretical Politics 9(2): 235-63 (Reprinted in Polycentric Games and Institutions, edited by Michael D McGinnis. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).

-- 1996. Poststructuralist Approaches to Development: Some Reflections. Peace and Change 21(4): 464-77.

-- 1996. The Community versus the Market and the State. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 9(1): 1-15.
-- 1995. Dismantling the Divide between Indigenous and Western Knowleddge. Development and Change. 26(3): 413-39.

-- 1994. Mobility and Control among Nomadic Shepherds:  The Case of the Raikas, II. Human Ecology 22(2): 131-44.

-- 1993. Mobility and Cooperation among Nomadic Shepherds: The Case of the Raikas. Human Ecology, 21(3): 261-79.


Book Chapters

-- Forthcoming (2007). Decentralization and community-based forestry: Learning from experience. In Decentralization, Forests, and Rural Communities (eds.) Ganesh Shivakoti and Edward Webb. New Delhi: Sage Publications (with Elinor Ostrom)

-- Forthcoming (2007). Recentralizing while decentralizing: How national governments re-appropriate forest resources. In Globalization and Self-Determination. Edited by Gustav Ranis and David Cameron. Pp. 301-31. New York: Routledge.

-- 2006. Environmental Transformations and the Values of Modernity. In Forging Environmentalism: Justice, Livelihood, and Contested Environments. Pp. 347-59. Edited by Joanne Bauer. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe

-- 2005. The Politics of Indigenous Knowledge. In Australian Indegenous Knowledge and Libraries, edited by Martin Nakata and Marcia Langton. Kingston: AARL

-- 2005. The Indian Parliament as an Institution of Accountability. In India's Political Institutions. Eds. Devesh Kapoor and Pratap C. Mehta. Delhi: Oxford University Press.

-- 2003. Regional Modernities. In Regional Modernities: Cultural Politics of Development. Eds. K. Sivaramakrishnan and Arun Agrawal. Stanford University Press. Fall 2003. (With K. Sivaramakrishnan).

-- 2003. Indigenous Decision-making and  Hierarchy in Migrating Pastoralist Collectives: The Raikas of Western India. In Nomadism in South Asia, edited by Aparna Rao and Michael Casimir. Pp. 419-47. Delhi: Oxford University Press.

-- 2002 Environmental Capacity Building: India’s Democratic Politics and Environmental Management in Capacity Building in National Environmental Policy: A Comparative Study of 17 Countries, edited by Helmut Weidner and Martin Janicke, pp. 239-60, Berlin: Springer-Verlag (with Noriko Yokozuka).

-- 2002. Common Resources and Sustainable Governance.  In Institutions for Managing the Commons. (eds) Elinor Ostrom, Thomas Dietz, Nives Dolsak, Paul Stern, Susan Stonich, and Elke Weber. Pp. 41-85, Washington DC: NAS Press (longer revised version of the paper published in World Development under the title “Common Property Institutions and Sustainable Governance of Resources”)

-- 2001. Agrarian Environments. In Agrarian Environments: Risks, Representations, and Rule in India. Eds. Arun Agrawal and K. Sivaramakrishnan. Pp. 1-22. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. (With K. Sivaramakrishnan.

-- 2000. Community and Natural Resource Conservation. In Nature, Production, Power: Towards an Ecological Political Economy. Pp. 35-55. Eds. Fred Gale and R. Michael McGonigle. London, UK: Edward Elgar.

-- 2000. Small is Beautiful but is Larger Better: Forest Management Institutions in the Kumaon Himalaya, India. In Clark Gibson, Margaret A. McKean, and Elinor Ostrom (eds) People and Forests: Communities, Institutions, and Governance. pp. 57-85. Cambridge: MIT Press.

-- 1999. Community-in-Conservation: Tracing the Outlines of an Enchanting Concept. In Roger Jeffrey and Nandini Sundar (eds)  A New Moral Economy for India's Forests: Discourses of Community and Participation. pp. 92-108. New Delhi : Sage Publications.

-- 1998. Not Having One’s Cake, Nor Eating It: Intellectual Property and Indigenous Knowledges. (In German). In Michael Flitner / Christoph Goerg / Volker Heins (eds) Die politische Entwicklung der Natur: Neue Konflikte um Biologische Ressourcen. Opladen: Leske & Budrich.

-- 1994. Rules, Rule-making and Rule-breaking. In Rules and Games, E. Ostrom, R. Gardner and J. Walker. pp. 267-82. East Lansing: Michigan University Press.


Other Publications

-- 2007. Conservation and Displacement. In Protected Areas and Displacement. Working Paper #29. New York: Wildlife Conservation Society.

-- 2006. Decentralization and Environmental Conservation: Gender Effects of Participation in Joint Forest Management. CAPRi Working Paper, Washington DC: CAPRi (with Gautam Yadama, Raul Andrade, and Ajoy Bhattacharya).

-- 2006. Poverty, Development, and Biodiversity Conservation: Shooting in the Dark? WCS Working Paper #26. Bronx, NY: WCS.

-- 2002. Resource Institutions. Entry in the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Eds. Neil Smelser and Paul Baltes.

-- 2000. The Ethnographer’s Kaliyugaya: A comment. Current Anthropology.

-- 1997. Community-in-Conservation. Paper prepared for the Ford Foundation and the Conservation and Development Forum. University of Florida, Gainesville.

-- 1995. Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge: Some Critical Comments. Comments and response in Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 3(3-4), 4(1-2).

-- 1995. Population Pressure=Resource Degradation: An Oversimplistic equation? Unasylva. 46(2): 50-58.

-- 1994. I Don't Need it But You Can't Have it: Analyzing Institutional Conflicts Between Farmers and Pastoralists. Pastoral Development Network 36a, London: ODI, pp. 36-55.

-- 1993. Patenting Gene Fragments. Economic and Political Weekly 28(22): 1089-93.

-- 1992. The Grass is Greener on the Other Side," IIED Issues Paper, London: Overseas Development Institute.


Under Review


Work in Progress

-- Book manuscript entitled: Environmental Politics and Institutional Choice: Forestry and Wildlife Policies in the Developing World. (A study of environmental policy change during 1980-2000 in 58 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America). Dataset nearly complete. First draft of five chapters completed.

-- Book manuscript entitled: Resources and Governance: Property and Poverty in Himachal Pradesh, India (with Ashwini Chhatre). Dataset complete, Four chapters in draft form.


Selected Awards, Grants, and Honors

2007-11: NSF, CNH: "Environmental Governance, Forests, and Logging Concessions: The Effects of Institutional Complexity on Forest Systems, Cover and Change in Central Africa." (1,497K)

2006-09: NSF: "HSD Supplemental Grant Proposal on Human Environmental Systems Interactions." (44K)

2006-09: MacArthur Foundation "Training and Capacity Building for IFRI" (305K)

2005-08: Program in Human-Environmental Systems Interactions. National Science Foundation. (with Co-PI's: Dan Brown and Rick Riolo). (497K)

2004-06: Collaborative Research on Community Management of Forests in Developing Countries. Ford Foundation (with Elinor Ostrom and Krister Andersson). 300K.

2003-04: William Dawson Scholar, McGill University, Canada.

2003-2006: Institutional Regimes and Their Impact on Resource Management Outcomes in Himachal Pradesh, India. Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Canada. (CA$ 124K)

2001-2004: Globalization and Self Determination. Carnegie Foundation (With Geoffrey Garrett and Gustav Ranis) (US$450K)

2001-02: Visiting Fellow, Center for International Affair, Harvard University.

2000-2001: Senior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University.

2000-03: Grant from the MacArthur Foundation to investigate decentralization and community based resource management (with Elinor Ostrom) (US$455K)

1999: Arthur Greer Memorial Research Prize in social and natural sciences for junior faculty at Yale University.

1999-2002: Rethinking Area Studies. Ford Foundation (with Gustav Ranis, Patricia Pessar, and Eric Worby) (US$155K).

1999-2002: Property Rights and Resource Condition. National Science Foundation (US$85K).

1999-2001: NGO Research Training Consortium grant, DfID, England. (With David Mosse), in collaboration with Center for Development Studies, Swansea. (US$220K) (Withdrawn from collaboration in 2000).

1997-2000: Grants from MacArthur Foundation (US$330K), UNDP (US$75K), and FAO (US$48K) to study Forest Management in Arunachal Pradesh, India and Nepal, and Decentralization of Development Administration in Nepal (With Elinor Ostrom).

1996-97: Post-doctoral Fellow, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington.

1995-96: Senior Scholars fellowship from the American Institute for Indian Studies (AIIS) to carry out fieldwork in India on indigenous knowledge of nomadic pastoralists (12K).

1995-96: Postdoctoral fellowship, Program in Agrarian Studies, Yale University.

1995-98: Research grant from the Aspen Institute, to support ongoing research on democratic consolidation and voluntarism in India (US$38K).

1994-95: Advanced Research Grant from the Social Science Research Council, USA, to support research on community-based forest management in the Indian Himalayas (US$15K).

1993: "Best Dissertation in Political Economy" Award from the American Political Science Association.

1991-93: Ciriacy-Wantrup post doctoral fellowship from the University of California at Berkeley.

1991-95: Research Grant from the World Wildlife Fund, USA (US$25K) to study local institutions and resource use in Indian and Bhutanese Himalayas. (Report submitted).

1990: Research Grant from International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London to study the migration patterns of Raikas, shepherds in India. (Report Submitted)

1989-90: Population Council Fellowship for dissertation field research.

1989-90: Dissertation research grant from Forest History Society. (Postponed until 1990-91).

1989: Dissertation Research Grant from Institute for the Study of World Politics (Not availed).



Field Experience

1985-86: 13 months in India among NGOs in seven states.

1987: Two months in India on role of grassroots development organizations in social forestry programs.

1989-90: 12 months in the Thar Desert and the Western Himalayas in India on role of community institutions in the use of commonly owned fodder and fuel resources.

1990: 4 months in the Thar Desert in India on the Raika migrant shepherd community.

1990: 3 weeks in Bhutan on indigenous institutions of forest resource use.

1992: 2 months in India among Raika shepherds.

1993: 2 months in Western Himalayas in India on village Forest Councils.

1997: 2 months in India and the Nepal Middle Himalaya.

1998: 3 weeks in Nepal.

2000: 1 month in Nepal

2002: 1 month in India and Nepal Middle Himlaya


Selected Invited Presentations

2007 April: Forest commons, biodiversity, climate change, and livelihoods. Ecology/Evolution seminar series, University of California, Davis.

2007: Do people matter in social science analyses of the environment? Paper presented at the Univesity of Otago New Zealand (March), Harvard University (April).

2007 Frebruary: Community institutions and resource governance. Paper presented at the World Bank, Social Development Conference on Mobilizing Rural Institutions. February 12.

2006 June: Environmental Governance, Community, and Pluralism. Paper presented at the Conference on "Facing social transformations in the 21st century: A conference on inequality, pluralism and environment. UNESCO-CERES, Utrecht University, 29-30 June.

2006: "Conservation and Displacement." WCS Workshop. White Oaks, Florida.

2006 May: "Institutional Choice and Resource Governance." CASA, Stanford University.

2006 April: "Qualitative Analysis of Regression Residuals." CID, Kennedy School, Harvard University.

2006 February: "Field research, science, and ethics: The role of radomized field trials in research on sustainable development." SSRC workshop, Cambridge.

2006 February: "Environmental Governance." CID, Kennedy School, Harvard University.

2005 December: "Property Rights, Politics, and Renewable Resource Governance in Developing Countries: 1980-2000. USAID, Washington DC.

2005 October: "The Making of Environmental Subjects," SED Group. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge.

2005 December: "Indigenous Power/Knowledge." Program in Agrarian Studies, Yale University.

2005 December: Field Research, Science, and Ethics. FES, Yale.

2005 October: "Environmentality." World Bank, Washington DC.

2005 January and February: Poverty Alleviation and Biodiverity Conservation, Biodiversity: Science and Governance conference, Paris; MacArthur Foundation, Arizona meeting.

2005 January: Chair and paper presenter: Biodiversity and appropriation regimes, UNESCO, Paris.

2004 June: Indigenous Knowledge and Power (Plenary Speaker), International Conference on Ethnobiology, Kent University, UK.

2004 June: Decentralization of resource policies in the developing world, 1980-2005. Two seminars on presented at the CHAOS-Cambridge University Press seminar series at University of Washington, Seattle.

2002 October: Making Ethnic Subjects. Laboratory in Comparative Ethnic Processes (LiCEP), UCLA.

2001 October: Reconfiguring the Politics of Nature. Columbia University.

2001 March: Environmentality: An Introduction. South Asian Studies and SNRE, University of Michigan.

2001 February: The Indian Parliament: Political Institutions in India conference, CFIA, Harvard University.

2000 December: Relevance of Common Property to Public Policy, LEAD-Mexico seminar, El Colegio de Mexico.

2000 November: State formation and Resource Management. Institute for Globalization Studies, University of Minnesota.

2000 September: The Visible Hand: Markets and Exchange among Raika Migrant Shepherds in India. History Department Workshop, Princeton University.

2000 September: Sustainability on the Commons. National Academy of Sciences, Pocantico, New York.

2000 March: Group Size and Collective Action: Third Party Monitoring of Common Pool Resources. South Asian Studies Colloquium, Harvard University.

1999 November: Environmentality: Forest politics in Kumaon, 1860-2000. Environmental Studies, Emory University.

1999 June: Transboundary Parks and Adaptive Management. IUCN, Montreal, Canada.

1999 June: Devolution, Collective Action, and Forest Management: India and Nepal. CGIAR, Philippines. (With Elinor Ostrom).

1999 April: State Formation in Community Spaces: The Forest Councils of Kumaon. Environmental Politics Seminar Series, University of California Berkeley.

1998 October: The Production of Community-in-Conservation: The Forest Councils of Kumaon. Program in Agrarian Studies, Yale University, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK; and  ISEC, Bangalore, India.

1998 June: Science, Indigenous Knowledge, and Power. School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

1997 April: Community-in-Conservation: Beyond Enchantment and Disenchantment, Second Board Meeting of the Conservation and Development Forum, Georgia, USA.

1997 February: Forests, Institutions and Resource Use: Elements of a Research Program, NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh, India.

1996 September: Community: Tracing the Outlines of a Seductive Concept, Colloquium Series, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington.

1996 June: Dismantling the Divide between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge, New York Botanical Gardens, New York.

1996 April: Papers presented to the Political Economy Group at University of Texas at Austin on poststructuralism and development, and to the South Asian Studies Department on subaltern politics around grazing commons.

1996 April: "Not having one's cake nor eating it: Intellectual property and indigenous knowledge." Program in Agrarian Studies, Yale University.

1996 March: "Common Property Discourse and Forest Management in the Indian Himalayas: A Critical Assessment" Conference on "Participation, People, and Sustainable Development," Rampur, Nepal.


Selected Paper Presentations

-- Institutions, co-governance, and forests in the Indian Himalaya. Paper presented at the 10th IASCP Conference, Bali, Indonesia, June 22-26, 2006. (with Ashwini Chhatre)

-- Forests, Governance, and Sustainability: Common Property Theory and its Contributions. Paper presented at the 10th IASCP Conference, Bali, Indonesia, June 22-26, 2006.

-- Environmentality: Technologies of Government and the Making of subjects, McGill University, Indiana University, and University of Michigan. (January and February 2003).

-- Forests of Statistics: Colonial Environmental Knowledges. APSA, September 2002.

-- Decentralization and Participation: The Governance of Common Pool Resources in Nepal’s Terai. IFRI, Nairobi. June 2002. (With Krishna Gupta).

-- The Decentralizing State: Nature and Origins of Changing Environmental Policies in Africa and Latin America, 1980-2000" APSA September 2001.

-- Decentralization, Collective Action, and Resource Management in South Asia. APSA, September 2000. (With Elinor Ostrom).

-- Conservation’s visions: participatory resource management in Nepal’s Terai, and Sustainability on the commons, IASCP, Bloomington Indiana, May 2000 (in a double panel I organized, and in a panel organized by the National Academy of Sciences.

-- State Formation in Community Spaces: Forest Management in Kumaon Himalaya, APSA, September 1998 (in a double panel co-organized with C. Gibson).

-- Power, Institutions, and the Everyday: The Forest Councils of Kumaon. IASCP, June 1998 (In a double panel co-organized with Jesse Ribot).

-- There is no Global: NGOs, Development and Democracy in India, South Asian Studies Meetings, October 16-19, 1997 (in a double panel co-organized with Sangeeta Luthra)

-- Poststructuralist Approaches to Development: Some Critical Reflections, APSA, September 1996 (in a panel co-organized with C. Boone).

-- Subaltern Politics Around the Grazing Commons, Paper presented at the Asian Studies Meetings, April 11-14, 1996 (in a double panel co-organized with Akhil Gupta).


Conferences and Colloquia Series Organized

1997: Agrarian Environments (with K. Sivaramakrishnan, at Yale University). Papers presented at the workshop have been published as an edited volume, Agrarian Environments by Duke University Press.

1998: Regional Modernities in Stories and Practices of Development. (With K. Sivaramakrishnan, at Yale University). A selection of the papers presented at this workshop are being published in a collection of essays, Regional Modernities. Stanford University Press.

1999-2000: Decentralization and Development (With Jessica Stites and Maria Murillo at Yale University). Selected papers presented at the colloquium have been brought together as an edited volume to be submitted for publication.

1999: Training program in Forest Management and Institutions, Kathmandu Nepal.

2000: The Nation-State, Development, and Decentralization (With Gautam Yadama at Washington University, St. Louis).

2000: Social Movements and Development (with Rachel Seher at Yale University).

2000: Environment and Development: Power and Place (With Eric Worby and Rebecca Hardin at Yale University).

2000: Agrarian Studies 2000 Conference (With James C. Scott).

2000-2001: South Asianist Speakers at Yale.


Reports Prepared

2006. Evaluation report for the Rights and Responsibilties Cooperative Agreement between WRI and USAID; and a paper on "The Future of Natural Resource Governance."

2003: Wildlife Conservation Society: Assessing the Requirements for Growth in the International Program. Report Submitted to the Wildlife Conservation Society, New York. (With Steven Cobb).

1999: Conservation with Communities: Parks and People Program in Nepal. Report submitted to the United Nations Development Program, Nepal.

1998: Decentralization in Comparative Perspective: The Participatory District Development Program in Nepal. Report submitted to the United National Development Program, Nepal.

1991: The Grass is Greener on the Other Side, Report submitted to the International Institute for Environment and Development, London.

1989: Voluntary Organizations and Afforestation Programs in India, Report submitted to the Center for Philanthropy and Voluntarism, Duke University.

1986: Effectiveness of Voluntary Organizations in India, report submitted to the Indo-German Social Service Society, India.



-- Coordinator: International Forestry Resources and Institutions Program (2006 onward)

-- Associate Editor: Journal of Asian Studies (2006-08)

-- Member, IDRF selection committee, Social Science Research Souncil (2006-08)

-- Member, Selection panel for fellowships, American Institute of Indian Studies (2005-07)

-- Member, evaluation panel for MacArthur Foundation's Research and Writing grants (2004).

-- Member, Political Science Advisory Panel (2003-05), National Science Foundation.

-- Member, Editorial Board, Conservation and Society, Human Ecology, and Studies in Comparative International Development.

-- Member, South Asia Council Program Committee, Association for Asian Studies (2002-04).

-- Member, LiCEP (Laboratory in Comparative Ethnic Processes) 2002-03

-- Member, Holdeen Board of Advisers, UUA (2001-03)

-- Member, Franklin L. Burdette Pi Sigma Alpha Award Committee to select the best paper presented at APSA, 2001.

-- Member, Executive Council, International Association for the Study of Common Property, 2000-2003.

-- Member of the Scientific Planning Committee of the IDGC project (International Human Dimensions Program), 1997-98. While I was a member of this committee, the IDGC project issued two reports on questions of scale and social institutions in global environmental change.

-- Member of the committee to judge Best Article in Comparative Politics for 1996-97 (American Political Science Association).

-- Member of the executive committee of the Political Economy Section in 1994-95 (American Political Science Association).

-- Member of the committee to judge the "Best Dissertation in Political Economy, 1994-95 (American Political Science Association).

-- Panel organizer at meetings of the American Political Science Association, International Association for the Study of Common Property, Association for Asian Studies, and South Asian Studies Association.

-- Book Reviewer for Chicago, Columbia, Duke, Princeton, and Yale University Presses, Plenum Press.

-- Article reviewer for Ambio, American Anthropologist, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Asian Survey, Bioscience, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Comparative Political Studies, Conservation Biology, Conservation Ecology, Cultural Anthropology, Current Anthropology, Development and Change, Economic Geography, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Human Ecology, Human Organization, Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Peace and Change, Society and Natural Resources, Studies in Comparative International Development, Unasylva, and World Development.

-- Grants and proposals reviewer for the Conservation International, MacArthur Foundation, National Science Foundation, Research Council of Norway, Shastri Institute, Canada, Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Social Science Research Council, and Wildlife Conservation Society.


Teaching and Courses


Social Theory and the Environment, Politics of Natural Resources; Imperialism, Conservation and Development; Common Property Resources; Politics of Development; Politics of Agrarian Societies; Analytic Comparative Politics, Environment and Development, Qualitative Research Methods, Politics and Change in South Asia.


Introduction to Comparative Politics; Politics of Development and Environment; Modernity and Ethnicity; Introduction to Asian Politics; Indian Politics, Environment and Development, Society and Environment, Environmental Research.


Graduate Supervision

PhD Students

1. Cassandra Moseley. Department of Political Science, Yale University (Dissertation title: New Ideas, Old Institutions: Environment, Community, and State in the Pacific Northwest).

2. Allen Carlson. Department of Political Science, Yale University (Dissertation title: Constructing a New Great Wall: Chinese Foreign Policy and the Norm of State Sovereignty).

3. Steve Rhee. School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, Yale University. Currently conducting field research.

4. Curtis Lambrecht, Department of Political Science, Yale University. Currently conducting field research.

5. Christopher Thoms, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan (currently writing up dissertation).